Wednesday, October 31, 2012

State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson to Visit Henry High, Where Model Career Programs Underscore Need to Prevent Further Funding Cuts

Reporters and editors: You are invited to the event tomorrow with Supt. Torlakson. He will be visiting classrooms and you are welcome to photograph students as he tours Room 416 and during the town hall meeting.

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

On 10/31/12 11:56 AM, "COMMUNICATIONS" <<>> wrote:

[Description: News Advisory]


CONTACT: Giorgos Kazanis


PHONE: 916-319-0818

October 31, 2012


State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson to Visit Henry High, Where Model Career Programs Underscore Need to Prevent Further Funding Cuts

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson will continue his month-long statewide tour Thursday morning in San Diego with a visit to Henry High School. The tour highlights innovative career technical programs that are helping prepare students for jobs in the 21st century economy, programs that could be at risk under further education funding cuts.
The "Strong Schools for a Strong Economy" tour is a partnership with California School Boards Association President Jill Wynns, along with teachers, parents, administrators, and school employees underscoring the link between California's education system and the future of its economy.
In addition to Wynns, Torlakson will be joined by:

* Bill Kowba, Superintendent, San Diego Unified;
* Dr. John Lee Evens, President, San Diego Unified School Board;
* Kevin Beiser, San Diego Unified School Board Member; and
* Bill Freeman, President, San Diego Educator Association.


Thursday, November 1, 2012


10 a.m.


Henry High, 6702 Wandermere Drive, San Diego

# # # #

The California Department of Education (CDE) is a state agency led by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson. For more information, please visit<> or by mobile device at You may also follow Superintendent Torlakson on Twitter at and Facebook at

Dexter Fernandez, Office Technician
California Department of Education, Communications Division
1430 N Street, Suite 5602, Sacramento, CA 95814
Main: 916-319-0818; Direct: 916-319-0817; Fax: 916-319-0100
E-Mail:<>; URL:<>

Friday, October 26, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY - Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School
District, Oct. 26, 2012

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at

Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that
means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public
is not. These are generally items during the school day.

* Indicates new items added since last week.

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.


26-27 -- San Diego High School All-Class Reunion, Friday and Saturday, San
Diego High School and other locations. The annual All-Class Reunion brings
Cavers from all over to the school, one of the nation's oldest high
school. Activities include a special alumni section at Friday's 7 p.m.
football game in Balboa Stadium. Saturday at 8:30 a.m., four alums will be
inducted into San Diego High School's Hall of Fame: Shirley High Hayes
Kovac, '45; Mort C. Jorgensen MD, '51; Carol Ortman Perkins, Ph.D., '60;
and Diana McCann Cammack, PhD., '62. Contact: Nancy Hansen, (619)
231-8982; or Sonny Morper, Open to the public.

27 -- Benchley/Weinberger Elementary School Halloween Happening, 3-7 p.m.,
Benchley/Weinberger Elementary School, 6269 Twin Lake Dr. (92119). It's a
community EXTRAVAGANZA of Halloween fun: DJ, games, costume contest, food,
dancing, haunted house, and activities for the whole family. Live music
performed by the band, "Night School." Contact MC Patton, Principal,
619-463-9271, Open to the public.

27 -- Holmes Elementary Halloween Carnival, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Holmes
Elementary School, 4902 Mt. Ararat Dr. (92111). Traditional fun and games,
including the famous cake walk, sponsored by the PTA. Contact: Stacy
Coulter, PTA Carnival Chair, Stacy Coulter, (858) 292-5222. Open to the

27 -- Sunset View Elementary 54th Annual Halloween Carnival, 3:30-7:30
p.m., Sunset View Elementary School, 4365 Hill St. (92107). Class booths,
a cake decorating contest and bake sale with pikes and cupcakes, games and
loads of other fun activities will be happening at the school, a tradition
dating to 1958. Contact: Jacquelyn McCabe, Principal, (619) 223-7156. Open
to the public.


3 -- All-Staff Glee Sing Out, 7-9 p.m., Madison High School, 4833 Doliva
Dr. (92117). Tickets are $10 and proceeds benefit visual and performing
arts programs in the San Diego Unified School District. The evening will
feature SDUSD Glee Club Singers, Marshall Middle School Singers, Mira Mesa
High School Madrigals, a silent auction, and surprise guests. Contact: Dr.
Karen Childress-Evans, VAPA Director, 858-539-5349. Open to the public.

3 -- JROTC Massing of the Colors and Service of Remembrance, 10:30 a.m.,
Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park. San Diego Unified JROTC students
will be participating in this inspiring patriotic service that is a
tribute to our flags, those serving our nation and those who sacrificed
their lives in the defense of our freedom. The San Diego chapter of the
Military Order of World Wars organizes the annual event. Contact: Lt. Col.
(retired) David Guzman, JROTC Program Manager, (858) 496-8203. Open to the

5 -- Pt. Loma Cluster Schools Board meeting, 6:30 p.m., Correia Middle
School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents, students and community members
are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational issues at
the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools in the Pt.
Loma cluster are: Barnard, Cabrillo, Dewey, Loma Portal, Ocean Beach,
Silver Gate and Sunset View elementary schools; Correia and Dana middle
schools; Pt. Loma High School. Contact: Matt Spathas, President, Open to the public.

12 -- San Diego High Cluster Council Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 1405 Park Blvd.
(92101). Parents, students and community members are invited to attend
this meeting, which discusses educational issues at the high school and
its middle and elementary schools. Schools in the San Diego High cluster
are: Birney, Burbank, Emerson-Bandini, Florence, Garfield, Grant,
Jefferson, Kimbrough, McKinley, Rodriguez, Sherman and Washington
elementary schools; Golden Hill, Logan and Perkins K-8s; Memorial and
Roosevelt middle schools; ALBA, Early-Middle College and Garfield
alternative schools; and San Diego High School complex. Contact: Jennifer
Roberson, Principal, San Diego High MVPA, Open to the

12 -- Veterans Day Holiday, All schools and offices closed.

12 -- JROTC Drill Competition and 26th Annual Veteran¹s Day Parade, 8
a.m., County Administration Building, 1600 Pacific Highway (92101).
Students from district high schools in the JROTC programs will be holding
a drill competition, then pay tribute to veterans by marching in the
annual Veterans Day Parade down Pacific Highway. Drill competition starts
at 8 a.m.; the parade at 11 a.m. Contact: Lt. Col. (retired) David Guzman,
JROTC Program Manager, (858) 496-8203. Open to the public.

14 -- Garfield High School Thanksgiving in the Prado, 12 p.m., Prado
Restaurant, Grand Ballroom, 1549 El Prado (92101). 15th Annual Garfield
High School thanksgiving Gourmet Luncheon is being prepared by the
Garfield High School ROP Culinary Arts and Hospitality, Tourism and
Recreation students, along with the chefs from The Prado restaurant. This
is a fundraiser sponsored by the Garfield High School Foundation.
Proceeds will benefit the students of Garfield High School. Tickets are
$40 in advance by 11/5 or $50 at the door. For more information and
reservations, please contact Karlene Dockery, 858-484-1597,

15 -- National Parent Involvement Day

15 -- Kearny Cluster of Schools Meeting, 4:30 p.m., Construction Tech
Academy, Kearny High School, 7651 Wellington St. (92111). Parents,
students and community members are invited to attend this meeting, which
discusses educational issues at the high school and its middle and
elementary schools. Schools in the Kearny cluster are: Angier, Carson,
Chesterton,Cubberley, Fletcher, Jones, Juarez, Linda Vista, Ross and
Wegeforth elementary schools; Montgomery and Taft middle schools; Kearny
High Educational Complex, San Diego Met High School and Twain Alternative
High School. Contact: Laura Bellofatto, Principal, Kearny Construction
Tech Academy, (858) 496-8370. Open to the public.

15 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 6 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive, San Diego (92117). Parents, students and
community members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses
educational issues at the high school and its middle and elementary
schools. Schools in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman,
Holmes and Toler elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High
School. Contact: Julee Jenkins, Open to the
19-23 -- Thanksgiving Break. All schools and offices closed to the public.

26 -- Mira Mesa Cluster School Council Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Mira Mesa High
School, 10510 Reagan Rd. (92126). Parents, students and community members
are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational issues at
the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools in the Mira
Mesa cluster are: Ericson, Hage, Hickman, Mason, Sandburg and Walker
elementary schools; Challenger and Wangenheim middle schools, and Mira
Mesa High School. Contact: Bob Turner, Open to the


6 -- Timken Museum Arts-On-Tour Opening, Montgomery Middle School, 2470
Ulric St. (92111). The Timken Museum of Art presents Arts On Tour, a
traveling exhibition, which brings the museum collection of masterpieces
to students at various middle school sites in underserved, low-income
communities. Contact: Kristina Rosenberg, Education Director, Timken
Museum of Art, (619) 239-5548. Open to the public during regular school

15 -- JROTC Regulation Drill Competition, 9 a.m., Madison High School,
4833 Dolvia Dr. (92117). JROTC units throughout the district will compete
in the annual Joint Brigade Regulation Drill competition to determine the
overall best drill unit. The competition is designed to showcase military
drill precision and foster an atmosphere of team and individual
competition, while promoting true sportsmanship. Lt. Col. (retired) David
Guzman, JROTC Program Manager, (858) 496-8203. Open to the public.

-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

-- Check out daily updated news items at or receive
a weekly digest by signing up for Friday Notes at

-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to cover,
items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the public"
means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to list in
an events calendar.

# # #

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Principal shaves his head, 8:15 a.m. Friday, Oct. 26

Reporters and editors: Below are details from a teacher about his
principal who is paying off on a bet. He told his students that if test
scores went up at his school, Baker Elementary School, that he would shave
his head. At 8:15 a.m. Friday, Oct. 26, Principal Armando Farias will have
his head shaved, as Baker Elementary had a huge 77 point gain on its API
(Academic Performance Index) score, going from a 743 to 820. The state of
California categorizes a school that is 800 and above as excellent.

I hope you can join the students and Baker community in this celebration.
If you have any questions, call Principal Armando Farias at (619)
344-4800. The school is located at 4041 T Street.

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

On 10/24/12 1:25 PM, "Jaramillo Jamey" <> wrote:

Hi there!

I just wanted to let you know about a really great event happening this
Friday October 26th at 8:15am at Baker Elementary. Last year the
Principal made a bet with the students in regards to our state testing
results. He told the kids that he would either
bleach his hair or shave it off if the school made it to API 800. When
we got our initial results at the end of the summer, Mr. Farias started
getting nervous. Our scores skyrocketed!! We had incredible gains in
literacy and even higher in math. 90% of the third grade scored
proficient and advanced in math. This is unheard of down in the barrio.

Two weeks ago we received our API score. We gained 77 points passing 800
and landing at 820. We are the only school in the Lincoln cluster scoring

With that, we are inviting you to join us on Friday October 26th at 8:15
where Mr. Armando Farias will lose his hair. This is a monumental event
as Mr. Farias is a good looking guy who has been referred to as the
Mexican version of Richard Gere. He his going to lose his precious locks
in front of his family, school board members, staff, and most importantly,
the students.

We would love nothing more for you to attend and document this incredible
piece of history Baker is creating.


Jamey Jaramillo
5th Grade Teacher
Baker Elementary
4041 T Street
San Diego, CA 92113
(619) 264-3139

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Monday, October 22, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Monroe Clark Middle School Dedicates Community Clinic, Children's Partnership

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 22, 2012


WHAT: Dedication of Monroe Clark Health and Wellness Center, a clinic that
will make available comprehensive health services to nearly 2,500 children
in the City Heights area. They will also be celebrating one year of the
City Heights Partnership for Children.

WHEN/WHERE: 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, Monroe Clark Middle School, 4388
Thorn St. (92105) Enter at the corner of Myrtle and 44th Street.

DETAILS: The Monroe Clark Health and Wellness Center was completed with a
$149,100 grant from the California Endowment's Building Health Communities
Initiative. The clinic is the fourth on a school campus in the City
Heights neighborhood (Hoover High, Central and Edison elementary schools
are the others). The medical services will be provided by San Diego Family
Care, Mid-City Community Clinic and Maestra Family Health Centers. The
event will also celebrate the one-year anniversary of the City Heights
Partnership for Children, a group that brings together the many entities
working to improve the neighborhood, including San Diego Unified School
District, Price Charities and the Office of Mayor Jerry Sanders.

SPEAKERS: Scheduled speakers at the ceremony include Dr. John Lee Evans,
President, San Diego Unified School District Board of Education; Tom
Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Rep. Susan Davis
(D-San Diego); Mayor Jerry Sanders; and Dr. Robert K. Ross, President and
CEO, The California Endowment.

VISUALS/INTERVIEWS: Tours of the new facility are running from 1-2 p.m.,
before the formal ceremony. Photos and interviews with students, parents
and staff will be available then, as well as after the ceremony. Speakers
will be available in English and Spanish.

CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Post ICOC Meeting Notice


·         Notice of Cancellation: ICOC Finance/Audit Subcommittee, October 25, 2012
Committee Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.

Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Friday, October 19, 2012

Post Board Mtg Agendas, October 23, 2012



·          Closed Session Agenda— Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:


·          Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:  

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


NEWS RELEASE -- Media calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School
District, Oct. 19, 2012

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at

Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that
means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public
is not. These are generally items during the school day.

* Indicates new items added since last week.

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.


20 -- Serra Mesa Community Fair, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Cabrillo Heights
Neighborhood Park, 8308 Hurlbut St, and 3445 Kearny Villa Road, located
next to Angier Elementary School. Mark your calendar for the 11th Annual
Sera Mesa Community Fair. Attend and enjoy this celebration of Serra Mesa
and Kearny Mesa communities. This year¹s theme is Celebrate Serra Mesa and
includes booths and special events focused on celebrating the unique
resources and qualities of Serra Mesa. Features live music all day and
youth group performances. Contact:, or call
858-565-2473. Open to the public.

* 22 -- Mira Mesa Cluster School Council Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Mira Mesa
High School, 10510 Reagan Rd. (92126). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Mira Mesa cluster are: Ericson, Hage, Hickman, Mason, Sandburg and
Walker elementary schools; Challenger and Wangenheim middle schools, and
Mira Mesa High School. Contact: Bob Turner, Open to
the public.

* 22 ­ University City Cluster Committee, 4:30 p.m., University City High
School Media Center, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122). Parents, students and
community members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses
educational issues at the high school and its middle and elementary
schools. Schools in the University City High School cluster are: Curie,
Doyle and Spreckels elementary schools; Standley Middle School; and
University City High School. Contact: Jeff Olivero, UC High principal, . Open to the public.

24 -- CalSOAP College Fair 2012, 6-8:30 p.m., Scottish Rite Center, 1895
Camino del Rio South (92108). Contact: CalSOAP, Open to the

26 -- Lincoln High Homecoming for Class of 1962, 6 p.m., stadium, Lincoln
High School, 4777 Imperial Ave. (92113). It's back to the future for the
50th reunion of the hot Hornets from '62 during the annual football
homecoming game. Contact: Esther Omogbehin, Principal, (619) 266-6500.
Open to the public.

23 -- Taste of La Jolla Benefitting Foundation of La Jolla High School,
6-8:30 p.m., downtown La Jolla. a gourmet taste tour of La Jolla
restaurants will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 23. This is your chance to
stroll the streets of La Jolla, enjoy a "Taste" from each of the 20 plus
participating restaurants and attend an exclusive After-Party at Barfly
Restaurant & Lounge with special pricing for drinks. Cost: $45. Contact:
The Foundation of La Jolla High School, 858-551-1250. Open to the public.

24 -- Monroe Clark Middle School Community Clinic Opening, 2 p.m., Monroe
Clark Middle School, 4388 Thorn St. (92105). The new clinic, from a
California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative grant, will
serve not only the students and families of Monroe Clark Middle School,
but the families of feeder elementary schools Hamilton, Joyner and Rowan.
Contact: Tom Liberto, Principal, (619) 563-6801. Open to the public.

* 25 -- Ocean Beach Elementary Family Science Night, Ocean Beach
Elementary School, 4741 Santa Monica Ave. (92107). Staff from the Ruben H.
Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park will organize experiments for all
ages. This event is a part of our Academic Achievers Initiative and is led
by volunteer Helen Fricker. Contact: Margaret Johnson, Principal, (619)
223-1631. Open to the public.

26-27 -- San Diego High School All-Class Reunion, Friday and Saturday, San
Diego High School and other locations. The annual All-Class Reunion brings
Cavers from all over to the school, one of the nation's oldest high
school. Activities include a special alumni section at Friday's 7 p.m.
football game in Balboa Stadium. Saturday at 8:30 a.m., four alums will be
inducted into San Diego High School's Hall of Fame: Shirley High Hayes
Kovac, '45; Mort C. Jorgensen MD, '51; Carol Ortman Perkins, Ph.D., '60;
and Diana McCann Cammack, PhD., '62. Contact: Nancy Hansen, (619)
231-8982; or Sonny Morper, Open to the public.

27 -- Benchley/Weinberger Elementary School Halloween Happening, 3-7 p.m.,
Benchley/Weinberger Elementary School, 6269 Twin Lake Dr. (92119). It's a
community EXTRAVAGANZA of Halloween fun: DJ, games, costume contest, food,
dancing, haunted house, and activities for the whole family. Live music
performed by the band, "Night School." Contact MC Patton, Principal,
619-463-9271, Open to the public.

* 27 -- Holmes Elementary Halloween Carnival, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Holmes
Elementary School, 4902 Mt. Ararat Dr. (92111). Traditional fun and games,
including the famous cake walk, sponsored by the PTA. Contact: Stacy
Coulter, PTA Carnival Chair, Stacy Coulter, (858) 292-5222. Open to the

* 27 -- Sunset View Elementary 54th Annual Halloween Carnival, 3:30-7:30
p.m., Sunset View Elementary School, 4365 Hill St. (92107). Class booths,
a cake decorating contest and bake sale with pikes and cupcakes, games and
loads of other fun activities will be happening at the school, a tradition
dating to 1958. Contact: Jacquelyn McCabe, Principal, (619) 223-7156. Open
to the public.


3 -- All-Staff Glee Sing Out, 7-9 p.m., Madison High School, 4833 Doliva
Dr. (92117). Tickets are $10 and proceeds benefit visual and performing
arts programs in the San Diego Unified School District. The evening will
feature SDUSD Glee Club Singers, Marshall Middle School Singers, Mira Mesa
High School Madrigals, a silent auction, and surprise guests. Contact: Dr.
Karen Childress-Evans, VAPA Director, 858-539-5349. Open to the public.

* 3 -- JROTC Massing of the Colors and Service of Remembrance, 10:30 a.m.,
Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park. San Diego Unified JROTC students
will be participating in this inspiring patriotic service that is a
tribute to our flags, those serving our nation and those who sacrificed
their lives in the defense of our freedom. The San Diego chapter of the
Military Order of World Wars organizes the annual event. Contact: Lt. Col.
(retired) David Guzman, JROTC Program Manager, (858) 496-8203. Open to the

* 5 -- Pt. Loma Cluster Schools Board meeting, 6:30 p.m., Correia Middle
School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents, students and community members
are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational issues at
the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools in the Pt.
Loma cluster are: Barnard, Cabrillo, Dewey, Loma Portal, Ocean Beach,
Silver Gate and Sunset View elementary schools; Correia and Dana middle
schools; Pt. Loma High School. Contact: Matt Spathas, President, Open to the public.

* 12 -- San Diego High Cluster Council Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 1405 Park Blvd.
(92101). Parents, students and community members are invited to attend
this meeting, which discusses educational issues at the high school and
its middle and elementary schools. Schools in the San Diego High cluster
are: Birney, Burbank, Emerson-Bandini, Florence, Garfield, Grant,
Jefferson, Kimbrough, McKinley, Rodriguez, Sherman and Washington
elementary schools; Golden Hill, Logan and Perkins K-8s; Memorial and
Roosevelt middle schools; ALBA, Early-Middle College and Garfield
alternative schools; and San Diego High School complex. Contact: Jennifer
Roberson, Principal, San Diego High MVPA, Open to the

* 12 -- Veterans Day Holiday, All schools and offices closed.

* 12 -- JROTC Drill Competition and 26th Annual Veteran¹s Day Parade, 8
a.m., County Administration Building, 1600 Pacific Highway (92101).
Students from district high schools in the JROTC programs will be holding
a drill competition, then pay tribute to veterans by marching in the
annual Veterans Day Parade down Pacific Highway. Drill competition starts
at 8 a.m.; the parade at 11 a.m. Contact: Lt. Col. (retired) David Guzman,
JROTC Program Manager, (858) 496-8203. Open to the public.

* 14 -- Garfield High School Thanksgiving in the Prado, 12 p.m., Prado
Restaurant, Grand Ballroom, 1549 El Prado (92101). 15th Annual Garfield
High School thanksgiving Gourmet Luncheon is being prepared by the
Garfield High School ROP Culinary Arts and Hospitality, Tourism and
Recreation students, along with the chefs from The Prado restaurant. This
is a fundraiser sponsored by the Garfield High School Foundation.
Proceeds will benefit the students of Garfield High School. Tickets are
$40 in advance by 11/5 or $50 at the door. For more information and
reservations, please contact Karlene Dockery, 858-484-1597,

* 15 -- National Parent Involvement Day

* 15 -- Kearny Cluster of Schools Meeting, 4:30 p.m., Construction Tech
Academy, Kearny High School, 7651 Wellington St. (92111). Parents,
students and community members are invited to attend this meeting, which
discusses educational issues at the high school and its middle and
elementary schools. Schools in the Kearny cluster are: Angier, Carson,
Chesterton,Cubberley, Fletcher, Jones, Juarez, Linda Vista, Ross and
Wegeforth elementary schools; Montgomery and Taft middle schools; Kearny
High Educational Complex, San Diego Met High School and Twain Alternative
High School. Contact: Laura Bellofatto, Principal, Kearny Construction
Tech Academy, (858) 496-8370. Open to the public.

* 15 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 6 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive, San Diego (92117). Parents, students and
community members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses
educational issues at the high school and its middle and elementary
schools. Schools in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman,
Holmes and Toler elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High
School. Contact: Julee Jenkins, Open to the

* 19-23 -- Thanksgiving Break. All schools and offices closed to the

* 26 -- Mira Mesa Cluster School Council Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Mira Mesa
High School, 10510 Reagan Rd. (92126). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Mira Mesa cluster are: Ericson, Hage, Hickman, Mason, Sandburg and
Walker elementary schools; Challenger and Wangenheim middle schools, and
Mira Mesa High School. Contact: Bob Turner, Open to
the public.


* 6 -- Timken Museum Arts-On-Tour Opening, Montgomery Middle School, 2470
Ulric St. (92111). The Timken Museum of Art presents Arts On Tour, a
traveling exhibition, which brings the museum collection of masterpieces
to students at various middle school sites in underserved, low-income
communities. Contact: Kristina Rosenberg, Education Director, Timken
Museum of Art, (619) 239-5548. Open to the public during regular school

* 15 -- JROTC Regulation Drill Competition, 9 a.m., Madison High School,
4833 Dolvia Dr. (92117). JROTC units throughout the district will compete
in the annual Joint Brigade Regulation Drill competition to determine the
overall best drill unit. The competition is designed to showcase military
drill precision and foster an atmosphere of team and individual
competition, while promoting true sportsmanship. Lt. Col. (retired) David
Guzman, JROTC Program Manager, (858) 496-8203. Open to the public.

-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

-- Check out daily updated news items at or receive
a weekly digest by signing up for Friday Notes at

-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to cover,
items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the public"
means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to list in
an events calendar.

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Post Board Mtg Agenda, October 23, 2012



·          Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:  

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


NOTE: The October 23, 2012 closed session agenda will be posted and distributed on Friday afternoon.

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


MEDIA ADVISORY (NOTE: Corrects time) -- Lewis Middle School Available for Shakeout Photos, Interviews with Students

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 17, 2012


* * * NOTE: Corrects time of shake to 10:25 a.m. * * *

WHAT: Great California Shakeout 2012 at Lewis Middle School

WHEN: 10:25 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. NOTE: Because the "official"
10:18 a.m. Shakeout time conflicts with a passing period, Lewis Middle
School will be holding the Shakeout at 10:25 a.m.

WHERE: Lewis Middle School, 5170 Greenbrier Ave. (92120)

ON-SITE CONTACT: Jack Brandais, (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

DETAILS: Two classrooms at Lewis Middle School, grades 6-8, will be
available to reporters and photographers for reports during the event. At
10:25 a.m., the event will begin with students performing a duck-and-cover
drill in their classrooms, followed by evacuation of the school to the
playground. Students are available for interview and can be photographed
in the classroom and on the playground. Principal Brad Callahan and
teachers will also be available for interview.

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Lewis Middle School Available for Shakeout Photos, Interviews with Students

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 16, 2012


WHAT: Great California Shakeout 2012 at Lewis Middle School

WHEN: 10:35 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012. NOTE: Because the "official"
10:18 a.m. Shakeout time conflicts with a passing period, Lewis Middle
School will be holding the Shakeout at 10:35 a.m.

WHERE: Lewis Middle School, 5170 Greenbrier Ave. (92120)

ON-SITE CONTACT: Jack Brandais, (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

DETAILS: Two classrooms at Lewis Middle School, grades 6-8, will be
available to reporters and photographers for reports during the event. At
10:35 a.m., the event will begin with students performing a duck-and-cover
drill in their classrooms, followed by evacuation of the school to the
playground. Students are available for interview and can be photographed
in the classroom and on the playground. Principal Brad Callahan and
teachers will also be available for interview.

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Monday, October 15, 2012

NEWS RELEASE -- Å’Blue Ribbon¹ Goes to SD High International Studies

NEWS RELEASE from the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 15, 2012


SAN DIEGO -- San Diego High's School of International Studies has been
named a federal Department of Education's National Blue Ribbon School for
2012, the only school receiving the award in San Diego County, one of just
307 nationwide.

Overall academic excellence or progress in improving student academic
achievement levels has brought the schools the honors. The U.S. Secretary
of Education Arne Duncan will honor 257 public and 50 private schools at a
recognition ceremony in Washington, DC on November 12-13. Each school will
receive a plaque and a flag to signify their status as National Blue
Ribbon Schools.

"This is such great news for the students, teachers and staff of the
School of International Studies," said Dr. Nellie Meyer, Deputy
Superintendent for Academics. "This is the type of recognition that
enhances the value of our students' high school diploma."

The School of International Studies is one of the five small schools at
San Diego High School, which is located at 1405 Park Blvd. at the edge of
downtown San Diego. The focus at this magnet school is the International
Baccalaureate program and the opportunity for students to receive the
highly coveted IB diploma. The school has won many awards and regularly
places high on lists of the best high schools in the country.

"The dedication of our students, teachers, parents and staff to education
is what has made this possible," said Dr. Carmen Garcia, Principal of
International Studies. "It shows that a challenging curriculum and a top
notch faculty and staff encourages students to learn and makes them want
to learn more."

"I congratulate these dedicated schools for receiving such a prestigious
national honor,² said State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, who nominated
the schools earlier this year. "This recognition was made possible by
motivated teachers, administrators, and staff supported by involved
parents who worked together to provide their students a firm foundation
for a lifetime of learning."

More information on the Blue Ribbon School Program is available on the US
Department of Education website.

"Our nation has no greater responsibility than helping all children
realize their full potential," Duncan said. "Schools honored with the
National Blue Ribbon Schools award are committed to accelerating student
achievement and preparing students for success in college and careers.
Their work reflects the conviction that every child has promise and that
education is the surest pathway to a strong, secure future."

# # #

NOTE TO REPORTERS AND EDITORS: Logos for the National Blue Ribbon program
are available at

The website for the School of International Studies at San Diego High
School is

- - -

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

MEDIA ADVISORY - University City High School Students White Coat Ceremony

Reporters and editors: Here's an event you might cover at University City High School tomorrow, Oct. 16. Please contact Lisa McDonnell, Communications & Operations Associate, San Diego Unified Office of College, Career & Technical Education, at 858-503-1841 should you have any questions.


Linda Zintz | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School District | (619) 725-5578 (Office) | (619) 847-6637 (Cell)


MEDIA ADVISORY  October 15, 2012


Media Contact:  Lisa McDonnell, (858) 503-1841


University City High School Students Get Their Medical White Coats


WHAT: University City High School is celebrating the transition from pre-clinical instruction to clinical health science internships for the students in the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences Pathway. These high school seniors will begin clinical internships at Scripps Clinics, Veterans Medical Center, Governor Animal Clinic, Scripps Genomics and Urgent Cares.


WHEN:  Tuesday, October 16

•             6-7 p.m. – Hors d’oeuvres, White Coat ceremony, cake.


WHERE:  6949 Genesee Avenue, SD (University City) 92122, Media Center

                  Media parking will be available in main lot. 

                  School phone:  (858) 457-3040   School website:


VISUALS:  Medical white coats will be presented to each student by their instructor to signify the student’s transition from pre-clinical to clinical health sciences. The coats will be worn during their labs in class before they start their internships in local hospitals, urgent care centers and clinics.


GUEST SPEAKERS/INTERVIEWS:  University City High School students, teacher, principal.


BACKGROUND: Thirty-two students are taking their last year of health science and medical technology instruction at University City High School that includes an out-of-school internship in a local hospital, urgent care center or clinic. In January, these students will take the knowledge of the last three years including the lab experiences they have had into their internships. During the twelve-week internships, the students spend two days per week at their internship site instead of on-campus classroom instruction.


The Biomedical Innovations course in which the students are enrolled, is part of the Health Science and Medical Technology sequence of courses at University City High School. Pre-requisite courses include Principles of Biomedical Science and Human Body Systems, both UC credit eligible, for freshman and sophomores and Medical Interventions for juniors. The course uses Project Lead the Way curriculum .


Health care is one of the fastest growing career sectors. The Health Science and Medical Technology Sector requires academic and technical skills, as well as the related knowledge necessary for the field. These careers range from entry level to management, including technical and professional specialties. Workers in this field need the knowledge and ability to contribute to the delivery of safe and effective health care. Nearly half of the careers in this area require professional level preparation. Students commonly need the academic background required for entry into postsecondary education. Specific skill sets needed usually include chemistry, physics, math, and biology plus communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills. Many careers require state certification or credentials.


Biomedical Innovations is supported in the district by the Office of College, Career & Technical Education.

# # #




MEDIA ADVISORY -- College Arts Salon at SCPA Open to the Public

Reporters and editors: Here's an event you might cover today at the San
Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts. Please contact the
principal, Mitzi Lizarraga, at 619-470-0555 should you have any questions.
I believe they do have activities this afternoon if you have earlier
video/photo needs.

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

Contact: Mitzi Lizarraga, Principal
(619)470-0555 ext. 202


SAN DIEGO (October 8, 2012) Do you know of students who are interested
in finding out more about college and career pathways in the arts? The
San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) encourage students
and families to attend our annual College Arts Salon on Monday October 15,
from 6-7:30 p.m. in the SCPA Grand Theatre, 2425 Dusk Drive, San Diego, CA
92139. College representatives from Cal Arts, Cornish College of the Arts,
the University of Michigan, Syracuse University, the University of San
Diego, the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, and Platt
College of Digital Media and Design will discuss the admissions process,
how students should prepare, and financial aid opportunities. The program
will feature questions for the panelists, which will followed by a
question and answer session, and will culminate with some individual
conferences with the college representatives at their designated tables.

Creative jobs are holding steady despite the economic downturn, according
to The Otis Report on the creative economy in southern California. Average
salaries in the creative fields may be as low as $40,000 in the fashion
industry and upwards of $199,000 in the visual and performing Arts
( Attend SCPAs College Arts Salon to hear how high
school students can prepare for successful college and career
opportunities. Now is the time to come out and learn what is available for
passionate and talented students wishing to pursue the arts for a

SCPA is a college preparatory, arts-focused, magnet public school for
students in grades 6 through 12 who have a strong interest, passion, and
talent in the arts. For more information about SCPA, please visit


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Friday, October 12, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY FROM SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corp (JROTC) Cadet Picnic Oct. 13

October 11, 2012




Media Contact: Lisa McDonnell  (858) 503-1841




WHEN:  Saturday, October 13 

•             9:30-9:50 a.m. – Sack Race (preliminary rounds)

•             9:55-10:15 a.m. – Relay Race (preliminary rounds)

•             10:20-10:45 a.m. – Bat Spin (preliminary and final rounds)

•             10:50-11 a.m. – Sack Race (final rounds)

•             11:10-11:20 a.m. – Relay Race (final rounds)

•             11:30-11:40 a.m. – Hotshot (preliminary and final rounds)

•             11:40 a.m.-1 p.m. – Lunch

•             1-1:30 p.m. – Ovation (preliminary and final rounds)

•             1:40-2:10 p.m. – Tug of War (female final rounds)

•             2:20-2:50 p.m. – Tug of War (male final rounds)

•             3-3:30 p.m. – Formation and closing ceremony


WHERE:  Admiral Baker Park

                 2400 Admiral Baker Road, SD (Area) 92120 .

                 Media parking will be available in main lot. 


WHAT: Highly motivated cadets from the San Diego Unified School District Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) Joint Brigade will conduct the Annual JROTC Cadet Picnic and compete in a day filled with fun competitive events and good sportsmanship. This event is held to foster an atmosphere of teamwork and esprit de corps and increase participation and morale within all San Diego Unified School District JROTC programs.


VISUALS:  High school cadets competing with their school teams against other schools.


GUEST SPEAKERS/INTERVIEWS:  students, instructors.


BACKGROUND: The Cadet Picnic is an annual event since 1992 to foster teamwork and esprit de corps and increase participation and morale within all San Diego Unified School District JROTC programs. The SDUSD Joint Brigade is organized based upon a line infantry brigade of 13 units from all 4 branches of JROTC, with a Headquarters comprised of command and staff. The Joint Brigade is housed within the Office of College, Career & Technical Education.


The United States Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) came into being with the passage of the National Defense Act of 1916. Under the provisions of the Act, high schools were authorized the loan of federal military equipment and the assignment of active duty military personnel as instructors. In 1964, the Vitalization Act opened JROTC up to the other services and replaced most of the active duty instructors with retirees who worked for and were cost shared by the schools.


The JROTC Program has changed greatly over the years. Once looked upon primarily as a source of enlisted recruits and officer candidates, it became a citizenship program devoted to the moral, physical and educational uplift of American youth. Although the program retained its military structure and the resultant ability to infuse in its student cadets a sense of discipline and order, it shed most of its early military content.


The study of ethics, citizenship, communications, leadership, life skills and other subjects designed to prepare young men and woman to take their place in adult society, evolved as the core of the program. More recently, an improved student centered curriculum focusing on character building and civic responsibility is being presented in every JROTC classroom.


JROTC is a continuing success story. From a modest beginning of 6 schools in 1916, JROTC has expanded to over 3,200 high schools within every state in the nation, as well as American schools overseas. Cadet enrollment has grown to 281,000 cadets with 4,000 professional instructors in the classrooms. Comprised solely of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine retirees, the JROTC instructors serve as mentors developing the outstanding young citizens of our country.


# # #



MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 12, 2012

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 12, 2012

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check out the calendar on the front of the district website at

Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public is not. These are generally items during the school day.

* Indicates new items added since last week.

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in this listing.


12 -- Clairemont High Homecoming/Future Chieftans Game, 6:30 p.m., Clairemont High School, 4150 Ute Dr. (92117). Not only is Clairemont High School celebrating its past as alumni return for homecoming, it is inviting the future, as students of Clairemont feeder schools get in free to the game with their student ID and by wearing orange and blue, school colors. Contact: Lenora Smith, Principal, (858) 273-0201. Open to the public.

13 -- Benchley Foundation is having a Trunk and Treasure Sale, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Benchley-Weinberger Elementary front parking lot, 6269 Twin Lake Dr. (92119). Interested in selling items? We are selling 10' x 10' spaces for $30.  Bring your own tables or displays to sell your items. Keep the $$ you make! Set up is 6:30 - 7:00 a.m. Sale gates open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 11:00 a.m. All sellers responsible for hauling away items not sold and must be off school grounds by Noon. Contact Juan Barajas to R.S.V.P. for this event: Open to the public.

13-14 -- Rummage Sale Benefitting La Jolla High and Muirlands Middle schools music departments, 6:30 a.m. to noon, La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus St. (92037).  Students will be selling gently used items donated by the La Jolla community. Contact: Michael Fiedler, Music Director, La Jolla High School, (858) 454-3081. Open to the public.

* 13 --SDUSD JROTC Cadet Picnic, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Admiral Baker Park, 2400 Admiral Baker Rd. (92120). Highly motivated cadets from the district’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) Joint Brigade will conduct the Annual JROTC Cadet Picnic and compete in a day filled with fun competitive events and good sportsmanship. This event is held to foster an atmosphere of teamwork and esprit de corps and increase participation and morale within all San Diego Unified School District JROTC programs. Contact: LTC (R) David Guzman, Program Manager. Information: 858-496-8203. Closed to the public.

* 13-- Stop Bullying: Protect Our Children free community event, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Four Points Sheraton, 8110 Aero Drive, San Diego. Sponsored by the San Diego Psychological Society. Bullying has become a major problem in our schools and on the internet. An expert panel will discuss what students, parents, and schools can do to stop bullying. Space is limited so please call to reserve your place. Contact:  858-277-1463. Open to the public.

*16 --University City High School White Coat ceremony, 6 to 7 p.m., UCHS, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122). UCHS is celebrating the progression of students in the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences Pathway. These seniors will begin clinical internships at Scripps Clinics, Veterans Medical Center, Governor Animal Clinic, Scripps Genomics and Urgent Cares in January 2013. Contact: Ellie Vandiver, teacher. Information: 858-457-3040. Open to the public.

17 -- Parent Institute for Quality Education for Taft and feeder schools, 7:30 p.m., Taft Middle School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) will present Middle School: Access to Higher Education for parents of Taft Middle School students and parents of fifth graders at Angier, Cubberley, Jones, Juarez, and Wegeforth elementary schools. Contact: Mike George, Principal, Taft Middle School, 858-496-8245. Open to specific school families only.

* 18 --Youth Opportunities Unlimited: Clairemont Lights On After School Program Celebration, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Clairemont High School Auditorium, Ute Dr. San Diego, 92117. Come out for an evening of activities, including Theatre Alive and True Dance Movement performances from Alice in Wonderland and Footloose, gallery displays, cheer squad performances, and star gazing with the Astronomy Club at CHS’ own observatory. Refreshments and door prizes will be included. Contact: Martha Corrales, Program Lead, 858-273-0201. Open to public.

18 -- Clairemont Community of Schools meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle School, 3799 Clairemont Drive. Join members of the Clairemont High cluster as they discuss the group's mission and goals, take a tour of Marston and ways to develop better partnerships between Clairemont High and its feeder schools. Contact: Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

19 -- Silver Gate Elementary School Harvest Festival, 5-7:30 p.m., Silver Gate Elementary School, 1499 Venice St. (92107). An evening of fun with games, great food and traditional carnival activities including The Haunted Hallway. Contact: Carnival Committee, Stephanie Mattos Arrues, at Open to the public.

*  20 -- Serra Mesa Community Fair, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Cabrillo Heights Neighborhood Park, 8308 Hurlbut St, and 3445 Kearny Villa Road, located next to Angier Elementary School. Mark your calendar for the 11th Annual Sera Mesa Community Fair. Attend and enjoy this celebration of Serra Mesa and Kearny Mesa communities. This year’s theme is Celebrate Serra Mesa and includes booths and special events focused on celebrating the unique resources and qualities of Serra Mesa. Features live music all day and youth group performances. Contact:, or call 858-565-2473. Open to the public.

24 -- CalSOAP College Fair 2012, 6-8:30 p.m., Scottish Rite Center, 1895 Camino del Rio South (92108).  Contact: CalSOAP, Open to the public.

26 -- Lincoln High Homecoming for Class of 1962, 6 p.m., stadium, Lincoln High School, 4777 Imperial Ave. (92113). It's back to the future for the 50th reunion of the hot Hornets from '62 during the annual football homecoming game. Contact: Esther Omogbehin, Principal, (619) 266-6500. Open to the public.

23 -- Taste of La Jolla Benefitting Foundation of La Jolla High School, 6-8:30 p.m., downtown La Jolla. a gourmet taste tour of La Jolla restaurants will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 23. This is your chance to stroll the streets of La Jolla, enjoy a "Taste" from each of the 20 plus participating restaurants and attend an exclusive After-Party at Barfly Restaurant & Lounge with special pricing for drinks. Cost: $45. Contact: The Foundation of La Jolla High School, 858-551-1250. Open to the public.

24 -- Monroe Clark Middle School Community Clinic Opening, 2 p.m., Monroe Clark Middle School, 4388 Thorn St. (92105). The new clinic, from a California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative grant, will serve not only the students and families of Monroe Clark Middle School, but the families of feeder elementary schools Hamilton, Joyner and Rowan. Contact: Tom Liberto, Principal, (619) 563-6801. Open to the public.

26-27 -- San Diego High School All-Class Reunion, Friday and Saturday, San Diego High School and other locations. The annual All-Class Reunion brings Cavers from all over to the school, one of the nation's oldest high school. Activities include a special alumni section at Friday's 7 p.m. football game in Balboa Stadium. Saturday at 8:30 a.m., four alums will be inducted into San Diego High School's Hall of Fame: Shirley High Hayes Kovac, '45; Mort C. Jorgensen MD, '51; Carol Ortman Perkins, Ph.D., '60; and Diana McCann Cammack, PhD., '62. Contact: Nancy Hansen, (619) 231-8982; or Sonny Morper, Open to the public.

27 -- Halloween Happening, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Benchley Weinberger Elementary School, 6269 Twin Lake Dr. (92119). It's a community EXTRAVAGANZA of Halloween fun: DJ, games, costume contest, food, dancing, haunted house, and activities for the whole family. Live music performed by the band, "Night School." Contact MC Patton, Principal, 619-463-9271, Open to the public.


3 -- All-Staff Glee Sing Out, 7-9 p.m., Madison High School, 4833 Doliva Dr. (92117). Tickets are $10 and proceeds benefit visual and performing arts programs in the San Diego Unified School District. The evening will feature SDUSD Glee Club Singers, Marshall Middle School Singers, Mira Mesa High School Madrigals, a silent auction, and surprise guests. Contact:  Dr. Karen Childress-Evans, VAPA Director, 858-539-5349. Open to the public.

*  3—29th Annual SDCUE Event, 8:30-4:00 p.m., Cal State San Marcos. Hosted by the San Diego Computer-Using Educators, the event will include 60+ sessions on the use of technology for novice and experienced users, practical presentations by and for teachers, coordinators, and administrators, exhibits, food, and door prizes. Contact: Fill out contact form at Open to public.  

-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

-- Check out daily updated news items at or receive a weekly digest by signing up for Friday Notes at

-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to cover, items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the public" means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to list in an events calendar.

# # #   

NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 12, 2012

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check out the calendar on the front of the district website at .

Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public is not. These are generally items during the school day.

* Indicates new items added since last week.

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in this listing.


12 -- Clairemont High Homecoming/Future Chieftains Game, 6:30 p.m., Clairemont High School, 4150 Ute Dr. (92117). Not only is Clairemont High School celebrating its past as alumni return for homecoming, it is inviting the future, as students of Clairemont feeder schools get in free to the game with their student ID and by wearing orange and blue, school colors. Contact: Lenora Smith, Principal, (858) 273-0201. Open to the public.

13 -- Benchley Foundation is having a Trunk and Treasure Sale, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Benchley-Weinberger Elementary front parking lot, 6269 Twin Lake Dr. (92119). Interested in selling items? We are selling 10' x 10' spaces for $30. Bring your own tables or displays to sell your items. Keep the $$ you make! Set up is 6:30 - 7:00 a.m. Sale gates open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 11:00 a.m. All sellers responsible for hauling away items not sold and must be off school grounds by Noon. Contact Juan Barajas to R.S.V.P. for this event: . Open to the public.

13-14 -- Rummage Sale Benefitting La Jolla High and Muirlands Middle schools music departments, 6:30 a.m. to noon, La Jolla High School 750 Nautilus St. (92037). Students will be selling gently used items donated by the La Jolla community. Contact: Michael Fiedler, Music Director, La Jolla High School, (858) 454-3081. Open to the public.

* 13 --SDUSD JROTC Cadet Picnic, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Admiral Baker Park, 2400 Admiral Baker Rd. (92120). Highly motivated cadets from the district's Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) Joint Brigade will conduct the Annual JROTC Cadet Picnic and compete in a day filled with fun competitive events and good sportsmanship. This event is held to foster an atmosphere of teamwork and esprit de corps and increase participation and morale within all San Diego Unified School District JROTC programs. Contact: LTC (R) David Guzman, Program Manager. Information: 858-496-8203. Closed to the public.

* 13-- Stop Bullying: Protect Our Children free community event, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Four Points Sheraton, 8110 Aero Drive, San Diego. Sponsored by the San Diego Psychological Society. Bullying has become a major problem in our schools and on the internet. An expert panel will discuss what students, parents, and schools can do to stop bullying. Space is limited so please call to reserve your place. Contact: 858-277-1463. Open to the public.

*16 --University City High School White Coat ceremony, 6 to 7 p.m., UCHS, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122). UCHS is celebrating the progression of students in the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences Pathway. These seniors will begin clinical internships at Scripps Clinics, Veterans Medical Center, Governor Animal Clinic, Scripps Genomics and Urgent Cares in January 2013. Contact: Ellie Vandiver, teacher. Information: 858-457-3040. Open to the public.

17 -- Parent Institute for Quality Education for Taft and feeder schools, 7:30 p.m., Taft Middle School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) will present Middle School: Access to Higher Education for parents of Taft Middle School students and parents of fifth graders at Angier, Cubberley, Jones, Juarez, and Wegeforth elementary schools. Contact: Mike George, Principal, Taft Middle School, 858-496-8245. Open to specific school families only.

* 18 --Youth Opportunities Unlimited: Clairemont Lights On After School Program Celebration, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Clairemont High School Auditorium, Ute Dr. San Diego, 92117. Come out for an evening of activities, including Theatre Alive and True Dance Movement performances from Alice in Wonderland and Footloose, gallery displays, cheer squad performances, and star gazing with the Astronomy Club at CHS' own observatory. Refreshments and door prizes will be included. Contact: Martha Corrales, Program Lead, 858-273-0201. Open to public.

18 -- Clairemont Community of Schools meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle School, 3799 Clairemont Drive. Join members of the Clairemont High cluster as they discuss the group's mission and goals, take a tour of Marston and ways to develop better partnerships between Clairemont High and its feeder schools. Contact: Julee Jenkins, . Open to the public.

19 -- Silver Gate Elementary School Harvest Festival, 5-7:30 p.m., Silver Gate Elementary School, 1499 Venice St. (92107). An evening of fun with games, great food and traditional carnival activities including The Haunted Hallway. Contact: Carnival Committee, Stephanie Mattos Arrues, at . Open to the public.

* 20 -- Serra Mesa Community Fair, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Cabrillo Heights Neighborhood Park, 8308 Hurlbut St, and 3445 Kearny Villa Road, located next to Angier Elementary School. Mark your calendar for the 11th Annual Sera Mesa Community Fair. Attend and enjoy this celebration of Serra Mesa and Kearny Mesa communities. This year's theme is Celebrate Serra Mesa and includes booths and special events focused on celebrating the unique resources and qualities of Serra Mesa. Features live music all day and youth group performances. Contact:, or call 858-565-2473. Open to the public.

24 -- CalSOAP College Fair 2012, 6-8:30 p.m., Scottish Rite Center, 1895 Camino del Rio South (92108). Contact: CalSOAP, . Open to the public.

26 -- Lincoln High Homecoming for Class of 1962, 6 p.m., stadium, Lincoln High School, 4777 Imperial Ave. (92113). It's back to the future for the 50th reunion of the hot Hornets from '62 during the annual football homecoming game. Contact: Esther Omogbehin, Principal, (619) 266-6500. Open to the public.

23 -- Taste of La Jolla Benefitting Foundation of La Jolla High School, 6-8:30 p.m., downtown La Jolla. a gourmet taste tour of La Jolla restaurants will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 23. This is your chance to stroll the streets of La Jolla, enjoy a "Taste" from each of the 20 plus participating restaurants and attend an exclusive After-Party at Barfly Restaurant & Lounge with special pricing for drinks. Cost: $45. Contact: The Foundation of La Jolla High School, 858-551-1250. Open to the public.

24 -- Monroe Clark Middle School Community Clinic Opening, 2 p.m., Monroe Clark Middle School, 4388 Thorn St. (92105). The new clinic, from a California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative grant, will serve not only the students and families of Monroe Clark Middle School, but the families of feeder elementary schools Hamilton, Joyner and Rowan. Contact: Tom Liberto, Principal, (619) 563-6801. Open to the public.

26-27 -- San Diego High School All-Class Reunion, Friday and Saturday, San Diego High School and other locations. The annual All-Class Reunion brings Cavers from all over to the school, one of the nation's oldest high school. Activities include a special alumni section at Friday's 7 p.m. football game in Balboa Stadium. Saturday at 8:30 a.m., four alums will be inducted into San Diego High School's Hall of Fame: Shirley High Hayes Kovac, '45; Mort C. Jorgensen MD, '51; Carol Ortman Perkins, Ph.D., '60; and Diana McCann Cammack, PhD., '62. Contact: Nancy Hansen, (619) 231-8982; or Sonny Morper, . Open to the public.

27 -- Halloween Happening, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Benchley Weinberger Elementary School, 6269 Twin Lake Dr. (92119). It's a community EXTRAVAGANZA of Halloween fun: DJ, games, costume contest, food, dancing, haunted house, and activities for the whole family. Live music performed by the band, "Night School." Contact MC Patton, Principal, 619-463-9271, . Open to the public.


3 -- All-Staff Glee Sing Out, 7-9 p.m., Madison High School, 4833 Doliva Dr. (92117). Tickets are $10 and proceeds benefit visual and performing arts programs in the San Diego Unified School District. The evening will feature SDUSD Glee Club Singers, Marshall Middle School Singers, Mira Mesa High School Madrigals, a silent auction, and surprise guests. Contact: Dr. Karen Childress-Evans, VAPA Director, 858-539-5349. Open to the public.

* 3-29th Annual SDCUE Event, 8:30-4:00 p.m., Cal State San Marcos. Hosted by the San Diego Computer-Using Educators, the event will include 60+ sessions on the use of technology for novice and experienced users, practical presentations by and for teachers, coordinators, and administrators, exhibits, food, and door prizes. Contact: Fill out contact form at . Open to public.

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-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to cover, items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the public" means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to list in an events calendar.

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Note to reporters and editors: This event is sponsored by "Save Our Schools San Diego," a contingent of high school students from across San Diego Unified School District. You are invited to cover this event. For more information, contact Sydnie Moore at 619.823.8448 or

October 12, 2012

Sydnie Moore or Duncan Moore, 619.823.8448,


Students Host Rally Saturday, October 13, to Raise Awareness of Key Ballot Initiatives

WHAT: Once a model of excellence, California's educational system is in a precarious state – but a tenacious group of high school students has mobilized to make a difference and form Save Our Schools San Diego (S.O.S.) and will hold a public rally to raise awareness of key ballot initiatives Saturday.

WHEN:  Rally: 11 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 13
Pre Event Interviews: 1:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12, with S.O.S. leader, Nick Kelly, a Patrick Henry High School senior (call for location)

WHERE: War Memorial Park (adjacent to Roosevelt Middle School), 3366 Park Blvd., San Diego, Calif. 92103.

WHY: Hinging on voters, a trio of measures – Propositions 30, 38 and Z – could make or break the future of the California Public Education System this November – impacting the fate of 6.3 million California students. In response, a contingent of San Diego Unified high schoolers has joined forces to create S.O.S., a student-led campaign fighting for education and to give California students a much-needed voice. The rally is to build momentum for their cause and raise awareness about what is at stake. In San Diego Unified alone, the district will lose $40 million in funding this year if Proposition 30 fails, forcing administrators to cut the school year by three weeks.

WHO:  Hundreds of local public school students, concerned parents, teachers and friends, as well as S.O.S. student leaders.  A line up of students and teachers (from Patrick Henry, La Jolla High and Gage Elementary) will speak and be available for interviews.

Cheerleaders and pep bands demonstrating what could be at stake after Nov.
Students creating posters, holding colored signs, getting voter pledges
Student leaders speaking publically about how budget cuts have impacted them personally

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Linda Zintz, Communications Director,

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

CORRECTED VERSION OF NEWS RELEASE from the San Diego Unified School District


Oct. 11, 2012



State results released today show district at 808 overall, second only to Garden Grove among other large school districts

SAN DIEGO -- California's Academic Performance Index (API) results for 2012 show San Diego Unified’s overall score at 808, up 11 points from 2011, and above the state target of 800. Among other large districts in California, only three exceed 800: Garden Grove is first at 815; San Diego is second at 808, and San Francisco is third at 807. The results were released Oct. 11, 2012.

“San Diego Unified has passed the 800 target set by the state for the first time, following six years of continuous growth,” said Deputy Superintendent of Academics Nellie Meyer. “This improvement is a testament to the focused, dedicated work of our teachers, principals, and support staff. We are also seeing the benefits of our analysis of student data and community involvement.”

The district now has 113 schools scoring at 800 or above, and 33 scoring 900 or higher, up from 2011 in both categories. Schools making outstanding strides include: Baker Elementary School with a score of 820, up 77 points from 2011; Hamilton Elementary at 792, up 78 points; Foster Elementary at 844, up 59 points; Pacific Beach Middle School at 817, up 50 points; and Scripps Ranch High School at 900, the only high school in the district to be at 900 or above.

State Superintendent of Public Education Tom Torlakson noted that statewide, 59 percent of elementary schools met the state’s 800 target, 49 percent of middle schools met target, and 30 percent of high schools were 800 or above. In San Diego Unified, 62 percent of elementary schools met the state target, along with 61 percent of middle schools, and 31 percent of high schools.

The Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measure is used by the federal Department of Education to determine if a school or district meets NCLB’s annual growth standards. Those that do not are placed on Program Improvement after two years. Despite the improved scores, 126 schools are now in Program Improvement under NCLB, up from 113 last year. School targets increased by about 10 percentage points over 2011. Standley Middle School in University City was the only district school to exit Program Improvement.

San Diego Unified did not make AYP under NCLB. The district continues in Year 3 of Program Improvement (districts are not incremented past Year 3), and must continue to implement the Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan that was developed last year to align with the priorities contained in the district's Strategic Process.

Among student groups, some achievement gaps continued to slowly narrow. For example, while White students had a gain of 9 API points to 898 and Asian students' scores rose 3 points to 881; Black or African American students were up 15 points to 739, Hispanic or Latino students were up 14 points to 746, and English Learner students increased 12 points to 728.

“While we celebrate these successes, the results also continue to show that we have groups where we must accelerate achievement to close performance gaps,” Meyer said.

For scores of districts and individual schools, go to the state's website at /

CONTACT: Linda Zintz, Communications Director,, 619-725-5578 (office), 619-647-6637 (mobile)

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