Friday, June 28, 2013

Upcoming Meetings of the Board Advisory Committees

Please refer to the below links for upcoming meeting agendas of the board advisory committees:

·         ACUESP:

·         Audit and Finance:

·         CAC: and

·         CSFC:

·         CTEAC:

·         DAC:

·         DELAC:

·         ICOC:

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Kindness and a smile are contagious, share them with the world!

Post Special Meeting Agendas, July 2, 2013


·         Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, July 2, 2013, 9:00 a.m., Scripps Mesa Conference Center, Room 803
BoardDocs Agenda Link: . 

·         Special Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, July 2, 2013, at conclusion of 9:00 a.m. special, Scripps Mesa Conference Center, Room 803
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Kindness and a smile are contagious, share them with the world!


MEDIA ADVISORY: New Superintendent Goes Camping Her First Day on Job

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District on June 28, 2013

New Superintendent Goes Camping Her First Day on Job
Cindy Marten makes good on promise to third-grade students

What:             New San Diego Unified School District Superintendent Cindy Marten promised her Central Elementary third graders that she would go on their annual camping trip. Being true to her word, Marten will join 60 of her former students even though it is her first day on the job as superintendent of the second largest school district in California.

When:            Monday, July 1, 2013
2:15 - 2:45 p.m. Welcome Students
2:45 - 5:45 p.m. Small Group Activities with Students
3 p.m. Superintendent Cindy Marten arrives

Where:           Louis Stelzer County Park Campground, 11470 Wildcat Canyon Road, Lakeside (92040)

Details:  For years, the third grade classes at Central Elementary where Marten was principal before being selected as superintendent, have gone on a camping trip. The trip is often the first time the inner city students have been camping. In addition to the usual camping rituals: pitching tents, eating s'mores, sharing stories and singing songs around the campfire, students will be exposed to a standards-based learning experience that includes Kumeyaay Indian history, artifacts and games; birds of prey presentation; and owl pellet dissections.

The camping trip is supported by The Jarrett Meeker Foundation, a local non-profit organization that provides programs related to wildlife, conservation, and the environment for children and young adults in San Diego County. Other organizations that support the trip include Kiwanis, Boy Scouts and the Barona Cultural Center and Museum.

Interviews/Photos: Superintendent of Public Education Cindy Marten, Central Elementary students and teachers, Stelzer Park rangers, and representatives from the Barona Cultural Center and Museum.

Media contact: Linda Zintz, Communications Director, San Diego Unified School District, 619- 847-6637 (mobile), 619-725-5578 (office)

# # #

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NEWS RELEASE - Board President Proposes Three-Year Budget Planning with School Stabilization Fund



Board President Proposes Three-Year Budget Planning with School Stabilization Fund

A plan to move from one year budget planning to a three-year plan will be proposed by San Diego Unified Board President John Lee Evans at Tuesday's board meeting. Part of the plan is to use planned property sales for a School Stabilization Fund to bridge the gap as increased funds gradually start coming in from the state over the next three years.

Because voters approved Proposition 30, funding will gradually be increased to pre-recession levels by 2020. Last year the shortfall to maintain San Diego schools was about $120M. Proposition 30 will add about $30M to our budget next year. As a result, the shortfall will be reduced to about $88M. The budget being approved Tuesday night will meet that shortfall through employee attrition and property sales.

"As we move towards more predictable state funding, we need to take a longer term budget view to stabilize our schools," Dr. Evans said. "We can no longer stand for the annual turmoil of budget planning. I am also proposing that we formally designate revenue from property sales be placed into a School Stabilization Fund. This will allow for us to maintain stability in our schools as our state revenues gradually catch up with our needs."

The board will formally approve the budget Tuesday night, but it will be revised in July after the state provides exact numbers following the Governor's signature. At that point Evans is proposing that the staff also bring back for board approval a high level budget plan for the following two years. That plan will indicate how much of the property sales (estimated to be over $120M) will be utilized each year to bridge the gap in funding.

"Whatever amount of funds that we have to work with each year, our direction to the Superintendent will be to prioritize those expenditures that have the greatest effect on student achievement. We must do that to achieve our goal of quality schools in every neighborhood of San Diego."



Dr. John Lee Evans, Board of Education President


Saturday, June 22, 2013

CORRECTION: Post Notice of Closed Session Time Change, June 25, 2013



·         Notice of Time Change for Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Revised Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 2:00 3:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s), and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Post Notice of Closed Session Time Change, June 25, 2013


·         Notice of Time Change for Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Revised Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s), and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Friday, June 21, 2013

Post Board Meeting Agendas, June 25, 2013


·          Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday June 25, 2013, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday June 25, 2013, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

·         Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

In addition, refer to the below links for upcoming meeting agendas of the board advisory committees:

·         ACUESP:

·         Audit and Finance:

·         CAC: and

·         CSFC:

·         CTEAC:

·         DAC:

·         DELAC:

·         ICOC:

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Kindness and a smile are contagious, share them with the world!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Notice of Cancellation: Audit & Finance Cmte Mtg, June 26, 2013


·         Notice of Cancellation: Audit and Finance Committee, June 26, 2013
Committee Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.

Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Post Notice of Cancellation: ACUESP Meeting, June 27, 2013



·         Notice of Cancellation: Advisory Committee for the Utilization of Excess School Property (ACUESP), Thursday, June 27, 2013.
Committee Meeting Information:


Please forward to staff and as appropriate print and post notices in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you. 


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela

Monday, June 17, 2013

MEDIA ADVISORY -- San Diego Children and Families Receive Free Lunch at Summer BBQ Event

Reporters and editors: Please join us tomorrow, June 18, for the free barbeque kickoff event that opens San Diego Unified School District's Summer Fun Café Program.

San Diego Unified:
Norma Johnson

Feeding America:
Gavon Morris


Feeding America San Diego & Sponsors Help Kick off San Diego Unified School District's Summer Fun Café program

SAN DIEGO - June 17, 2013 - San Diego children and families are invited to the FREE barbecue kickoff event on Tuesday, June 18 that opens San Diego Unified School District's Summer Fun Café program. The kickoff event features a free BBQ lunch for all children and accompanying adults and every family goes home with a bag of fruit and vegetables from sponsors like Feeding America San Diego. According to a recent study by Feeding America - nearly 460,000 residents in San Diego - including more than 160,000 children - suffer from hunger.

The BBQ will feature visits from the Power Panther, and the San Diego Padres Friar and Pad Squad, fun fruit and veggie games with lots of prizes, an inflatable jumper, crafts, music, bike drawings, health clinics, community information booths, cooking demonstrations and much more. Every family goes home with a bag of fruit and vegetables from sponsors like Feeding America San Diego. More than 2,500 families and children are expected to attend.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Press Conference begins at 11 a.m.

WHERE: Skyline Hills Community Park, 8285 Skyline Dr., San Diego, 92114

INTERVIEWS: Superintendent-designate Cindy Marten and Food Services Director Gary Petill from San Diego Unified School District; Rachel Kramer, Program Manager at Feeding America San Diego; along with various local, state and USDA dignitaries will be available for interviews.

Additional Info: San Diego Unified School District Food Services Department partners with the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, Military Child and Youth Programs, San Diego Public Library and several non-profit organizations to help fill this gap by providing free, healthy meals and physical activities in low- income neighborhoods when school is out. The Summer Fun Café is funded through the US Department of Agriculture's "Seamless Summer Feeding Option" and will be at 65 sites: 28 Park and Recreation Centers, 13 community and military sites, and 24 schools. For complete schedule and locations, go to and select Summer Fun Café or go to .

Please note: Summer Fun Café bridges that gap and requires no paperwork or income qualifications to participate. For a schedule of all summer lunch locations, dates and hours, go to .

To learn more about hunger in San Diego or ways to give back, please visit


You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Friday, June 14, 2013

Post Board Meeting Agendas, June 18, 2013


·         Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday June 18, 2013, 1:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday June 18, 2013, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link: .

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

In addition, refer to the below links for upcoming meeting agendas of the board advisory committees:

·         ACUESP:

·         Audit and Finance:

·         CAC: and

·         CSFC:

·         CTEAC:

·         DAC:

·         DELAC:

·         ICOC:

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Kindness and a smile are contagious, share them with the world!

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, June 14, 2013

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at

Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that
means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public
is not. These are generally items during the school day.

*Indicates new items added since last week.

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.


* 18 -- Summer Fun Cafe Kickoff, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Skyline Hills
Community Park, 8285 Skyline Dr. (92114). Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. San Diego kids can once again invite their parents to a big,
free barbecue kickoff event that opens San Diego Unified School District¹s
Summer Fun Cafe program. Open to all children under the age of 18.
Contact: Food Services, Joanne Tucker, (858) 627-7301. Open to the public.

21-26 -- JROTC Leadership Camp, Forest Lawn Scout Reservation, Cedar
Glenn, CA. The top one-fourth of cadets from around Southern California
meeting up for a week of training in leadership and adaptability. The camp
also offers cadets high adventure training in the areas of land
navigation, rappelling, archery, horsemanship, water safety, and
confidence building courses. Contact: David Guzman, 858-496-8203. Not open
to the public.

26 ­ Zamorano Annual Celebration of Art, 5-7 p.m., Zamorano Fine Arts
Academy, 2655 Casey Street (92139). Student artwork will be on display.
Contact: Principal Carol King, 619- 267-8007 or . Open to
the public.


4 -- Independence Day, all schools and offices closed.

19 -- Last day of school for year-round schools.

3 -- Back-2-School Resource and Enrollment Fair 2013 for Military
Families, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Farb Middle School, 4880 La Cuenta Drive
(92124). The fair provides military families new to the district with the
opportunity to enroll their children in their neighborhood school and
learn about community, military and district resources. Complimentary
lunch and childcare are available. Contact: Open
to the public.

26 -- Most school offices reopen for enrolling new students.


2 -- Labor Day, all schools and offices closed.

3 -- First day of 2013-14 school year.

-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

-- Check out daily updated news items at or receive
a weekly digest by signing up for Friday Notes at

-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to cover,
items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the public"
means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to list in
an events calendar.


You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Thursday, June 13, 2013

NEWS RELEASE -- Eat Smart, Play Hard at this Summer¹s Free Lunch Program.

NEWS RELEASE from the San Diego Unified School District


Free Lunches for all Kids 18 and Under

SAN DIEGO -- San Diego kids can once again invite their parents to a big
FREE barbecue kickoff event that opens San Diego Unified School District¹s
Summer Fun Café program. The barbecue is Tuesday, June 18, 2013 from
10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Skyline Hills Community Park, 8285 Skyline Dr. SD
92114. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For many low-income children in California and across the nation, summer
break is often far from ideal. It can mean limited access to summer
learning/enrichment opportunities as well as discontinued access to the
daily nutrition provided through schools. Summer Fun Café bridges that
gap and requires no paperwork or income qualifications to participate.

San Diego Unified School District Food Services Department partners with
the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, Military Child and
Youth Programs, San Diego Public Library and several non-profit
organizations to help fill this gap by providing free, healthy meals and
physical activities in low- income neighborhoods when school is out. The
Summer Fun Café is funded through the US Department of Agriculture¹s
³Seamless Summer Feeding Option² and will be at 65 sites: 28 Park and
Recreation Centers, 13 community and military sites, and 24 schools. For
complete schedule and locations, go to and select
Summer Fun Café or go to

This summer¹s theme is EAT SMART. PLAY HARD., which is the motto of our
mascot from the USDA, Power Panther. The Power Panther stands for eating
healthy food and being physically active every day.

³Let¹s make this summer count,² said Gary Petill, San Diego Unified¹s Food
Services Director. ³All children are invited to have lunch with us and
join the fun and activities all summer long. Then, when they head back to
school in the fall, they will be strong and ready to learn.²

The kickoff event on Tuesday, June 18, features a free BBQ lunch for all
children and accompanying adults. This exceptional event for children and
their families will also feature visits from the Power Panther, and the
San Diego Padres Friar and Pad Squad, fun fruit and veggie games with lots
of prizes, an inflatable jumper, crafts, music, bike drawings, health
clinics, community information booths, cooking demonstrations and much
more. And every family goes home with a bag of fruit and vegetables from
the San Diego Food Bank or Feeding America San Diego. More than 2,500 kids
and their parents/guardians are expected to attend.

For a schedule of all summer lunch locations, dates and hours, go to

# # #


The time-certain press event will be at 11 a.m. Various local, state and
USDA dignitaries will be available to interview.

Media contact: Norma Johnson at or 858 627-7308;
Joanne Tucker, 858-627-7316.

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Post Special Meeting Notice: DELAC Executive Board, June 17, 2013



·         Notice of Special Meeting: District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) – Executive Board, June 17, 2013.
Committee Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate print and post notices in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

** CORRECTED ** MEDIA ADVISORY -- Retiring Superintendent Saluted by San Diego Unified Community

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, June 12, 2013



WHAT: Retirement ceremony for San Diego Unified employees, lead by
retiring Superintendent Bill Kowba

WHEN/WHERE: 4 p.m., Thursday, June 13, 2013, Courtyard, Eugene Brucker
Education Center, 4100
Normal St. (92103)

DETAILS: Each year, San Diego Unified School District holds a reception
for its retiring teachers, classified employees and administrators. This
year's special guest will be Superintendent Bill Kowba, who is retiring
after seven years with the district. Board of Education President Dr. John
Lee Evans will be hosting the event. The Monroe Clarke Middle School Jazz
Band will be performing. More than 200 retirees, friends and family
members, as well as community members, are expected. The event is free and
open to the public.

A retired Rear Admiral, Supt. Kowba joined San Diego Unified in 2006 as
finance director. He was named Superintendent in June 2010. His biography
is available online at

"Superintendent Kowba has been a champion of education, ensuring that
every student in San Diego Unified received a world-class education," said
Dr. Evans.

Contact: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

# # #

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Retiring Superintendent Saluted by San Diego Unified Community

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, June 12, 2013


WHAT: Retirement ceremony for San Diego Unified employees, lead by
retiring Superintendent Bill Kowba

WHEN/WHERE: 4 p.m., Courtyard, Eugene Brucker Education Center, 4100
Normal St. (92103)

DETAILS: Each year, San Diego Unified School District holds a reception
for its retiring teachers, classified employees and administrators. This
year's special guest will be Superintendent Bill Kowba, who is retiring
after seven years with the district. Board of Education President Dr. John
Lee Evans will be hosting the event. The Monroe Clarke Middle School Jazz
Band will be performing. More than 200 retirees, friends and family
members, as well as community members, are expected. The event is free and
open to the public.

A retired Rear Admiral, Supt. Kowba joined San Diego Unified in 2006 as
finance director. He was named Superintendent in June 2010. His biography
is available online at

"Superintendent Kowba has been a champion of education, ensuring that
every student in San Diego Unified received a world-class education," said
Dr. Evans.

Contact: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

# # #

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Post Special Meeting Notice, July 2, 2103


·          Notice and Call of Special Meetings—Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Kindness and a smile are contagious, share them with the world!


MEDIA ADVISORY -- Senator Anderson, School Leaders and Law Enforcement Hold Press Conference Promoting ŒSafe Classrooms Act¹

Reporters and editors: You're invited to join us at Washington Elementary
tomorrow for Sen. Anderson's announcement on school funding. His office's
release is below. Please contact Sen. Anderson's office for more

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

36th Senate District

For Immediate Release:


Michele Kane
(916) 651-4036

Jeff Powell
(619) 596-3136

June 11, 2013


Senator Anderson, School Leaders and Law Enforcement
Hold Press Conference Promoting ŒSafe Classrooms Act¹

SAN DIEGO -- Senator Joel Anderson, R-San Diego, will join San Diego
Unified School District leaders, parents, students and law enforcement at
a press conference on Wednesday to announce legislation that will direct
extra revenue the state has received to fund school safety. Upgrading
security has become a paramount issue due to the recent school shootings.

This measure will allow the approximately 10,000 schools (K-12) across the
state to spend the extra one-time revenue on enhancing school security
while maintaining a strong commitment to classrooms.

WHO: Senator Joel Anderson, R-San Diego; Scott Barnett, San Diego Unified
School District Trustee; Rueben Littlejohn, Chief of Police SDUSD Police
Department; Jesus Montana, President SD Schools Police Officers Assoc.;
Amy Redding, Parent and PTA Member

WHAT: Press conference to announce ŒSafe Classrooms Act¹

WHEN: Wednesday, June 12th, 10 a.m.

WHERE: Washington Elementary School, 1789 State Street, San Diego

PARKING: Enter school through the Union Street gate off of West Date St.,
behind Amici Park.

# # #

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Post Board Meeting Notices


·          Notice and Change of Time for Closed Session—Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 1:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Notice of Cancellation of Regular Meeting—Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Meeting Information:

·         Notice of Change of Date for Regular Meeting—Tuesday, July 23, 2013 has been changed to Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Meeting Information:

·         Notice of Cancellation of Regular Meeting—Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Meeting Information:

·         Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

Thank you.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Kindness and a smile are contagious, share them with the world!