Thursday, October 31, 2013
MEDIA ADVISORY -- Superintendent joins NAACP, ADL leaders in diversity news conference
WHAT: Discussion of community diversity issues and Serra High School
costume situation
WHEN: 12:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, 2013, Auditorium, Education Center, 4100
Normal St. (92103)
DETAILS/SPEAKERS: Supt. Cindy Marten will announce a resolution of the
issues around the Serra High School staff-costume issue. She will also be
discussing diversity issues in the San Diego Unified School District with
Lei-Chala I. Wilson, President, NAACP San Diego Branch, and Tammy Gillies,
San Diego Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League.
CONTACT: Moises Aguirre, Executive Director, District Relations, (619)
# # #
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
INFORMACIÓN PARA LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN: Respuesta de Miembro Marne Foster sobre las inquietudes de la Escuela Preparatoria Lincoln
INFORMACIÓN PARA LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN de la Integrante de la Mesa Directiva de Educación del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, Marne Foster, octubre 25 de 2013
Reporteros y editores: Ver antecedentes e información abajo.
Durante la última junta de la Mesa Directiva (martes 22 de octubre de 2013) la miembro de la Mesa Directiva, Marne Foster, respondió a las inquietudes expresadas por un grupo de estudiantes, maestros, miembros de SDEA y sus organizaciones hermanas durante la manifestación realizada en Lincoln semana pasada . “Una cosa es escuchar de los adultos quienes a menudo externan su voz, y otra escuchar a los estudiantes a quienes todos estamos aquí para servir”, dijo Ms. Foster, “¡Yo quiero proporcionarles a ellos los hechos y hacerles saber que su voz y su educación es lo más importante!”
Ms. Foster mencionó que los nuevos estándares de evaluación del Tronco Común requerirán que los estudiantes ejerzan su pensamiento crítico y que ahonden más profundamente en la información, las situaciones y los documentos de consulta. Foster continuó: “Ésta es una oportunidad de demonstrar cómo esto se manifiesta en la vida real. Los estudiantes tienen inquietudes y algunas basadas en parte de la verdad, así que ahora tendremos la oportunidad de tener un intercambio saludable y de analizar los hechos”.
Foster tomó un volante distribuido en la manifestación de la semana pasada y abordó cada inquietud:
Respuesta de la Miembro Marne Foster a las inquietudes sobre la Escuela Preparatoria Lincoln:
1. Todo estudiante tiene el derecho a maestros calificados y comprometidos que enfaticen el rendimiento académico, la consciencia cultural, y la participación de la comunidad.
· Hace un poco más de un año se descubrió que Lincoln tenía 11 maestros con credenciales expiradas
· Algunos cursos no estaban alineados con A-G: un requisito para la graduación
· Las calificaciones de las pruebas eran muy bajas, especialmente en matemáticas, con sólo un 5% de nivel de competencia
· Al comienzo del año escolar 2012-13 la nueva directora condujo una auditoría de expedientes después de hablar con padres y estudiantes y descubrió que sólo cerca de 50 estudiantes eran elegibles para graduarse de una generación de 350 estudiantes
Para rectificar el problema, la nueva directora y el Equipo de Liderazgo de Lincoln:
· trabajó con HR (recursos humanos) para rectificar el problema de credenciales
· alineó la mayor cantidad posible de cursos con los requisitos A-G y suspendió los cursos que no satisfacían los requisitos A-G como Álgebra Unificada y Justicia Social.
· reorganizó los centros (Justicia Social, Artes, Seguridad Pública y Ciencias e Ingeniería) para que enfatizaran y proporcionaran secuencias profesionales mediante los cursos optativos y pasantías y asociaciones ofrecidas con la industria.
o Por ejemplo, los cursos optativos de leyes se ofrecen mediante el centro de Justicia Social e incluyen Introducción a la Práctica Legal, Ley de Empresas, Justicia Criminal, Carreras en Justicia Criminal, y Fundaciones Legales. Las experiencias del aprendizaje ampliado que conectan con las secuencias profesionales incluyen Tribunal de Adolescentes, el club del Modelo Juvenil de las Naciones Unidas, y pasantías con Abogados Locales.
· creó muchas clases y auditó los expedientes para apoyar a los estudiantes en su esfuerzo por alcanzar los requisitos de graduación.
Logro: Al final del año, cerca de 325 estudiantes de una generación de 350 se graduaron. Los estudiantes restantes fueron inscritos en otras oportunidades de aprendizaje ampliado
2. Nuestra escuela debe crear programas que nos interesen y nos conecten con nuestra educación, como la justicia social, estudios étnicos y de la mujer, oceanografía, las artes, música, clases orientadas a profesiones, y actividades extra curriculares.
· Había cursos y programas que funcionaban como cursos únicos individuales que nunca se conectaban a las clases básicas ni creaban una secuencia profesional.
Para rectificar el problema, el Liderazgo de Lincoln:
· creó secuencias profesionales para cada centro
· estableció capítulos en Lincoln de la Sociedad Nacional de Ingenieros Afroamericanos (NSBE) ya la Sociedad de Ingenieros Hispanos Profesionales (SHPE)
· se asoció con el Old Globe, UCSD, y CalSOAP para tener oportunidades de aprendizaje ampliado
o La alianza con UCSD produjo 10 becas para estudiantes de Lincoln con valor de más de 2.4 millones de dólares
· el contenido del curso de Justicia Social quedó incluido en el curso de Desarrollo Político y Económico Global
· incorporó a un consumado maestro de música con un doctorado y distinciones en el campo de la música. El maestro es un sustituto permanente.
3. Demandamos tener directores que sean profesionales, que trabajen con nosotros, que sean respetuosos, transparentes, bilingües, y que apoyen los valores de los estudiantes, padres, miembros de la comunidad, el personal y los maestros.
· Tres de los cuatro administradores de Lincoln son bilingües o multilingües.
· Comenzamos unos mini foros comunitarios en las mañanas y en las tardes para mejorar la comunicación y continuar el diálogo con estudiantes, padres y la comunidad acerca de Lincoln
· La comunidad, los padres y los estudiantes en estas juntas han expresado su preocupación, su amor y su apoyo a la Escuela Preparatoria Lincoln y ha habido participantes que se van sintiéndose en control, conectados y comprometidos con Lincoln. Los mini foros comunitarios a los que hemos asistido la superintendente Marten, Mr. Aguirre, Mr. Leonard Thompson (Relaciones Raciales y Humanas), la Dra. Wilson, Superintendente de Área y yo continuarán cada semana los jueves por la mañana a las 9 am y los jueves por la tarde a las 5:30 pm en el salón de padres de Lincoln (salón 601).
4. Demandamos el regreso al modelo original de escuela pequeña de la Preparatoria Lincoln
· Lincoln nunca tuvo un modelo de escuela pequeña. Las escuelas pequeñas tienen códigos separados del Distrito Escolar del Condado (CDS) donde cada escuela opera de manera autónoma. Lincoln tiene sólo un código CDS y nunca fue establecida de esa manera o reconocida como tal por el distrito. El término correcto es centros, y los centros fueron diseñados como secuencias profesionales que nunca se implementaron por completo en Lincoln. Esto significa que no se estableció previamente una secuencia profesional de cursos definitiva o una serie de clases orientadas a una profesión.
5. Demandamos la implementación de un plan eficaz para reclutar y retener estudiantes en Lincoln
· Para aumentar el número de inscritos hay planes para añadir una experiencia de colegio comunitario con un middle college de la Escuela Preparatoria Lincoln en el otoño de 2014 en donde los estudiantes tendrán acceso a clases universitarias y a programas certificados de profesiones técnicas ofrecidos en la Educación Continua de los Colegios Comunitarios del Distrito –Campus ECC– localizado cerca de Lincoln. Esto es parte del plan para atraer más estudiantes, al tiempo que se amplían elementos del modelo escolar de la Escuela Preparatoria MET y se proporciona la experiencia de middle college a nuestros estudiantes.
o Mientras que hay un plan para incrementar la inscripción en la Lincoln, quiero que los estudiantes sepan y entiendan que la disminución en la inscripción es una tendencia que están experimentando los distritos escolares en todo el Estado de California y en la Nación. La inscripción en Lincoln, como en muchas otras escuelas del Unificado de San Diego, ha sufrido un descenso. Esto no es nuevo, y los factores van desde familias que se mudan fuera del área y la economía, hasta la opción escolar.
6. ¡Necesitamos maestros permanentes, NO substitutos!
· ¡Estoy de acuerdo! Este problema va más allá de Lincoln, y el Distrito está tratando de resolverlo. Éste ha sido un año de muchos retos y a TODOS los directores se les ha informado que los maestros de materias serán permanentes o ubicados en clases difíciles de cubrir (Idiomas Mundiales, Matemáticas y Ciencias, etc.) a finales de octubre.
La integrante de la mesa directiva Foster señaló que muchos maestros, miembros del personal y administradores comparten el deseo de seguir adelante de una manera más colaborativa para apoyar a su amada escuela preparatoria.
“Mis padres se graduaron de la Preparatoria Lincoln”, compartió Foster, “¡esto me hace un producto de Lincoln y un Hornet de por vida! Continuaré mi apoyo a los diálogos saludables y programas que fomenten el entorno escolar positivo y de éxito estudiantil. Podemos crear juntos nuestra querida comunidad”.
Marne Foster
Distrito E, Miembro de la Mesa Directiva de Educación
(619) 725-5550
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
NEWS RELEASE -- Mayoral Candidates To Hear Questions From Young Students
tomorrow night at Roosevelt Middle School. Please contact Linda LeGerrette
or Sara Gurling for details.
Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
NEWS October 28, 2013
Media Contacts:
English: Linda LeGerrette, (619) 347-4342,
Spanish: Sara Gurling, (619) 794-2855,
Mayoral Candidates To Hear Questions From Young Students
Students' Questions Selected for October 30th Mayoral Candidate Forum
San Diego, October 28, 2013 San Diego¹s Mayoral candidates will face
tough questions from local students at the Mayoral Community Forum on
Education scheduled for this Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 5:30 pm at
Roosevelt Middle School. A student panel will ask the candidates to
respond to 10 questions that were chosen from 347 questions that were
submitted by student members of the Cesar Chavez Service Clubs (Chavez
Club), a youth leadership program taught at 17 local schools.
During the last two weeks week, Chavez Club members, called ³Chavistas²,
were asked to develop questions for the candidates for this unique mayoral
forum. Chavez Club coordinators worked with students to prepare ³Youth
Leadership Questions² or a ³YLQ² for the Mayoral candidates. From the 347
questions prepared by students, the Club has now created the ³Youth
Leaderships Top 10 Questions for Our Future Mayor²
list that will be used at the October 30 Community Forum on Education with
At the Wednesday Forum, a panel of 5 students, four Chavista members from
Roosevelt IB Middle School and one community college student, will pose
the Top 10 Question List to the candidates. The list of questions covers
a wide range of topics that
represented the issues of importance to student leaders. The questions
to candidates in advance) cover the following topics; education/student
involvement, libraries/transportation, public/student safety,
parks/infrastructure, and helping students succeed.
³Our young Chavistas will be San Diego¹s future leaders,² said Carlos
LeGerrette, a Club Founder. ³The young people of our city deserve the
opportunity to ask their questions of those who want to be Mayor and to
hear their answers about how they will support public education that will
prepare all young students to become future
There are 38 different Chavez Clubs located in 17 local schools with more
than 900 student members. The YLQ¹s selected from these students will be
posed to the mayoral candidates by a panel of 5 students as
representatives of all young students from
elementary to community college level.
For more
information about the October 30 forum visit the Forum Event Page at:
About The Cesar Chavez Service Clubs
Since 2001, the Chavez Clubs have been an exciting and innovative
leadership development club active in local schools. The Clubs are built
on the ten values of Cesar Chavez and are designed to engage Club members
in community service activities.
By organizing student service clubs, teaching the ten values the Cesar
embodied and carrying out community service projects, the Clubs inspire
to believe in themselves and to know they can make a difference.
For more information see <>
Youth Leaderships Top 10
Questions for Our Future Mayor
(10 Questions selected from
334 questions prepared by K-12 Chavistas and community college students)
Education and Student Involvement
1. I would like to know how the city and schools are related, and what
they do to help each other. What does the city government have to do with
the school district
and how do they work together to help us?
2. What will you do to boost student civic engagement to get students
involved in
government and public service and would you partner with the school
superintendent and the board of education to speak to student groups?
3. Do you champion state legislation that would grant community colleges
the option to provide bachelor degrees?
Libraries and Transportation
4. With libraries closing early (public/college campus) many students
struggle to complete homework assignments due to lack of internet access
at home. What can you do as mayor of our city to provide more libraries
with longer hours, with cooler books that we can relate to and provide
free WiFi inside the library?
5. Many city college students rely on public transportation, but right now
when we have to pay $72 for a bus pass and sometimes we are faced to
choose between buying our textbooks and a bus pass. How would you address
this issue?
Public and Student Safety
6. Today¹s students face bullying at school and in cyberspace. Some
students have even taken their own lives because of bullying. Were you
bullied in school or college and what can you do as mayor to address this
terrible problem in schools and communities?
7. How can you stop the violence around schools such as: tagging, alcohol,
drugs, and shootings?
Parks and Neighborhood Infrastructure
8. Nice family friendly parks bring pride to communities. How can the
mayor¹s office open possibilities for joint-use agreements so school
facilities such as playgrounds and gyms/pools can be staffed for access by
members of the communities?
9. Can I please get better sidewalks because some sidewalks I walk on are
dangerous for kids to use?
Helping Youth Succeed
10. What do you see as your role in ensuring San Diego City Schools bridge
the divide so that all youth will have a fair chance, at least based on
basic education, to compete in San Diego¹s job market?
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Post ICOC Notices
· Notice of Change of Date: ICOC Meeting, November 21, 2013 to November 14, 2013
Committee Meeting Information:
· Notice of Change of Date: ICOC Finance/Audit Subcommittee Meeting, November 28, 2013 to November 21, 2013
Committee Meeting Information:
Please forward to staff and as appropriate print and post notice(s) in a prominent, accessible location at your site.
Thank you.
Confidential Administrative Assistant II
Board Services
4100 Normal Street, Room 2231
San Diego, CA 92103
( (619) 725-5551
7 (619) 297-5624
‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela
Monday, October 28, 2013
CORRECTED MEDIA ADVISORY -- Hear the Class of 2020's Vision Ahead of "State of the District"; "State of the District is Tuesday, Oct. 29 (Note: Corrects dates)
WHAT: Students from the Class of 2020 talk about their vision for what they will do when they graduate from high school in 2020, and Board of Education President Dr. John Lee Evans will talk about Tuesday night's "State of the District," where San Diego Unified's Vision 2020 plan will be discussed.
WHEN: 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29
WHERE: Roosevelt Middle School library, 3366 Park Blvd. (92103). Park on street or on campus; access on-site parking from Zoo Drive.
DETAILS: San Diego Unified's Board of Education adopted the Vision 2020 plan in 2009, when the Class of 2020 was in first grade. Dr. Evans and Supt. Cindy Marten will discuss implementation and focus of the Vision
2020 plan during the State of the District Address, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, at Kearny High School 7651 Wellington St. (92111).
Over the last few years, Dr. Evans has talked with kids in the Class of 2020 (when they were in fourth and fifth grade) to help keep a focus on the students. Those students are now in sixth grade and several will be at
the news conference to give their vision for the future and what they want to do after high school.
Students will be available to photograph and interview.
CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
WHAT: 2013 State of the District Ceremony
WHEN: 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29
WHERE: Kearny High School, 7651 Wellington St. (92111)
DETAILS: Dr. John Lee Evans, Board of Education President, and Supt. Cindy Marten will discuss implementation and focus of the Vision 2020 plan during the State of the District Address. The superintendent will be
building on past successes in the district, such as the cluster organization, rising test scores that are among the highest among California's large districts, a declining dropout rate and increasing graduation rate.
In addition, the Superintendent will announce the establishment of a San Diego Unified School District Hall of Fame, to recognize and highlight graduates and attendees of the San Diego Unified School District. These
individuals reflect the best of what public education produces.
Interim Mayor Todd Gloria is scheduled to attend.
CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to
MEDIA ADVISORY -- Hear the Class of 2020's Vision Ahead of "State of the District"; "State of the District is Tomorrow
WHAT: Students from the Class of 2020 talk about their vision for what
they will do when they graduate from high school in 2020, and Board of
Education President Dr. John Lee Evans will talk about Tuesday night's
"State of the District," where San Diego Unified's Vision 2020 plan will
be discussed.
WHEN: 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29
WHERE: Roosevelt Middle School library, 3366 Park Blvd. (92103). Park on
street or on campus; access on-site parking from Zoo Drive.
DETAILS: San Diego Unified's Board of Education adopted the Vision 2020
plan in 2009, when the Class of 2020 was in first grade. Dr. Evans and
Supt. Cindy Marten will discuss implementation and focus of the Vision
2020 plan during the State of the District Address, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Oct. 29, at Kearny High School 7651 Wellington St. (92111).
Over the last few years, Dr. Evans has talked with kids in the Class of
2020 (when they were in fourth and fifth grade) to help keep a focus on
the students. Those students are now in sixth grade and several will be at
the news conference to give their vision for the future and what they want
to do after high school.
Students will be available to photograph and interview.
CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
WHAT: 2013 State of the District Ceremony
WHEN: 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29
WHERE: Kearny High School, 7651 Wellington St. (92111)
DETAILS: Dr. John Lee Evans, Board of Education President, and Supt. Cindy
Marten will discuss implementation and focus of the Vision 2020 plan
during the State of the District Address. The superintendent will be
building on past successes in the district, such as the cluster
organization, rising test scores that are among the highest among
California's large districts, a declining dropout rate and increasing
graduation rate.
In addition, the Superintendent will announce the establishment of a San
Diego Unified School District Hall of Fame, to recognize and highlight
graduates and attendees of the San Diego Unified School District. These
individuals reflect the best of what public education produces.
Interim Mayor Todd Gloria is scheduled to attend.
CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to
Friday, October 25, 2013
MEDIA ADVISORY: Trustee Foster Addresses Concerns about Lincoln High Schol
MEDIA ADVISORY from San Diego Unified Board of Education Trustee Marne Foster, October 25, 2013
Reporters and editors: See background and information below.
During the last school board meeting (Tuesday, October 22, 2013) Board Trustee Marne Foster responded to concerns raised by a group of Lincoln High School students, teachers, SDEA and sister organizations during last week’s rally held at Lincoln. “It’s one thing to hear from the adults, who often have a voice, and it’s another to hear from the students whom we are all here to serve,” said Trustee Foster, “I wanted to provide them with facts and let them know that their voice and their education is most important!”
Ms. Foster mentioned the new Common Core assessment standards will require students to exercise critical thinking and to dig deeper into information, situations and source documents. Foster expanded, “This is an opportunity to demonstrate how this plays out in real-life. Students had concerns and some based on part of the truth and so now we get an opportunity to have a health exchange and look at the facts.”
Foster took a flier distributed at last week’s rally and addressed each concern:
Trustee Marne Foster’s Response to Concerns about Lincoln High School:
1. Every student has a right to qualified and committed teachers who emphasize academic achievement, cultural awareness and community involvement.
· A little over a year ago it was discovered that Lincoln had 11 teachers with expired credentials
· Some courses were not a-g aligned – a requirement for graduation
· Test scores were very low especially in Math –with only a 5% proficiency rate
· At the beginning of the 2012-13 school year the new principal conducted a transcript audit after speaking with parents and students and discovered that only about 50 students were eligible to graduate out of a class of 350 students
To rectify the issue the new principal and the Lincoln Leadership team:
· worked with HR to rectify the credential problem
· aligned courses as possible with A-G requirements and suspended courses that did not meet A-G requirements such as Unifying Algebra and Social Justice.
· reorganized the centers (Social Justice, the Arts, Public Safety, and Science and Engineering) so they would emphasize and deliver a clear career pathway through electives and internships offered and partnerships with industry.
o For example, elective law courses are offered through the social justice center, and include Intro to Legal practice, Business law, Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice careers, and Legal Foundations. The extended learning experiences that connect to career pathways include Teen Court, Junior Model United Nations club, and internships with Local Attorneys.
· Created many classes and audited transcripts to support students as they strive to meet graduation requirements.
Accomplishment: By the end of the year, about 325 students graduated out of the class of 350. The remaining students were enrolled in other extended learning opportunities
2. Our school must build programs that engage us and connect us to our education like social justice, ethnic and women’s studies, oceanography, the arts, music, career-oriented classes, and extra-curricular activities.
· There were courses and programs that functioned as stand-alone single courses that never connected to core classes or created a career pathway.
To rectify the issue Lincoln leadership:
· created career pathways for each center
· established Lincoln chapters of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
· Partnered with the Old Globe, UCSD, and CalSOAP for expanded opportunities
o The UCSD Partnership yielded 10 scholarships to Lincoln students valued over 2.4 million dollars
· embedded Social Justice course content into existing Global Political and Economic Development course
· received accomplished Music teacher with a doctorate degree and distinctions in the field. The teacher is a permanent substitute.
3. We demand to have principals that are professional, work with us, respectful, transparent, bilingual, and support values, students, parents, community members, staff, and teachers.
· Three of the four administrators at Lincoln are bilingual or multilingual.
· We have started Mini Town-Hall Meetings in the morning and evening to enhance communication and continue a dialogue with students, parents and community about Lincoln
· The community, parents and students in these meetings have expressed their concern, love and support of Lincoln High School and had participants walking away feeling empowered, connected and committed to Lincoln. The mini town hall meetings that Superintendent Marten, Mr. Aguirre, Mr. Leonard Thompson (Race and Human Relations), Area Supt. Dr. Wilson and myself attend will be ongoing every week on Thursday mornings at 9 am and Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm in Lincoln’s parent room (Rm. 601).
4. We demand a return to the original small school model of Lincoln High
· Lincoln never had a small school model. Small schools have separate County District School (CDS) codes where each school operates autonomously. Lincoln has just one CDS codes and was never set-up that way or recognized as such by the district. The correct term is centers. And, the centers were designed as career pathways which were never fully implemented at Lincoln. This means no definitive course pathway or series of classes leading to a career was previously established.
5. We demand the implementation of an effective plan to recruit and retain students at Lincoln
· To grow enrollment there are plans to add a middle college experience at Lincoln High School in the Fall of 2014 where students will have access to college classes and career technical certificated programs offered at the Community College District’s Continuing Education – ECC Campus –located nearby. This is part of the plan to attract more students, while expanding elements of the MET High School model and providing the middle college experience to our students.
o While there is a plan to grow enrollment at Lincoln High School, I want students to know and understand that declining enrollment is a trend being experienced by school districts across the State of California and the Nation. Lincoln’s enrollment like so many other schools in San Diego Unified has taken a dip. This is not new, and the factors stem from families moving out of the area and the economy, to school choice.
6. We need permanent teachers NOT substitutes!
· I agree! This problem goes beyond Lincoln, and the District is working to resolve it. This has been a challenging year, and ALL principals have been told subject matter teachers will become permanent or placed in difficult to staff classes (World Languages, Math, and Science etc.) by the end of October.
Trustee Foster pointed out that many Lincoln teachers, staff members, and administrators shared they would like to move forward together in a more collaborative manner to support their beloved high school.
“My parents are Lincoln High School graduates,” Foster shared, “This makes me a product of Lincoln and a Hornet for life! I will continue to support healthy dialogues and programs that foster positive school climate and student success. We will and we can create the beloved community together.”
Marne Foster
District E, Board of Education Trustee
(619) 725-5550
Post Special Board Meeting Agendas, October 29, 2013
· Special Meeting Notices—Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:
· Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 3:30 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:
· Special Meeting Agenda “State of the District Address”—Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 5:30 p.m., Kearny High School Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:
Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.
In addition, refer to the below links for upcoming meetings, agendas, and minutes of the board advisory committees:
· Audit and Finance:
· CAC: and
· DAC: and
Thank you.
Confidential Administrative Assistant II
Board Services
4100 Normal Street, Room 2231
San Diego, CA 92103
( (619) 725-5551
7 (619) 297-5624
‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela
MEDIA ADVISORY -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District
District, October 25, 2013
Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at
Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that
means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public
is not. These are generally items during the school day.
* Indicates new items added since last week.
For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.
Through 31 -- Red Ribbon Week, celebrated at schools throughout the
district. Contact Jack Brandais, Communications Department, 619-607-0477,
for activities. The Red Ribbon Campaign® was started when drug traffickers
in Mexico City murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985. This began the
continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance
towards the use of drugs.
* 25 -- Deadline for Supplemental Education Services applications. NOTE:
Moved to Friday, November 15, 2013 OR postmarked by Friday, November 8,
2013. For more information, go to the program website at Open to eligible families.
26 -- Supplemental Education Services Meet the Provider Fair, 10 a.m. to 2
p.m., Lincoln High School, 4777 Imperial Ave. (92113). The "Meet the
Providers Fair" is an excellent opportunity for parents and students to
meet the different tutoring organizations listed below that are contracted
to provide SES Free Tutoring to eligible students. Participating
organizations will be there to answer your questions and provide you with
information regarding their individual programs. If you plan to attend one
or both of these fairs, please remember to bring your child's application
that you received in your mail. SES Staff will be available to assist you
and accept your applications in person. Contact: Andrea Thrower, Program
Manager, (619) 262-0316. Open to eligible families.
25 -- Sequoia Elementary School Fall Carnival, 3-6:30 p.m., 4690 Limerick,
San Diego (92117). $15 Wristbands for unlimited games will be sold in
school office the week before the carnival; $20 day of the event. Contact:
Ryan Kissel, Principal, (858) 496-8240. Open to the public.
26 -- Holmes Elementary School Halloween Carnival, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 4902
Mt. Ararat Dr. (92111). Contact: Jonathan Saipe, Principal, (858)
496-8110. Open to the public.
26 -- Bay Park Elementary School Halloween Carnival, 2-5:30 p.m., 2433
Denver St. (92110). Contact: Leslie Barnes, Principal, (619) 276-1471.
Open to the public.
28 -- University City Cluster Committee Common Core Standards
Presentation, 4:30-6 p.m., University City High School Media Center, 6949
Genesee Ave. (92122). UC High Cluster is scheduled to have a presentation
on the new Common Core State Standards that are being phased in by San
Diego Unified. These standards affect the education of all students.
Contact: Jeff Olivero, Principal, 858) 457-3040 or
Open to the public.
28 -- Mira Mesa Cluster School Council meeting, 5:30 p.m., Mira Mesa High
School Media Center, 10510 Reagan Rd. (92126). The Mira Cluster School
Council is dedicated to improving educational endeavors and student
achievement in the Mira Mesa cluster. The committee has representatives
from each of the Mira Mesa neighborhood schools including the principals,
teachers, students and parents. Contact: Bob Turner, Chairperson, Open to the public.
29 -- State of the District Address, 4:30-7 p.m., Kearny High School, 7651
Wellington St. (92111). This year¹s theme is Dream Big: Vision 2020. Board
of Education President John Evans and Supt. Cindy Marten will be joined by
employees, parents, teachers, students, elected officials and the
community to provide an inside look on the upcoming school year. It
includes a celebration of the district¹s hall of fame. More information at Contact: Linda Zintz, Communications Director, at
(619)-725-5578. Open to the public.
* 31 -- Halloween Parade, 2 p.m., Holmes Elementary School, 4902 Mt.
Ararat Dr. (92111). Students in costume will parade around the playground.
Contact: Jonathan Saipe, Principal, (858) 496-8110. Not open to the public.
2 -- Tallmadge and Mid-City Alley Clean-up, 8 a.m., Hoover High School,
4474 El Cajon Blvd. (92115). The Tallmadge Patrol is hosting its annual
Clean Alley Project, partnering with the Hoover High Football Team, and
with assistance from Councilmember Emerald¹s office, the generous donation
of dumpsters by EDCO Waste. Contact: Rudy Heilig at or Kelly Waggonner Open to
the public.
2 -- Pacific Beach Schools Fair, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p. m., Mission Bay High
School, 2475 Grand Ave. (92109). Come talk to the principals, staff and
parents from PB Elementary, Sessions Elementary, Crown Point Junior Music
Academy, Barnard Asian Pacific Language Academy, Pacific Peach Middle
School and Mission Bay High. For more information join our Facebook Open
Group Mission Bay Cluster. Contact: Fred Hilgers, Principal, Mission Bay
High School, (858) 273-1313. Open to the public.
2 -- Curie Elementary School Craft Fair, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 4080 Governor
Drive (92122). Curie¹s Annual PTA Holiday Craft Fair has been famous for
more than three decades for its variety of homemade items. Information: Open to the public.
5 -- Trayvon Martin- George Zimmerman Community Dialogue has been
postponed. Check back for a notice of its rescheduling.
8 -- Audubon K-8 School Design Task force, 7:45 a.m., Audubon K-8 School
auditorium, 8111 San Vicente Street, San Diego CA 92114. San Diego Unified
School District invites you or your representative to participate in a
Design Task Force for the bond-funded whole-site modernization project at
Audubon K-8 School. You will join students, school staff, parents,
neighbors, community members and the architect to discuss the general
design of the school, and how it can best serve the students and the
community for years to come. Contact Alonso Casas, project manager, at or 858-573-5839. Open to the public.
11 -- Holiday, Veterans Day, all school and offices closed.
-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
-- Check out daily updated news items at, subscribe
at or receive a weekly digest by
signing up for Friday Notes at
-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to
cover, items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the
public" means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to
list in an events calendar or announce to the public.
# # #
Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
MEDIA ADVISORY -- Kearny High Hosts Linked Learning News Conference on Thursday
Reporters and editors: See below for a news conferece at 9:15 a.m.
Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Kearny High Educational Complex, organized by
the Linked Learning Alliance, a Sacramento-based group. Your attendance is
welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Hilary McLean, Deputy
Director, Linked Learning Alliance, (916) 248-4848,
The detail on the San Diego event is below; for additional events around
the state, contact Hilary McLean at (916) 248-4848,
Located in Linda Vista, the Kearny High Education Complex is made up of
four high schools that use the linked learning approach. It combines
strong academics, career-based classroom learning, and real-world
workplace experience to help students gain an advantage in high school,
postsecondary education, and career. Students can choose among
industry-themed pathways in fields that include business, arts and media,
business, science and technology, and construction technology.
Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
+ + +
Linked Learning Fall Showcase to Highlight Region-Wide Linked Learning
Commitments, Partnerships of Schools and Businesses
Events and press conferences taking place at high schools across California
San Diego, CA ‹ Employer leaders, school district superintendents, and
state policymakers will host a set of events across the state to showcase
Linked Learning, celebrate the commitment to make Linked Learning
available to students across five regions, and highlight partnerships
between schools and employers to prepare California¹s future workforce for
job-rich economic sectors. Events will feature remarks from State
Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, State Senate President
pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, State Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff,
and others.
Momentum is growing to expand the Linked Learning approach across
California. In January, 63 school districts and county offices of
education were selected to participate in a State Linked Learning Pilot
Program. Earlier this month, the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction and the California Community Colleges Chancellor announced $5
million for the Linked Learning Pilot sites, matched by a $2.5 million
grant from the James Irvine Foundation. The state budget recently signed
by Governor Jerry Brown included $250 million for the California Career
Pathways Trust, a grant program incentivizing collaboration between
schools and employers to support Linked Learning pathways and provide
work-based learning opportunities for students.
Reporters are invited to press conferences and to school visits at each
site, which will provide b-roll opportunities and illustrate what makes
the Linked Learning approach unique from other high school reform
initiatives. Each regional event will include a press conference featuring
high-level Linked Learning champions and students. For more information
about Linked Learning, please visit
Below is a detailed agenda of event opportunities for media.
San Diego Event
Thursday, Oct. 24.
Kearny High Educational Complex, Room 301. 7651 Wellington Way, San Diego,
CA 92111
9:15 a.m., Press conference with State Superintendent of Public
Instruction Tom Torlakson, employer leaders, and regional district
9:50 a.m., A student-led site visit of Kearny High School of Digital Media
Design and/or Kearny High School Construction Tech Academy with
opportunity for B-roll footage.
You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to
Monday, October 21, 2013
Reporters and editors: See advisory from San Diego Police Department
regarding the visit of San Diego Police and San Diego County Sheriff's
Department helicopters to Hearst Elementary School. The visit is scheduled
for 8 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013, and is part of the school's
observance of Red Ribbon Week.
If you have any questions about the visit, please contact Det. Blaine
Ferguson at 619-527-3352, or Hearst Principal Jamie Jorgensen at (619)
Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
+ + +
SENT 10/18/13
What: San Diego Sheriff Search and Rescue Helicopter and Copter One Will
Visit Hearst Elementary School
When: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 8:00 a.m.
Where: Hearst Elementary School
6230 Del Cerro Boulevard, San Diego
Why: As part of the ³Partners in Education² Program, San Diego Sheriff
Search and Rescue Helicopter and Copter One have adopted Hearst Elementary
School. San Diego Police Department will be on scene with a SWAT unit,
motorcycle and several other units.
A San Diego Sheriff Search and Rescue helicopter, ASTREA 10, and Copter
One will land at the school. Students will have the opportunity to see the
helicopters and other public safety vehicles, and to talk with police
officers and firefighters.
Contact: Detective Blaine Ferguson, 619 527-3552
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Friday, October 18, 2013
Post Board Meeting Agendas
· Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:
· Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 3:30 p.m., Room 2249
BoardDocs Agenda Link: :
· Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, October 22, 2013, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:
· Special Meeting Agenda “State of the District Address”—Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 5:30 p.m., Kearny High School Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:
Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.
In addition, refer to the below links for upcoming meetings, agendas, and minutes of the board advisory committees:
· Audit and Finance:
· CAC: and
· DAC: and
Thank you.
Confidential Administrative Assistant II
Board Services
4100 Normal Street, Room 2231
San Diego, CA 92103
( (619) 725-5551
7 (619) 297-5624
‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela