Friday, March 30, 2012

NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at (*
Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.


2-6 ­ Spring Break. All schools are closed. District communications
department will be available all week.

* 3 -- News Conference as State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Discusses
Attendance Gains at San Diego Unified, 10:30 a.m., auditorium, Eugene
Brucker Education Center, 4100 Normal St. (92103). San Diego Unified has
been named a model for attendance improvement and dropout prevention by
the State School Attendance Review Board. Torlakson will join with San
Diego Unified officials to discuss improvements and what other districts
can learn. Contact: Jack Brandais, Communications Department, (619)
725-5570. Not open to the public.

* 3 -- Public Auction of Damaged Furniture, Equipment, 9 a.m., Supply
Center Yard, 2351 Cardinal Lane (92123). Stainless steel double- and
quad-door refrigerators, convection ovens, paper cutters, pianos and
laptops are some of the items up for bid. Contact: Rose Gustafson,
materiel control manager, at 858-522-5850 or Open to
the public.

* 12 -- Field Dedication Ceremony at Thomas Jefferson Elementary, 10 a.m.,
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, 3770 Utah St. (92104). Superintendent
William Kowba, Mayor Jerry Sanders, and other district leaders will join
the Navy Color Guard to celebrate the dedication and ribbon-cutting
ceremony for the new joint-use field at Thomas Jefferson Elementary.
Contact: Cynthia Reed-Porter, Prop. S communications supervisor, at or 619-546-3378. Open to the public.

12 -- Early Financial Aid Planning Workshop at Patrick Henry High, 7-8:30
p.m., Patrick Henry High School Auditorium, 6702 Wandermere Drive (92120).
College counselor and consultant Joe Ogilvie will explain how to receive
financial assistance for college. Sophomores, juniors and their parents
are encouraged to attend. Contact: John Sivak, president of the Patriot
Academic Boosters, at Open to the public.

14 -- San Diego Middle School Students Catapult Into Engineering, 8 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m., Raytheon Company, 8680 Balboa Ave. (92123). Middle school
students, their parents and educators will enjoy a fun-filled day of
hands-on engineering activities, including a catapult competition. Free.
Contact: Registration:

19 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

20 -- Silver Gate Elementary School Hot Rods & Hogs Fundraiser, 5:30 p.m.,
Liberty Station Conference Center, 2600 Laning Road (92106). Parents,
students and community members are invited to attend Silver Gate
Elementary School¹s largest fundraiser of the year. The event includes a
dinner party and live and silent auctions. Media contact: Sandra McClure,
Principal, 619-222-1139. Public contact: Heather Harris, or 619-928-4525. Open to the public.

20 ­ Taste of the Triangle 2012, 7 p.m., UCSD Faculty Club, 9500 Gilman
Dr., #0121 (92093). Parents, students and community members are invited to
attend this annual fundraising event to benefit the five San Diego Unified
schools in University City. The event includes student and faculty
performances, food prepared by some of San Diego¹s top chefs and a silent
auction. Prices are $75 in advance or $85 at the door. Contact: Brian
Barnhorst at or 858- 677-0989. Open to the public.

21 -- Ocean Beach Elementary Celebrates the Arts at Spring Fling, 4-7
p.m., Ocean Beach Elementary School, 4741 Santa Monica Ave. (92107). Ocean
Beach goes to Hollywood in this fundraiser event. Students, family and
community members can walk the red carpet, participate in a
celebrity-look-alike contest, enjoy games and entertainment, and bid in a
silent auction. Contact: Margaret Johnson, Principal, 619-223-1631. Open
to the public.

26 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

26 -- College Orientation with Lynn O'Shaughnessy, 6:30 p.m., La Jolla
High School, 750 Nautilus St. (92037). An expert on the college admission
process, O'Shaughnessy is the local author of the Amazon bestseller: The
College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the
Right Price. Contact: Sharon Jones, Open to the

28 -- Reading Literacy & Learning Sponsors Children¹s Book Party,
8:30-10:30 a.m., Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, 1549 El Prado
(92101). All children attending the 28th-annual event will receive a free
book and enjoy live entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Contact:
Roosevelt Brown, director, 619-266-4118 or Open to
the public.

30 -- Curie Elementary School Stages Spring Sing, 6 p.m., Curie Elementary
School Auditorium, 4080 Governor Drive (92122). Students in grades K-3
will perform music that celebrates cultural and social diversity in their
Children of the World concert. Contact: Christopher Juarez, Principal,
858-453-4184. Open to the public.

30 - May 1 -- California State Science Fair, Grades 6-12, California
Science Center, 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles (90037). Winners of
the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair will compete for
state-level prizes totaling $50,000. Contact: Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854
or Registration required.


2 -- Clairemont High College Financial Aid Night, 7 p.m., Clairemont High
School, 4150 Ute Drive (92117). Juniors, sophomores and freshmen are
encouraged to bring their parents for an evening to talk about getting
into a college or university. Financial aid and the application process
will be discussed. Contact: Lenora Smith, Principal, (858) 273-0201. Open
to parents and students.

2 -- Loma Portal Elementary School Kindergarten Tour, 9:30-11 a.m., Loma
Portal Elementary School, 3341 Browning St. (92106). Parents of Pre-K
children and new students can bring their child to the ³Day as a Dolphin,²
a tour featuring student interaction, crafts and stories. Contact: Glenda
Gerde, Principal, 619-223-1683. Open to the public. Registration required.

8 -- Board of Education Day of the Teacher Ceremony, 4:30-6 p.m., Madison
High School Auditorium, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). This celebration will
honor future educator scholars, the latest class of the district¹s
board-certified teachers and more than 130 teachers of the year from
individual schools. Three teachers will be named district teachers of the
year. Contact: Jennifer Cornelius at or 619-725-5598.
Open to the public.

12 -- Elementary Science Field Day, Grades 4-6, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakeside
Middle School, 11833 Woodside Ave. (92040). Students compete in 15 events
by manipulating materials and data. The day culminates with an award
ceremony. Sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact:
Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Registration required.

12 -- Middle School Math Field Day, Grades 6-8, 8 a.m., Francis Parker
Middle School, 6501 Linda Vista Road (92111). Students compete in math
activities on topics such as pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. Sponsored
by the Greater San Diego Math Council. Contact: Christi Cole,
858-569-7900, ext. 4207 or Registration required.

12 -- Bay Park Elementary PTA Black and White Gala, 6-11 p.m., Hyatt
Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive (92122). Evening includes
music, three food stations, a dessert station, silent auction, classroom
art and raffle drawings. $40 per person. Contact: Allison Rogers or
Kristen Miller, 619-276-1471. Open to the public.

17 -- College, Career and Technical Education Project Competition, 4-6
p.m., Celebration Hall, Market Creek Events & Venues at the Joe & Vi
Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave. (92114). Awards for special projects will
be given as students show off the work they've done during the year,
ranging from robots to radios, hors d'oeuvres to can sculptures. Students
from all high schools compete. The event is also to honor community
partners and to encourage new partners to help educate the next generation
of San Diegans. Contact: Shawn Loescher, Director, College, Career and
Technical Education Program, 858-503-1754. Open to the public.

17 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

18 -- Point Loma High School Presents Rhapsody on the Point, 6:30 p.m.
Reception & Silent Auction, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Humphrey¹s Concerts on the
Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive (92106). The fifth-annual event includes
hors d¹oeuvres and a silent auction. Point Loma students and Kristina
Goettler, the principal oboist for the Kansas City Symphony, will perform.
Proceeds benefit the Point Loma High School instrumental music program.
Public contact: or Media contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal,
619-213-3121. Tickets required.

19 -- Loma Portal Elementary Stages Home & Garden Tour, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Loma Portal Elementary School, 3314 Browning St. (92106). At this
fundraising event, participants peek into the homes and gardens of eight
or more Loma Portal residences. The event includes a craft fair and
raffle. Recommended donation: $20. Contact: Glenda Gerde, Principal,
619-223-1683. Open to the public.

21 -- Patrick Henry Alumni Golf Tournament and Reunion Barbecue, 11 a.m.
Registration, 12:30 p.m. Tournament, 5:30 p.m. Barbecue, Admiral Baker
Golf Course & Clubhouse, 2400 Admiral Baker Road No. 3604 (92120). The
newly created Patrick Henry High School Alumni Association invites golf
enthusiasts to compete for a chance to win a new car valued at about
$30,000. Proceeds benefit Patrick Henry High School. Contact: alumni/class78/2012_golf_tourney.htm. Registration

22 -- Elementary Math Field Day, Grades 4-5, 4 p.m., Canyon View
Elementary School, 9225 Adolphia St. (92129).The Greater San Diego
Mathematics Council and the San Diego County Office of Education¹s annual
competition showcases students¹ prowess in events like Sudoku and mental
math. Contact: Brian Lawler, Registration required.

29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to ŒPointers Got Game,¹
5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
(92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School¹s 50 teams and
activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation
requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS
Pointer Association, Open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle Stages 8th-grade Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
Correia Middle School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents and community
members will deliver short presentations about their careers to Correia
Middle School¹s eighth-grade students. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick,
Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936
Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double
Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council
and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson,
619-444-5573 or


8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen
Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El
Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their
portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges
students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact:
Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or
invitation only.

# # #

Notes to editors and reporters:

To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Retiring School Police Chief's "Final Walkout" at 12:30 p.m. Today

Reporters and editors: From our School Police Department; sorry for the
last-minute notice.

The media is invited to attend the final walkout for San Diego Unified
School District Police Chief Don Braun. Today, at 1230pm, all officers of
our department will line-up and salute Chief Braun as he leaves us for the
last time.

Chief Braun has had a distinguished law enforcement career. He began in
1980 as police officer with the San Diego Police Department. He worked a
variety of assignments and was promoted to Sergeant. He joined School
Police as the assistant police chief in 1996, and was selected as our
chief in 2003.

As he leaves today, he will also take his badge and pin it on our interim
chief, Lieutenant Rueben Littlejohn, who has been with us since 2001.

We hope you can share this very special moment with our department.

Contact: Lt. Mike Marquez, (619) 725-7002

Jack Brandais
Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Thursday, March 29, 2012

NEWS RELEASE -- Ten San Diego Unified Schools Are 'Distinguished'

NEWS RELEASE from the San Diego Unified School District, March 29, 2012


SAN DIEGO -- Ten elementary schools in the San Diego Unified School
District have been designated Distinguished Schools by the California
Department of Education.

The schools are: Doyle Elementary in University City; Hardy Elementary in
the College Area; Holmes Elementary in Clairemont; Marvin Elementary in
Allied Gardens; Kumeyaay Elementary in Tierrasanta; La Jolla Elementary in
La Jolla; Dingemen Elementary in Scripps Ranch; Tierrasanta Elementary in
Tierrasanta; Toler Elementary in Clairemont; Torrey Pines Elementary in La

"This is truly a great honor for these schools, their students, principal,
staff, parents, volunteers and the entire community," said Superintendent
Bill Kowba. "It's not easy to become a California Distinguished School. It
requires great scores and a commitment by the staff to go through the
lengthy state process."

The state makes the awards to elementary schools on even-numbered years,
middle and high schools on odd-numbered years.

"The schools we are recognizing today demonstrate the incredible
commitment of California¹s teachers, administrators, and school employees
to provide a world-class education to every student, in spite of the
financial hardships facing our state and our schools," said Tom Torlakson,
State Superintendent of Public Instruction. "Their dedication is
inspiring, and I applaud and admire their passion and persistence."

Each school is unique to its neighborhood.

-- Doyle Elementary in the University City neighborhood, near UC San
Diego, and is the school for many of children of the university's faculty,
research scientists and graduate students. The enrollment includes
children from more than 30 countries, speaking more than 20 languages and
providing cultural diversity that makes for a rich educational experience.
Parent and community volunteers help in classrooms throughout the campus
and with special events, such as the annual International Festival.

-- Hardy Elementary School, adjacent to San Diego State University and
enjoys strong partnerships with the university; the school is named after
SDSU's president from 1910-35. The school has been certified by the
district as Family Friendly, has an active PTA and involvement by parents
and grandparents as volunteers. More than 100 students participated in the
before-school Mileage Club, with runners learning important fitness and
life lessons.

-- Holmes Elementary is located in a quiet corner of the Clairemont
neighborhood. Its API exceeds 900 and it has been listed on the California
Business for Education Honor Roll for two years. All teachers in grades
3-6 are certified for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). The school's
active PTA funds an award-winning art program, a music teacher and the
computer lab. The campus includes a student garden, rock-climbing wall and
a fitness obstacle-course.

-- Marvin Elementary is in the Allied Gardens neighborhood and relishes
its community ties. Several of today's teachers were once Marvin students
and the school's Parent Teacher Foundation plays an active role in the
school and community. The school has a fully equipped science lab and
full-time science teacher, an annual science fair, GATE and Seminar
programs. The PTF also purchases books for the library, sponsors
assemblies, and produces the variety show.

-- Kumeyaay Elementary is in the northern part of the Tierrasanta
neighborhood and provides an enriched curriculum that includes science and
music instruction funded through the school's foundation. Three teachers
have received the prestigious certification by the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards. The school has "Caught Being Good Slips,"
where a student is given the award for random acts of kindness. Military
family support is important, with nearby base housing.

-- La Jolla Elementary School is a historic campus located in "downtown"
La Jolla. With an active foundation and parent community. The focus is on
creating lifelong learners, enthusiastic readers and critical thinkers.
Sciences are also important, with oceanography units that help kids learn
about the nearby Pacific Ocean. The PTO and Foundation have helped create
a beautiful campus learning environment and hold regular events keep the
community involved.

-- Dingeman Elementary is located in the Miramar Ranch North neighborhood
of the Scripps Ranch community and is proud of its community connection:
it is named after a local civic activist Bob Dingeman. The school's API
exceeds 900 and the school mixes high academic standards with
acknowledgement that parents, teachers and community members are all
partners in education.

-- Tierrasanta Elementary is in the center of the Tierrasanta
neighborhood. Parents and community members volunteer in classrooms and
provide enrichment programs and special projects. In addition, Art Corps,
student recognition, gardening classroom volunteering, as well as the
school¹s and website, offer multiple ways for parents and community
members to become involved.

-- Toler Elementary is located in the southwest part of the Clairemont
community, overlooking Mission Bay. Toler parents volunteer in the
classroom and serve on various decision-making groups, such as the Parent
Teacher Association, School Site Council, Site Governance Team, and
English Learner Advisory Committee. Toler parents participate in
recognition assemblies, student activities, family events, student
performances, and Family Academic Nights.

-- Torrey Pines Elementary is located high on a bluff overlooking the
Pacific Ocean. Its proximity to the UC San Diego campus provides an
opportunity for collaboration with an institute of higher learning. It
consistently ranks as one of the top performing elementary schools in San
Diego County and is in the top five percent of schools in the state. It
has a very active parent involvement program, spearheaded by the Torrey
Pines Elementary School Foundation.

For more information from the state Department of Education, go to For a list of San Diego
Unified distinguished schools through the years, go to

# # #

Jack Brandais
Communications Department
San Diego Unified School District
(619) 725-5570 (Desk)
(619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Walmart Foundation Gives $50,000 To Support Reading Program

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, March 28, 2012


WHAT: Presentation to Sherman Elementary kindergarten class a $50,000 donation by the Walmart Foundation to fund the "Raising a Reader" program at Sherman and two other elementary schools.

WHEN: 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 29, 2012

WHERE: Sherman Elementary School, 301 22nd St. (92102)

DETAILS: Aaron Rios, Senior Manager for Walmart, will present a Raising a Reader bag to a Sherman Elementary kindergarten student to symbolize the grant to the San Diego Unified School District. The $50,000 will be used to support the program at Sherman, Perkins and Rodriguez elementary schools. The ceremony and news conference will take place in one of the school's kindergarten classes. The $50,000 grant will purchase books for 300 students, fund parent engagement training, replacement books for two years, administrative costs and informational materials.

SPEAKERS/VISUALS: The ceremony will take place with the kindergarter students. Supt. Bill Kowba, Aaron Rios of Walmart and Eddie Caballero, Principal of Sherman, will speak to the students. All will be available for one-on-one interviews following the meeting with students. All students have releases and can be photographed.

CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Board Member Jackson Discusses Budget, Program Improvement Status

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, March 27, 2010


WHAT: News conference with Shelia Jackson, Board of Education Member,
Sub-District E

WHEN: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WHERE: Library, Lincoln High School, 4777 Imperial Ave. (92113)

DETAILS: Board Member Jackson will discuss the district's budget situation
and her thoughts on the projected $122 million shortfall for the 2012-13
school year and beyond. She will also discuss the district's status of
Program Improvement under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Ms.
Jackson will make a statement then take questions. Students will also be
available to photograph for b-roll.

ACCESS TO LINCOLN: Media parking will be available from the gate on Willie
James Jones Avenue. Show your media ID for entry. Site is adjacent to

DIRECTIONS: Interstate 805 to Imperial Avenue. East on Imperial Avenue.
Right at Willie James Jones Avenue (Lincoln is at the corner of Imperial
and Willie James Jones avenues).

CONTACT: Shelia Jackson, Board of Education Member, Subdistrict D, (619)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Friday, March 23, 2012

Post Board Agendas, March 27, 2012


·         Notice and Call of Special Meeting—Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Meeting Information:

·         Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 11:00 a.m., Room 2226
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

·          Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday March 27, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at (*
Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.


23-24 -- Serra High School Performs ³According to Clowns,² 7 p.m. Friday,
2 p.m. Saturday, Serra High School, Black Box Theater, 5156 Santo Road
(92124). The Serra High School Honor Theatre program presents an original
production featuring student-created clowns reminiscent of silent film
stars like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Tickets: $10 general
admission, $15 reserved seating. Contact: Mike Jimenez, Principal, at
858-496-8342. Open to the public.

23 -- Sunset View Elementary School Dinner Dance Auction, 5-11 p.m., Kona
Kai Resort & Spa, Point Loma Ballroom, 1551 Shelter Island Drive (92106).
Sportscaster Jane Mitchell emcees the 15th-annual event, sponsored by Kids
First at Sunset View. Community members are welcome to attend the gala,
which includes a hosted bar and music from DJ Mike White. Public contact:
Helen and Chris Ghio, Event Chairs, 619-222-8300 or
Media contact: Jacquelyn McCabe, Principal, 619-223-7156. Registration

23 -- Adams Elementary School 50th Anniversary Celebration, 5-7 p.m., 4672
35th St. (92116). Contact Derek Murchison, principal, at 619-284-1158 or Open to the public.

* 24‹Operations and Efficiency Ad Hoc Committee¹s Custodial Tiger Team
meeting, 8:30 a.m., Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St., Room 2, San
Diego (92110). The public is invited to participate on this committee to
identify ways to improve operations and efficiency in the San Diego
Unified School District. Co-chaired by Board Vice-President Scott Barnett
and Board Member Kevin Beiser. Contact: Open to the

24 -- San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Expo Day, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m., Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd. (92101). This celebration of science and
engineering, with booths from dozens of San Diego¹s top companies and
organizations, promises a day of fun and education for the whole family.
Free admission. Contact: Mary Jo Ball, UC San Diego, Open
to the public.

24 -- Spreckels Elementary Spring Luau and Celebration, 4-7 p.m.,
Spreckels Elementary School, 6033 Stadium St. (92122). Da Kine's will be
catering as Spreckels families gather for a night of fun. Proceeds benefit
Spreckels students. Contact: Dr. Cecilia Fernandez, Principal,
858-453-5377. Open to the public.

25 -- Point Loma High School Cross Country Team Presents Hungry Dog Dash,
8 a.m., NTC Park at Liberty Station, Farragut Road and Cushing Road
(92106). Family and community members are invited to a 5-km run/walk along
the NTC Park waterfront. Prizes, music and carnival games will follow.
Public contact: Media contact: Barbara
Samilson, Principal, 619-223-3121. Registration required.

* 26 ­ California Masons Public Schools Kickoff Celebration, 7:50 a.m.,
Central Elementary School, 4063 Polk Ave. (92105). Masons of California
will present district leadership with a check for $178,000, announce 17
Investment in Success scholarship winners and launch the Raising A Reader
Literacy Partnership. Contact: Cynthia Marten, Principal, 619-281-6644.

* 27 -- College Admissions Night at Patrick Henry High, 7-8:30 p.m.,
Patrick Henry High School Auditorium, 6702 Wandermere Drive (92120).
College counselor and consultant Joe Ogilvie will provide information to
seniors and their parents about the community college admissions process.
Contact: John Sivak, president of the Patriot Academic Boosters, at Open to the public.

* 28 -- Longfellow Magnet Sings, Sends Shoes to Africa, 6-8 p.m.,
Longfellow Spanish Immersion Magnet School Auditorium, 5055 July St.
(92110). The Longfellow community invites friends and family to attend its
karaoke open mic night. Guests are asked to bring a $2 donation or a pair
of shoes, which will be sent to Africa via charitable organization Donate
Your Old Shoes. Contact: Cynthia Arce, Principal, 619-276-4206 or Open to the public.

28 -- Taste of Mira Mesa Benefiting Mira Mesa High School Foundation, 6:30
p.m., Gen Probe, 10210 Genetic Center Drive (92126). Featuring silent and
live auction items as well as food tastings from local restaurants.
Student performances will entertain attendees. Cost: $25 with proceeds
going to Mira Mesa schools. Contact: Sabrina Bazzo,
or Esther Allameddin, Open to the public.

* 29 -- Student Architects Show Off Designs at Montgomery Middle, 5-7
p.m., Montgomery Middle School Auditorium, 2470 Ulric St. (92111).
Students in the Project Lead the Way program will showcase original
designs created with Autodesk Revit, a 3-D modeling program. Pizza will be
served. Contact: Justin Goodrich, math and engineering teacher, Open to the public.

* 30 ­ Holmes Elementary 8th Annual H.E.R.O. Run Jog-a-thon, 2 p.m.,
Holmes Elementary School, 4902 Mt. Ararat (92111). Holmes PTA¹s annual
spring fundraising event, the HERO Run jog-a-thon. Students earn donations
based on the number of laps run. Contact: Principal Jonathan Saipe at


2-6 ­ Spring Break. All schools are closed.

* 12 -- Early Financial Aid Planning Workshop at Patrick Henry High,
7-8:30 p.m., Patrick Henry High School Auditorium, 6702 Wandermere Drive
(92120). College counselor and consultant Joe Ogilvie will explain how to
receive financial assistance for college. Sophomores, juniors and their
parents are encouraged to attend. Contact: John Sivak, president of the
Patriot Academic Boosters, at Open to the

14 -- San Diego Middle School Students Catapult Into Engineering, 8 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m., Raytheon Company, 8680 Balboa Ave. (92123). Middle school
students, their parents and educators will enjoy a fun-filled day of
hands-on engineering activities, including a catapult competition. Free.
Contact: Registration:

19 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

20 -- Silver Gate Elementary School Hot Rods & Hogs Fundraiser, 5:30 p.m.,
Liberty Station Conference Center, 2600 Laning Road (92106). Parents,
students and community members are invited to attend Silver Gate
Elementary School¹s largest fundraiser of the year. The event includes a
dinner party and live and silent auctions. Media contact: Sandra McClure,
Principal, 619-222-1139. Public contact: Heather Harris, or 619-928-4525. Open to the public.

20 ­ Taste of the Triangle 2012, 7 p.m., UCSD Faculty Club, 9500 Gilman
Dr., #0121 (92093). Parents, students and community members are invited to
attend this annual fundraising event to benefit the five San Diego Unified
schools in University City. The event includes student and faculty
performances, food prepared by some of San Diego¹s top chefs and a silent
auction. Prices are $75 in advance or $85 at the door. Contact: Brian
Barnhorst at or 858- 677-0989. Open to the public.

21 -- Ocean Beach Elementary Celebrates the Arts at Spring Fling, 4-7
p.m., Ocean Beach Elementary School, 4741 Santa Monica Ave. (92107). Ocean
Beach goes to Hollywood in this fundraiser event. Students, family and
community members can walk the red carpet, participate in a
celebrity-look-alike contest, enjoy games and entertainment, and bid in a
silent auction. Contact: Margaret Johnson, Principal, 619-223-1631. Open
to the public.

26 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

26 -- College Orientation with Lynn O'Shaughnessy, 6:30 p.m., La Jolla
High School, 750 Nautilus St. (92037). An expert on the college admission
process, O'Shaughnessy is the local author of the Amazon bestseller: The
College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the
Right Price. Contact: Sharon Jones, Open to the

28 -- Reading Literacy & Learning Sponsors Children¹s Book Party,
8:30-10:30 a.m., Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, 1549 El Prado
(92101). All children attending the 28th-annual event will receive a free
book and enjoy live entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Contact:
Roosevelt Brown, director, 619-266-4118 or Open to
the public.

30 -- Curie Elementary School Stages Spring Sing, 6 p.m., Curie Elementary
School Auditorium, 4080 Governor Drive (92122). Students in grades K-3
will perform music that celebrates cultural and social diversity in their
Children of the World concert. Contact: Christopher Juarez, Principal,
858-453-4184. Open to the public.

30 - May 1 -- California State Science Fair, Grades 6-12, California
Science Center, 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles (90037). Winners of
the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair will compete for
state-level prizes totaling $50,000. Contact: Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854
or Registration required.


2 -- Clairemont High College Financial Aid Night, 7 p.m., Clairemont High
School, 4150 Ute Drive (92117). Juniors, sophomores and freshmen are
encouraged to bring their parents for an evening to talk about getting
into a college or university. Financial aid and the application process
will be discussed. Contact: Lenora Smith, Principal, (858) 273-0201. Open
to parents and students.

2 -- Loma Portal Elementary School Kindergarten Tour, 9:30-11 a.m., Loma
Portal Elementary School, 3341 Browning St. (92106). Parents of Pre-K
children and new students can bring their child to the ³Day as a Dolphin,²
a tour featuring student interaction, crafts and stories. Contact: Glenda
Gerde, Principal, 619-223-1683. Open to the public. Registration required.

8 -- Board of Education Day of the Teacher Ceremony, 4:30-6 p.m., Madison
High School Auditorium, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). This celebration will
honor future educator scholars, the latest class of the district¹s
board-certified teachers and more than 130 teachers of the year from
individual schools. Three teachers will be named district teachers of the
year. Contact: Jennifer Cornelius at or 619-725-5598.
Open to the public.

12 -- Elementary Science Field Day, Grades 4-6, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakeside
Middle School, 11833 Woodside Ave. (92040). Students compete in 15 events
by manipulating materials and data. The day culminates with an award
ceremony. Sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact:
Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Registration required.

12 -- Middle School Math Field Day, Grades 6-8, 8 a.m., Francis Parker
Middle School, 6501 Linda Vista Road (92111). Students compete in math
activities on topics such as pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. Sponsored
by the Greater San Diego Math Council. Contact: Christi Cole,
858-569-7900, ext. 4207 or Registration required.

12 -- Bay Park Elementary PTA Black and White Gala, 6-11 p.m., Hyatt
Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive (92122). Evening includes
music, three food stations, a dessert station, silent auction, classroom
art and raffle drawings. $40 per person. Contact: Allison Rogers or
Kristen Miller, 619-276-1471. Open to the public.

17 -- College, Career and Technical Education Project Competition, 4-6
p.m., Celebration Hall, Market Creek Events & Venues at the Joe & Vi
Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave. (92114). Awards for special projects will
be given as students show off the work they've done during the year,
ranging from robots to radios, hors d'oeuvres to can sculptures. Students
from all high schools compete. The event is also to honor community
partners and to encourage new partners to help educate the next generation
of San Diegans. Contact: Shawn Loescher, Director, College, Career and
Technical Education Program, 858-503-1754. Open to the public.

17 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

18 -- Point Loma High School Presents Rhapsody on the Point, 6:30 p.m.
Reception & Silent Auction, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Humphrey¹s Concerts on the
Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive (92106). The fifth-annual event includes
hors d¹oeuvres and a silent auction. Point Loma students and Kristina
Goettler, the principal oboist for the Kansas City Symphony, will perform.
Proceeds benefit the Point Loma High School instrumental music program.
Public contact: or Media contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal,
619-213-3121. Tickets required.

19 -- Loma Portal Elementary Stages Home & Garden Tour, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Loma Portal Elementary School, 3314 Browning St. (92106). At this
fundraising event, participants peek into the homes and gardens of eight
or more Loma Portal residences. The event includes a craft fair and
raffle. Recommended donation: $20. Contact: Glenda Gerde, Principal,
619-223-1683. Open to the public.

* 21 -- Patrick Henry Alumni Golf Tournament and Reunion Barbecue, 11 a.m.
Registration, 12:30 p.m. Tournament, 5:30 p.m. Barbecue, Admiral Baker
Golf Course & Clubhouse, 2400 Admiral Baker Road No. 3604 (92120). The
newly created Patrick Henry High School Alumni Association invites golf
enthusiasts to compete for a chance to win a new car valued at about
$30,000. Proceeds benefit Patrick Henry High School. Contact: alumni/class78/2012_golf_tourney.htm. Registration

22 -- Elementary Math Field Day, Grades 4-5, 4 p.m., Canyon View
Elementary School, 9225 Adolphia St. (92129).The Greater San Diego
Mathematics Council and the San Diego County Office of Education¹s annual
competition showcases students¹ prowess in events like Sudoku and mental
math. Contact: Brian Lawler, Registration required.

* 29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to ŒPointers Got Game,¹
5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
(92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School¹s 50 teams and
activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation
requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS
Pointer Association, Open to the public.

* 31 -- Correia Middle Stages 8th-grade Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
Correia Middle School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents and community
members will deliver short presentations about their careers to Correia
Middle School¹s eighth-grade students. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick,
Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936
Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double
Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council
and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson,
619-444-5573 or


8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen
Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El
Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their
portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges
students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact:
Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or
invitation only.

# # #

Notes to editors and reporters:
To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at

# # #

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Reporters and editors: Below is a media advisory from the Masons of California regarding the Public Schools Kickoff Event being held at one of campuses Central Elementary School on Monday, March 26. Please contact the Masons of California staff if you have any questions.


Linda Zintz

Communications Department

San Diego Unified School District

(619) 725-5578






On March 26, 2012, San Diego County schools will receive a generous donation from the Masons of California: The fraternity will present district administrators with $178,000 in support of education.  The donation is part of the Masons’ commitment to making a profound difference for public education throughout the state.


The Masons of California have helped make public education a focal issue in California since their 1920 introduction of Public Schools Week, now celebrated statewide as Public Schools Month each April. The donation to support teachers and students in San Diego County schools is presented as part of the fraternity’s annual Public Schools Month kickoff celebration.  Events will be held throughout California this March and April, with statewide donations amounting to more than $750,000.


The checks presented at this year’s Public Schools Month kickoff celebrations will provide funding for the fraternity’s statewide public education initiatives:


• Through the Raising A Reader Literacy Partnership, California Masons are bringing the award-winning Raising A Reader literacy program to kindergarten classrooms in the lowest-performing public schools throughout the state, turning the page for literacy and increasing life opportunities for thousands of children at risk for learning failure. Masons’ donations are enabling this acclaimed program to reach hundreds of California public school students for the first time.


• The fraternity’s Investment in Success Scholarship Program, which launched last spring, provides college scholarships for deserving high school seniors who demonstrate an active pursuit of education in spite of significant obstacles. Students who receive these scholarships demonstrate exemplary character, drive, and scholastic potential, despite challenges in their homes or communities.


San Diego Public Schools Month Kickoff Celebration


When:                  March 26, 2012, 7:50 a.m.


Where:                 Central Elementary School, 4063 Polk Ave., San Diego, CA 92105


Details:                 Members of the press are invited to join the Masons of California as we present teachers and students at public schools in San Diego County with $178,000. 


Interviews:         John Heisner, Grand Orator, Masons of California; Dr. John Lee Evans, President, San Diego Unified Board of Education; Bill Kowba, Superintendent, San Diego Unified School District;   Cindy Marten, Principal, Central Elementary School


Parking:                Parking is located on 41st St. or in the lot adjacent to the entrance of the school on the northwest corner of 41st St. and Polk Ave.


Photo opportunities and school tours will be available.


About the Masons of California

Freemasonry is the world’s first and largest fraternal organization, based on the belief that a man who strives to improve himself can also improve his community and the world at large. The Masons of California have more than 60,000 members and about 340 lodges located throughout the state.  The California Masonic Foundation is committed to making a profound difference for our communities, and touches the lives of thousands of Californians each year.  Learn more at and follow us on Twitter.  You can also visit us on Facebook and YouTube. 


To learn more about the Masons of California/Raising A Reader partnership, please visit:  or contact the California Masonic Foundation at


Media Contact:  

Joyce Hahn, 415/292-9139

Foundation Programs Coordinator

Masons of California


# # # # #




Reporters and editors: Below is a media advisory from the Masons of California regarding the Public Schools Kickoff Event being held at one of campuses Central Elementary School on Monday, March 26. Please contact the Masons of California staff if you have any questions.

Linda Zintz
Communications Department
San Diego Unified School District
(619) 725-5578



On March 26, 2012, San Diego County schools will receive a generous donation from the Masons of California: The fraternity will present district administrators with $178,000 in support of education. The donation is part of the Masons' commitment to making a profound difference for public education throughout the state.

The Masons of California have helped make public education a focal issue in California since their 1920 introduction of Public Schools Week, now celebrated statewide as Public Schools Month each April. The donation to support teachers and students in San Diego County schools is presented as part of the fraternity's annual Public Schools Month kickoff celebration. Events will be held throughout California this March and April, with statewide donations amounting to more than $750,000.

The checks presented at this year's Public Schools Month kickoff celebrations will provide funding for the fraternity's statewide public education initiatives:

* Through the Raising A Reader Literacy Partnership, California Masons are bringing the award-winning Raising A Reader literacy program to kindergarten classrooms in the lowest-performing public schools throughout the state, turning the page for literacy and increasing life opportunities for thousands of children at risk for learning failure. Masons' donations are enabling this acclaimed program to reach hundreds of California public school students for the first time.

* The fraternity's Investment in Success Scholarship Program, which launched last spring, provides college scholarships for deserving high school seniors who demonstrate an active pursuit of education in spite of significant obstacles. Students who receive these scholarships demonstrate exemplary character, drive, and scholastic potential, despite challenges in their homes or communities.

San Diego Public Schools Month Kickoff Celebration

When: March 26, 2012, 7:50 a.m.

Where: Central Elementary School, 4063 Polk Ave., San Diego, CA 92105

Details: Members of the press are invited to join the Masons of California as we present teachers and students at public schools in San Diego County with $178,000.

Interviews: John Heisner, Grand Orator, Masons of California; Dr. John Lee Evans, President, San Diego Unified Board of Education; Bill Kowba, Superintendent, San Diego Unified School District; Cindy Marten, Principal, Central Elementary School

Parking: Parking is located on 41st St. or in the lot adjacent to the entrance of the school on the northwest corner of 41st St. and Polk Ave.

Photo opportunities and school tours will be available.

About the Masons of California
Freemasonry is the world's first and largest fraternal organization, based on the belief that a man who strives to improve himself can also improve his community and the world at large. The Masons of California have more than 60,000 members and about 340 lodges located throughout the state. The California Masonic Foundation is committed to making a profound difference for our communities, and touches the lives of thousands of Californians each year. Learn more at and follow us on Twitter. You can also visit us on Facebook and YouTube.

To learn more about the Masons of California/Raising A Reader partnership, please visit: or contact the California Masonic Foundation at .

Media Contact:
Joyce Hahn, 415/292-9139
Foundation Programs Coordinator
Masons of California

# # # # #

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Post ICOC Meeting Notices:


·         Notice of Cancellation: ICOC Construction Subcommittee, April 3, 2012, 4:00 p.m.
Committee Meeting Information:

·         Notice of Cancellation: ICOC Audit Subcommittee, April 9, 2012, 4:30 p.m.
Committee Meeting Information:

·         Notice of Change of Date: ICOC Executive/Governance Subcommittee, April 11, 2012, 4:00 p.m.
Committee Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.

Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Post Board Meeting Notices



·         Notice and Call of Special Meeting, Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
Meeting Information:

·         Notice of Cancellation for Regular Meeting, Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
Meeting Information:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.


Thank you.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela

Friday, March 16, 2012

NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at (*
Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.

Do you check our daily News Feed? Every day, we post an item about our
schools on the front of our district website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
You can receive the News Feed by going to or go to and sign up
for the email.


17 -- La Jolla High School Stages ³Grease,² 7 p.m., La Jolla High School
Auditorium, 750 Nautilus St. (92037). The La Jolla High School Visual and
Performing Arts department relives those ³Summer Nights² in their staging
of the classic musical. Contact: Dana Shelburne, Principal, 858-454-3081.
Open to the public.

17 -- Mira Mesa High School Presents ³The Phantom of the Opera,² 7 p.m.,
Mira Mesa High School Auditorium, 10510 Reagan Road (92126). Enjoy the
Broadway classic about a disfigured man living in the catacombs of the
Paris Opera House. Tickets: $10. Contact: Daniel Kriley, director,
858-566-2263, ext. 2245. Open to the public.

17 -- San Diego County Office of Education History Day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
San Diego County Office of Education, 6401 Linda Vista Road (92111).
Students in grades 4-12 will compete individually or in groups to
demonstrate understanding of historical events. Contact: Laurie Mosier,
858-292-3820 or Registration required.

17-23 -- 2012 San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering, various
locations. The weeklong festival kicks off with events at San Diego State
University, Balboa Park and other locations. The remainder of the week
offers 37 events, including Expo Day at Petco Park on Saturday, March 24.
More than 55,000 students, families, scientists and educators will
participate. Contact: Mary Jo Ball, UC San Diego, For
more information, visit Open to the

20-25 -- Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair, Balboa Park
Activity Center, 2145 Park Blvd. (92101). Qualifying students in grades
7-12 participate in the regional competition for a chance to enter the
state fair. Awards will be given in 13 categories, including biochemistry,
physics and zoology. Contact: Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Registration required.

21 -- Farm Bus Fundraiser, operating hours, Whole Foods Markets in
Hillcrest and La Jolla. The San Diego Unified School District¹s innovative
new Bus Farm project is gaining momentum thanks to Whole Foods Markets in
Hillcrest and La Jolla. The stores will donate 5 percent of their net
sales on Wednesday, March 21, to support the new Bus Farm. Contact:
Vanessa Zajfen, Farm to School Specialist, Open to the

* 21, 23 -- University City High School Presents Student-Directed Plays, 7
p.m., University City High School Auditorium, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122).
The University City High School performing arts department presents a
compilation of four wacky one-act plays, all directed by students.
Tickets: $10. Contact: Belinda Brown, drama teacher, 858-457-3040, ext.

21 -- San Diego Countywide Spelling Bee, Grades 7-8, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
Hall of Champions, Balboa Park, 2131 Pan American Plaza (92101). The San
Diego County Office of Education sponsors the 43rd-annual event, where
students compete for a chance to participate in the national spelling bee.
Contact: Nicole Shina, 858-292-3850 or Open to the

* 22 -- Clairemont High College Admission Night, 7 p.m., Clairemont High
School, 4150 Ute Drive (92117). Juniors, sophomores and freshmen are
encouraged to bring their parents for an evening to talk about getting
into a college or university. Financial aid and the application process
will be discussed. Contact: Lenora Smith, Principal, (858) 273-0201. Open
to parents and students.

* 22 -- Clairemont High School Dedicates Softball Field, 3 p.m.,
Clairemont High School Softball Field, 4150 Ute Drive (92117). Athletes,
coaches, staff, community members and district leaders will gather for a
ribbon-cutting ceremony at Clairemont High School¹s new softball field.
The first varsity home game immediately follows. Contact: Cynthia
Reed-Porter, communications supervisor, or
619-546-3378. Open to the public.

22 -- Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair Awards Ceremony,
Evening, San Diego State University, Viejas Arena, 5500 Canyon Crest Drive
(92182). Winners will be announced from the more than 800 grade 7-12
science fair entries. Contact: Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Open to the public.

22 -- La Jolla Cluster Views "Race to Nowhere," 6:30 p.m., La Jolla High
Parker Auditorium, 750 Nautilus St. (92037). "Race to Nowhere: The Dark
Side of America's Achievement Culture" will be watched, followed by a
panel discussion. The cluster association first showed this film in
October 2010, and it prompted changes in homework policies at some public
schools. Tickets: $10. If more than 50 attend, the school will be given a
copy of the movie. Contact: Sharon Jones, Open to the

22 -- Elementary Instrumental Honor Concert, 7 p.m., Brown Chapel, Pt.
Loma Nazarene College, 3900 Lomaland Drive (92106). Concert of 120
elementary school students from throughout the San Diego Unified School
District. There will be a band and orchestra performance. Contact: Karen
Childress-Evans, director, 858-539-5349. Open to the public.

23-24 -- Serra High School Performs ³According to Clowns,² 7 p.m. Friday,
2 p.m. Saturday, Serra High School, Black Box Theater, 5156 Santo Road
(92124). The Serra High School Honor Theatre program presents an original
production featuring student-created clowns reminiscent of silent film
stars like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Tickets: $10 general
admission, $15 reserved seating. Contact: Mike Jimenez, Principal, at
858-496-8342. Open to the public.

23 -- Sunset View Elementary School Dinner Dance Auction, 5-11 p.m., Kona
Kai Resort & Spa, Point Loma Ballroom, 1551 Shelter Island Drive (92106).
Sportscaster Jane Mitchell emcees the 15th-annual event, sponsored by Kids
First at Sunset View. Community members are welcome to attend the gala,
which includes a hosted bar and music from DJ Mike White. Public contact:
Helen and Chris Ghio, Event Chairs, 619-222-8300 or
Media contact: Jacquelyn McCabe, Principal, 619-223-7156. Registration

23 -- Adams Elementary School 50th Anniversary Celebration, 5-7 p.m., 4672
35th St. (92116). Contact Derek Murchison, principal, at 619-284-1158 or Open to the public.

24 -- San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Expo Day, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m., Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd. (92101). This celebration of science and
engineering, with booths from dozens of San Diego¹s top companies and
organizations, promises a day of fun and education for the whole family.
Free admission. Contact: Mary Jo Ball, UC San Diego, Open
to the public.

24 -- Spreckels Elementary Spring Luau and Celebration, 4-7 p.m.,
Spreckels Elementary School, 6033 Stadium St. (92122). Da Kine's will be
catering as Spreckels families gather for a night of fun. Proceeds benefit
Spreckels students. Contact: Dr. Cecilia Fernandez, Principal,
858-453-5377. Open to the public.

25 -- Point Loma High School Cross Country Team Presents Hungry Dog Dash,
8 a.m., NTC Park at Liberty Station, Farragut Road and Cushing Road
(92106). Family and community members are invited to a 5-km run/walk along
the NTC Park waterfront. Prizes, music and carnival games will follow.
Public contact: Media contact: Barbara
Samilson, Principal, 619-223-3121. Registration required.

26 -- Central Elementary School Flag-Raising Ceremony, 7:30 a.m., 4063
Polk Ave. (92105). The San Diego Masons Lodge No. 35 will announce
scholarships and describe the Raising a Reader program at Central
Elementary School¹s flag-raising ceremony. Contact: Cynthia Marten,
Principal, 619-281-6644.

28 -- Taste of Mira Mesa Benefiting Mira Mesa High School Foundation, 6:30
p.m., Gen Probe, 10210 Genetic Center Drive (92126). Featuring silent and
live auction items as well as food tastings from local restaurants.
Student performances will entertain attendees. Cost: $25 with proceeds
going to Mira Mesa schools. Contact: Sabrina Bazzo,
or Esther Allameddin, Open to the public.


2-6 ­ Spring Break. All schools are closed.

* 14 -- San Diego Middle School Students Catapult Into Engineering, 8 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m., Raytheon Company, 8680 Balboa Ave. (92123). Middle school
students, their parents and educators will enjoy a fun-filled day of
hands-on engineering activities, including a catapult competition. Free.
Contact: Registration:

19 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

20 -- Silver Gate Elementary School Hot Rods & Hogs Fundraiser, 5:30 p.m.,
Liberty Station Conference Center, 2600 Laning Road (92106). Parents,
students and community members are invited to attend Silver Gate
Elementary School¹s largest fundraiser of the year. The event includes a
dinner party and live and silent auctions. Media contact: Sandra McClure,
Principal, 619-222-1139. Public contact: Heather Harris, or 619-928-4525. Open to the public.

20 ­ Taste of the Triangle 2012, 7 p.m., UCSD Faculty Club, 9500 Gilman
Dr., #0121 (92093). Parents, students and community members are invited to
attend this annual fundraising event to benefit the five San Diego Unified
schools in University City. The event includes student and faculty
performances, food prepared by some of San Diego¹s top chefs and a silent
auction. Prices are $75 in advance or $85 at the door. Contact: Brian
Barnhorst at or 858- 677-0989. Open to the public.

21 -- Ocean Beach Elementary Celebrates the Arts at Spring Fling, 4-7
p.m., Ocean Beach Elementary School, 4741 Santa Monica Ave. (92107). Ocean
Beach goes to Hollywood in this fundraiser event. Students, family and
community members can walk the red carpet, participate in a
celebrity-look-alike contest, enjoy games and entertainment, and bid in a
silent auction. Contact: Margaret Johnson, Principal, 619-223-1631. Open
to the public.

* 26 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

26 -- College Orientation with Lynn O'Shaughnessy, 6:30 p.m., La Jolla
High School, 750 Nautilus St. (92037). An expert on the college admission
process, O'Shaughnessy is the local author of the Amazon bestseller: The
College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the
Right Price. Contact: Sharon Jones, Open to the

28 -- Reading Literacy & Learning Sponsors Children¹s Book Party,
8:30-10:30 a.m., Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, 1549 El Prado
(92101). All children attending the 28th-annual event will receive a free
book and enjoy live entertainment. Refreshments will be served. Contact:
Roosevelt Brown, director, 619-266-4118 or Open to
the public.

30 -- Curie Elementary School Stages Spring Sing, 6 p.m., Curie Elementary
School Auditorium, 4080 Governor Drive (92122). Students in grades K-3
will perform music that celebrates cultural and social diversity in their
Children of the World concert. Contact: Christopher Juarez, Principal,
858-453-4184. Open to the public.

30 - May 1 -- California State Science Fair, Grades 6-12, California
Science Center, 700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles (90037). Winners of
the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair will compete for
state-level prizes totaling $50,000. Contact: Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854
or Registration required.


* 2 -- Clairemont High College Financial Aid Night, 7 p.m., Clairemont
High School, 4150 Ute Drive (92117). Juniors, sophomores and freshmen are
encouraged to bring their parents for an evening to talk about getting
into a college or university. Financial aid and the application process
will be discussed. Contact: Lenora Smith, Principal, (858) 273-0201. Open
to parents and students.

2 -- Loma Portal Elementary School Kindergarten Tour, 9:30-11 a.m., Loma
Portal Elementary School, 3341 Browning St. (92106). Parents of Pre-K
children and new students can bring their child to the ³Day as a Dolphin,²
a tour featuring student interaction, crafts and stories. Contact: Glenda
Gerde, Principal, 619-223-1683. Open to the public. Registration required.

* 8 -- Board of Education Day of the Teacher Ceremony, 4:30-6 p.m.,
Madison High School Auditorium, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). This
celebration will honor future educator scholars, the latest class of the
district¹s board-certified teachers and more than 130 teachers of the year
from individual schools. Three teachers will be named district teachers of
the year. Contact: or 619-725-5550. Open to the public.

12 -- Elementary Science Field Day, Grades 4-6, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakeside
Middle School, 11833 Woodside Ave. (92040). Students compete in 15 events
by manipulating materials and data. The day culminates with an award
ceremony. Sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact:
Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Registration required.

12 -- Middle School Math Field Day, Grades 6-8, 8 a.m., Francis Parker
Middle School, 6501 Linda Vista Road (92111). Students compete in math
activities on topics such as pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. Sponsored
by the Greater San Diego Math Council. Contact: Christi Cole,
858-569-7900, ext. 4207 or Registration required.

12 -- Bay Park Elementary PTA Black and White Gala, 6-11 p.m., Hyatt
Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive (92122). Evening includes
music, three food stations, a dessert station, silent auction, classroom
art and raffle drawings. $40 per person. Contact: Allison Rogers or
Kristen Miller, 619-276-1471. Open to the public.

17 -- College, Career and Technical Education Project Competition, 4-6
p.m., Celebration Hall, Market Creek Events & Venues at the Joe & Vi
Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave. (92114). Awards for special projects will
be given as students show off the work they've done during the year,
ranging from robots to radios, hors d'oeuvres to can sculptures. Students
from all high schools compete. The event is also to honor community
partners and to encourage new partners to help educate the next generation
of San Diegans. Contact: Shawn Loescher, Director, College, Career and
Technical Education Program, 858-503-1754. Open to the public.

17 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

18 -- Point Loma High School Presents Rhapsody on the Point, 6:30 p.m.
Reception & Silent Auction, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Humphrey¹s Concerts on the
Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive (92106). The fifth-annual event includes
hors d¹oeuvres and a silent auction. Kristina Goettler, principal oboist
for the Kansas City Symphony, and Point Loma students will perform.
Proceeds benefit the Point Loma High School instrumental music program.
Public contact: or Media contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal,
619-213-3121. Tickets required.

19 -- Loma Portal Elementary Stages Home & Garden Tour, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Loma Portal Elementary School, 3314 Browning St. (92106). At this
fundraising event, participants peek into the homes and gardens of eight
or more Loma Portal residences. The event includes a craft fair and
raffle. Recommended donation: $20. Contact: Glenda Gerde, Principal,
619-223-1683. Open to the public.

22 -- Elementary Math Field Day, Grades 4-5, 4 p.m., Canyon View
Elementary School, 9225 Adolphia St. (92129).The Greater San Diego
Mathematics Council and the San Diego County Office of Education¹s annual
competition showcases students¹ prowess in events like Sudoku and mental
math. Contact: Brian Lawler, Registration required.

* 31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936
Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double
Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council
and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson,
619-444-5573 or


8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen
Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El
Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their
portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges
students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact:
Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or
invitation only.

# # #

Notes to editors and reporters:
To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

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