Thursday, May 31, 2012

Post Special Mtg Notice & Agenda, June 5, 2012


·         Notice and Call of Special Meeting— Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Meeting Information:

·         Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, June 5, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2226
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.

Thank you.


Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Landscape Architects Dedicate Taft Middle School Garden

Reporters and editors: See news release below for dedication of Taft
Middle School garden, 2 p.m. Thursday, May 31, at the school, 9191
Gramercy Dr. (92123).

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

MEDIA RELEASE: for immediate use

American Society of Landscape Architects, Friends of Ruffin Canyon and ACE
Mentor Program Celebrate Completion of Educational and Native Garden at
William H. Taft Middle School

SAN DIEGO: May 3, 2012‹The San Diego Chapter of the American Society of
Landscape Architects (ASLA), in partnership with the Friends of Ruffin
Canyon and the ACE Mentor Program, have completed the design and
installation of an educational and native garden‹The HabiTaft Garden‹ for
William H. Taft Middle School in Serra Mesa. A dedication ceremony will
take place on May 31 at 2 PM at the garden site.

Principal Mike George will welcome guests, followed by remarks from San
Diego Superintendent of Schools, Bill Kowba and Gary Petill, Food Services
Director for the San Diego Unified School District. As part of the
celebration there will be demonstrations that include: compost, worms,
planting and native plants.

The 2011 Legacy Project for the ALSA, The HabiTaft Garden was selected
because it presented an ideal forum for reconnecting children with the
environment and exposing them to the practice of landscape architecture.
Installation of the garden began in October 2011 with school officials,
landscape architects, students and Friends of Ruffin Canyon digging in.

ASLA volunteers developed and hosted design workshops for ACE Mentor High
School Students as part of the Legacy Project. The first workshop was held
at the site where the students learned how to prepare a site-analysis plan
by observing and documenting existing site conditions. The subsequent
workshops were held at The New School of Architecture and Design in
downtown San Diego. These workshops led the students through the landscape
architecture-design process from concept through construction documents.

During the workshops, students learned about the value and diversity of
canyon land and watersheds in San Diego and how they related to their
site. They learned about urban agriculture and the benefits of
reconnecting to natural processes through gardening. The students
documented their site-analysis, programmed the site, generated a master
plan for the campus, and designed a small educational garden, which they
helped construct at Taft Middle School.

In the next stage of the Legacy Project, Taft will develop curriculum that
allows students to discover nature, investigate history, and celebrate
culture through working and learning in the garden. The garden is
universally accessible, providing opportunities where children of all
abilities can explore San Diego¹s rich and diverse landscape. The Friends
of Ruffin will use the garden¹s greenhouse to grow seedlings that will be
planted in Ruffin Canyon, which is adjacent to Taft Middle School.

The HabiTaft Garden Legacy Project celebrates the mission of the American
Society of Landscape Architects, which is to lead, educate and participate
in the careful stewardship, wise planning and artful design of our
cultural and natural environments.

EDITORS NOTE: Hi-res images are available of complete build process.
Please contact Delle Willett at or call 619.665.5981


Contacts: Brooke Pietz, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619.294.4477 x151
Delle Willett, Publicist, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619.665.5981

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- FCC Chairman Visits Mann Middle School

Reporters and editors: See news release below from the Federal
Communications Commission. Chairman Julius Genachowski will visit Thursday
and discuss the "broadband adoption gap." Your coverage is invited.
Contact FCC's Neil Grace at 202-418-0506 with questions.

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D. C. 20554

This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the
full text of a Commission order constitutes official action.
See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

May 29, 2012 Neil Grace, 202-418-0506



Washington, D.C. ­ On Thursday, May 31, 2012, FCC Chairman Julius
Genachowski will join representatives from Connect2Compete and Cox
Communications in San Diego to announce progress on their national effort
to close the broadband adoption gap. Connect2Compete is piloting with Cox
and working in tandem with the cable industry on the program in San Diego,
offering eligible families in six school districts low-cost, high-speed
broadband and low-cost, high-quality laptops.

According to the Pew Research Center, one-third of all Americans‹100
million people‹ have not adopted broadband high-speed Internet at home.
Through Connect2Compete, the public-private partnership seeks to overcome
the top obstacles to broadband adoption, including digital literacy,
relevance and cost.

WHAT: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will visit a San Diego
County school to discuss Connect2Compete, an initiative to address
broadband adoption in communities across the country. Representatives from
companies, non-profits, and local education officials will deliver brief

WHO: Julius Genachowski, Chairman, Federal Communications
Dave Bialis, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Cox California
John Lee Evans, President, San Diego Board of Education
Ben Hecht, Chairman, Connect2Compete
Jill Vaske, Executive Vice President, Redemtech/Good PC
Brent Wilkes, National Executive Director, League of United Latin American

WHEN: 10:00AM Pacific
Thursday, May 31, 2012

WHERE: Horace Mann Middle School
4345 54th Street
San Diego, CA 92115

PRESS: For media inquiries and to RSVP, please contact FCC Press
Secretary Neil Grace at or 202-418-0506.


You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Friday, May 25, 2012

Media Advisory--Morse High School Dedicates New Culinary Arts Facility

MEDIA ADVISORY-- May 25, 2012
Contact: Cynthia Reed-Porter 619-546-3378

Morse High's Hungry Tigers Dedicate New Culinary Facility and Host Open House

WHAT:  San Diego Unified School District is dedicating its new culinary arts facility at Morse High School. The College, Career & Technical Education facility (CCTE) is funded by Proposition S and a California Proposition 1D matching-fund grant. The school's Hungry Tiger culinary arts program provides students with a professional working environment while still in school.

WHEN:  Wednesday, May 30, 10:30-11:30 a.m. (rain or shine)

WHERE: Morse High School, 6905 Skyline Drive, SD 92114
School phone: 619-262-0763 School website:
Media parking will be available adjacent to facility (see attached map)

VISUALS: Presentation of colors by Morse High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, student-led Pledge of Allegiance, ribbon-cutting ceremony, student demonstrations, Morse Hungry Tiger culinary students catering the event, guests touring the facility, and guests dining on culinary treats.

GUEST SPEAKERS/INTERVIEWS: Morse High students, principal, Board of Education member, CCTE director, and executive director of the Prop. S program. (English and Spanish interviews)

BACKGROUND: This $3.2 million project involved constructing a new one-story, 6,622-square-foot, steel-framed building with an additional 1,695-square-foot outdoor cafe. Located on the southeast portion of the campus, the new facility features demonstration and instructional kitchens, indoor dining, a nutritional analysis classroom, two classrooms/preparation areas, teachers' offices, cold and dry storage, uniform closets, laundry, cleanup and trash areas, restrooms, and a loading dock.

On November 4, 2008, nearly 69 percent of the voters in San Diego passed the $2.1 billion general obligation bond measure, Proposition S, so that the school district could repair, renovate and revitalize the district's schools. These bond funds cannot be used to pay teacher or school administrator salaries.

Thanks to Proposition S, the school is receiving technology upgrades as part of the district's i21 Interactive Classroom Initiative. In addition, the stadium was completely rebuilt with a new press box, concession stand, restrooms, all-weather track, synthetic turf field and other amenities. Future Proposition S projects include a new two-story classroom building and a whole-site modernization project.

The local Proposition S funds are being used to match the state's Proposition 1D Career, Technical Education grant monies so that the district can provide new and/or renovated facilities to accommodate College, Career & Technical Education programs. At Morse High School, the new program facilities include auto body, culinary arts and child development.

The project partners for the new culinary facility were Zagrodnik + Thomas Architects and Cox Construction. Construction was completed in May 2012.

# # #

Cynthia Reed-Porter, Communications Supervisor | Communications Office | San Diego Unified School District
Offices: (619) 725-5579 or (858) 637-3607 | Mobile: (619) 546-3378 | E-mail:

NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at (*
Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.

CLASS OF 2012 COMMENCEMENT SCHEDULE: Most schools will be graduating on
Wednesday, June 12. The schedule is online at


* 28 ­ Memorial Day Observed. All schools and offices will be closed.

29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to ŒPointers Got Game,¹
5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
(92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School¹s 50 teams and
activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation
requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS
Pointer Association, Open to the public.

* 30-- Morse High School Culinary Arts Facility Dedication Ceremony, 10:30
a.m., 6905 Skyline Drive (92114). Proposition S and College, Career &
Technical Education teams are hosting the dedication and ribbon-cutting of
the new state-of-the-arts culinary arts facility. Contact: Cynthia
Reed-Porter, facilities communications supervisor, at or 619-725-5579. Open to the public.

30 -- Fiesta de Mayo Celebration, 5 p.m., Spreckels Elementary School,
6033 Stadium St. (92122). Mark the upcoming end of the year with games,
entertainment and food. Contact: Cecillia Fernandez, Principal, (858)
453-5377. Open to the public.

31 -- Taft Middle School Garden Dedication, 2 p.m., Taft Middle School,
9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The San Diego Chapter of the American Society
of Landscape Architects (ASLA), in partnership with the Friends of Ruffin
Canyon and the ACE Mentor Program, have completed the design and
installation of an educational and native garden‹The HabiTaft Garden.
Contact: Brooke Pietz, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619.294.4477 x151. Not open
to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31-- Grand Opening of San Carlos Certified Farmers¹ Market, 4 p.m.,
Pershing Middle School Field, Navajo and Boulder Lake, (92119). The new
Farmers¹ Market will be held every Thursday, from 4-7 p.m., and will have
over 50 booths. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Pershing Middle
School. Contact: Chris Morache, Pershing Middle School Foundation
president, at 619-861-1491. Open to the public.

31 ­ Toler Elementary Distinguished International Night, 6 p.m., Toler
Elementary School, 3350 Baker Street, (92117). Community Academic Night
will celebrate Toler's new designation as a California Distinguished
School. Each grade level will highlight a country through dance, art,
music and activities. Participants will be given a "passport" at the door
that will take them through an evening of activities and fun. Contact:
Principal Peggy Lewis, 858-273-0294 or Open to the

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936
Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double
Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council
and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson,
619-444-5573 or


* 4 -- Pt. Loma High Music Center Grand Opening and Pops Concert, 4 p.m.,
Pt. Loma High School, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd. (92106). The school's new
Music Center, built with voter-approved Prop. S funds, is celebrated.
Contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal, (619) 223-3121. Open to the public.

8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen
Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El
Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their
portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges
students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact:
Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or
invitation only.


18-- Military Families Back-2-School and Enrollment Fair, 9 a.m. to 3
p.m., Farb Middle School, 4880 La Cuenta Dr. (92124). Military families
new to San Diego can enroll their child(ren) in school (San Diego Unified
only) at this event and visit community and military-related resource
booths. Complimentary lunch provided. Contact: Laura Dewan at 619-725-8163

# # #

Notes to editors and reporters:

To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at

To receive daily stories from the district's newsfeed, sign up at

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Post Mtg Notice & Agendas, May 29, 2012


·         Notice and Call of Special Meeting—Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Meeting Information:

·         Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 10:00 a.m., Room 2226
BoardDocs Agenda Link: 

·          Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·          Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:   

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Monday, May 21, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Special Board of Education Meeting Celebrates 'Classified Employee of the Year,' Brenda Bailey-Burks

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, May 21, 2012


WHAT: Special Board of Education Meeting Celebrates 'Classified Employee
of the Year,' Brenda Bailey-Burks

WHEN/WHERE: 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 22, 2012, Taft Middle School, 9191
Gramercy Dr. (92123)

BACKGROUND: Brenda Bailey-Burkes, a Para-Education at Serra High School in
Tierrasanta, has been name Classified Employee of the Year. Bailey-Burkes
and individual school Classified Employees of the Year will be celebrated
at this special meeting of the Board of Education. Classified employees --
those without teaching credentials -- are San Diego Unified's support
staff. They perform tasks ranging from financial management to maintenance.

Bailey-Burkes has been working as a Special Education Aide with one
student, as well as the a member of the school's Integrated Life Skills
team at the school. She has been with the same student for more than six

CEREMONY: The ceremony at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday will include hors d'oeuvres
prepared by the Culinary Arts Programs from Morse and Garfield high
schools. The Mission Bay High School Preservationists band will perform.

The meeting is open to the public.

NOTE: Following the ceremony, the Board of Education will reconvene at 7
p.m. in in the Board Auditorium, Education Center, 4100 Normal St., for
other business.

CONTACT: Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified
School District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Post Mtg Notice & Agendas, May 22, 2012


·         Notice and Call of Special Meetings—Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Meeting Information:

·          Special Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

·         Special Meeting Agenda: Classified Employee Recognition—Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Taft Middle School Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


Friday, May 18, 2012

NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District, May 18, 2012

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check out the calendar on the front of the district website at (* Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to Those meetings might not be included in this listing.

18 -- Point Loma High School Presents Rhapsody on the Point, 6:30 p.m. Reception & Silent Auction, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Humphrey's Concerts on the Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive (92106). The fifth-annual event includes hors d'oeuvres and a silent auction. Point Loma students and Kristina Goettler, the principal oboist for the Kansas City Symphony, will perform. Proceeds benefit the Point Loma High School instrumental music program. Public contact: or Media contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal, 619-213-3121. Tickets required.

18 -- Jazz and Java at University City High School, 6:30 p.m., University City High School, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122). For just $3, enjoy the smooth sounds of the University City High jazz band while sipping coffee and enjoying snacks. Proceeds benefit the music program. Contact: Open to the public.

19 - Mission Bay Music Department 2nd Annual Jazz on the Green, 12 Noon to 4 p.m., Mission Bay High School, 2475 Grand Ave. (92109). This New Orleans inspired outdoor event will feature the school's outstanding jazz ensembles including the Concert Jazz Band, the Jazz Ensemble, the Mission Bay Preservationists and the Euphoria Brass Band. Event will offer food from local Pacific Beach restaurants, swing dancing, activities for children and music for all ages. All proceeds go to support the music program at Mission Bay. More information is available at Contact: JP Balmat, music director, 858-273-1313 x113. Open to the public.

19 -- Loma Portal Elementary Stages Home & Garden Tour, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Loma Portal Elementary School, 3314 Browning St. (92106). At this fundraising event, participants peek into the homes and gardens of eight or more Loma Portal residences. The event includes a craft fair and raffle. Recommended donation: $20. Contact: Glenda Gerde, Principal, 619-223-1683. Open to the public.

21 -- Patrick Henry Alumni Golf Tournament and Reunion Barbecue, 11 a.m. Registration, 12:30 p.m. Tournament, 5:30 p.m. Barbecue, Admiral Baker Golf Course & Clubhouse, 2400 Admiral Baker Road No. 3604 (92120). The newly created Patrick Henry High School Alumni Association invites golf enthusiasts to compete for a chance to win a new car valued at about $30,000. Proceeds benefit Patrick Henry High School. Contact: alumni/class78/2012_golf_tourney.htm. Registration required.

22 -- Classified Employee of the Year Ceremony, 4:30 p.m., Taft Middle School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). Celebrates the best classified, non-teaching support staff members in the San Diego Unified School District. Contact: Anisha Dalal, Human Resources Department, Not open to the public.

22 -- Elementary Math Field Day, Grades 4-5, 4 p.m., Canyon View Elementary School, 9225 Adolphia St. (92129).The Greater San Diego Mathematics Council and the San Diego County Office of Education's annual competition showcases students' prowess in events like Sudoku and mental math. Contact: Brian Lawler, Registration required.

*23-Distinguished Lecture Series for Parents, 7-8:30 p.m., Eugene Brucker Education Center, 4100 Normal St. (92103). Award-winning high school teacher Steven Kahl will present the topic, "A Crash Course in Creativity and Critical Thinking." Free. Childcare provided. Contact: Office of Advanced Studies, 619-725-7284.

*23 -- Madison High School Fine Arts Night, 6:30 p.m., Madison High School Performing Arts Center, 4833 Doliva Dr. (92117). The talented students in the School of the Arts at Madison High School will be featured on Fine Arts Night. The program will include students in Theatre, Choir, Culinary Arts, Orchestra, Media, and Band. Tickets are $5. Contact: Patricia Cox, 858.496.8410 ext. 4903 or

25 -- Doyle Elementary International Festival, 5-7 p.m., Doyle Elementary School, 3950 Berino Ct. (92122). The annual event highlights the wide variety of nationalities and cultures at the University City school, with food and games available. Contact: Kimberly Moore, Principal, (858) 455-6230. Open to the public.

29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to 'Pointers Got Game,' 5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd. (92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School's 50 teams and activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS Pointer Association, Open to the public.

30 -- Fiesta de Mayo Celebration, 5 p.m., Spreckels Elementary School, 6033 Stadium St. (92122). Mark the upcoming end of the year with games, entertainment and food. Contact: Cecillia Fernandez, Principal, 858-453-5377. Open to the public.

31 -- Taft Middle School Garden Dedication, 2 p.m., Taft Middle School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The San Diego Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), in partnership with the Friends of Ruffin Canyon and the ACE Mentor Program, have completed the design and installation of an educational and native garden-The HabiTaft Garden. Contact: Brooke Pietz, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619-294-4477 x151. Not open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School 8th-grade Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Correia Middle School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents and community members will deliver short presentations about their careers to Correia Middle School's eighth-grade students. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m., Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

*31-- Grand Opening of San Carlos Certified Farmers' Market, 4 p.m., Pershing Middle School Field, Navajo and Boulder Lake, (92119). The new Farmers' Market will be held every Thursday, from 4-7 p.m., and will have over 50 booths. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Pershing Middle School. Contact: Chris Morache, Pershing MS Foundation president, at 619-861-1491. Open to the public.

*31 - Toler Elementary Distinguished International Night, 6 p.m., Toler Elementary School, 3350 Baker Street, (92117). Community Academic Night will celebrate Toler's new designation as a California Distinguished School. Each grade level will highlight a country through dance, art, music and activities. Participants will be given a "passport" at the door that will take them through an evening of activities and fun. Contact: Principal Peggy Lewis, 858-273-0294 or Open to the public.

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936 Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson, 619-444-5573 or

8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact: Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or invitation only.

*18-- Military Families Back-2-School and Enrollment Fair, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Farb Middle School, 4880 La Cuenta Dr. (92124). Military families new to San Diego can enroll their child(ren) in school (San Diego Unified only) at this event and visit community and military-related resource booths. Complimentary lunch provided. Contact: Laura Dewan at 619-725-8163 or

# # #
Notes to editors and reporters:
To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The newsletter is posted online at

# # #
You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Friday, May 11, 2012

Post Meeting Agendas, May 15, 2012


·         Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Regular Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District, May 11, 2012

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check out the calendar on the front of the district website at (* Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to Those meetings might not be included in this listing.


12 -- Elementary Science Field Day, Grades 4-6, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakeside Middle School, 11833 Woodside Ave. (92040). Students compete in 15 events by manipulating materials and data. The day culminates with an award ceremony. Sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Registration required.

12 -- Middle School Math Field Day, Grades 6-8, 8 a.m., Francis Parker Middle School, 6501 Linda Vista Road (92111). Students compete in math activities on topics such as pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council. Contact: Christi Cole, 858-569-7900, ext. 4207 or Registration required.

12 -- Holmes Elementary School Cake Decorating Contest, 9:30 a.m., Holmes Elementary School, 4902 Mt. Ararat Dr. (92111). Parents and kids will be decorating birthday cakes in honor of the school's 50th birthday. Judging begins at 9:30 a.m. Contact: Jennifer 858-869-7118 or Open to the public.

12 -- Bay Park Elementary PTA Black and White Gala, 6-11 p.m., Hyatt Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive (92122). Evening includes music, three food stations, a dessert station, silent auction, classroom art and raffle drawings. $40 per person. Contact: Allison Rogers or Kristen Miller, 619-276-1471. Open to the public.

*14 - Lincoln Cluster Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Porter Elementary South Auditorium, 4800 T. St. (92113). Parents, students, community members and staff are all invited. Clusters are a pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 community of schools with established feeder patterns. Within these communities of schools, there are specific needs and interests that are both common and unique to the cluster. Clusters include staff, parents, students and community members. Contact: Michelle Bryant Open to the public.

17 -- College, Career and Technical Education Project Competition, 4-6 p.m., Celebration Hall, Market Creek Events & Venues at the Joe & Vi Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave. (92114). Awards for special projects will be given as students show off the work they've done during the year, ranging from robots to radios, hors d'oeuvres to can sculptures. Students from all high schools compete. The event is also to honor community partners and to encourage new partners to help educate the next generation of San Diegans. Contact: Shawn Loescher, Director, College, Career and Technical Education Program, 858-503-1754. Open to the public.

17 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact: Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

18 -- Point Loma High School Presents Rhapsody on the Point, 6:30 p.m. Reception & Silent Auction, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Humphrey's Concerts on the Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive (92106). The fifth-annual event includes hors d'oeuvres and a silent auction. Point Loma students and Kristina Goettler, the principal oboist for the Kansas City Symphony, will perform. Proceeds benefit the Point Loma High School instrumental music program. Public contact: or Media contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal, 619-213-3121. Tickets required.

18 -- Jazz and Java at University City High School, 6:30 p.m., University City High School, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122). For just $3, enjoy the smooth sounds of the University City High jazz band while sipping coffee and enjoying snacks. Proceeds benefit the music program. Contact: Open to the public.

*19 - Mission Bay Music Department 2nd Annual Jazz on the Green, 12 Noon to 4 p.m., Mission Bay High School, 2475 Grand Ave. (92109). This New Orleans inspired outdoor event will feature the school's outstanding jazz ensembles including the Concert Jazz Band, the Jazz Ensemble, the Mission Bay Preservationists and the Euphoria Brass Band. Event will offer food from local Pacific Beach restaurants, swing dancing, activities for children and music for all ages. All proceeds go to support the music program at Mission Bay. More information is available at Contact: JP Balmat, music director, 858-273-1313 x113. Open to the public.

19 -- Loma Portal Elementary Stages Home & Garden Tour, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Loma Portal Elementary School, 3314 Browning St. (92106). At this fundraising event, participants peek into the homes and gardens of eight or more Loma Portal residences. The event includes a craft fair and raffle. Recommended donation: $20. Contact: Glenda Gerde, Principal, 619-223-1683. Open to the public.

21 -- Patrick Henry Alumni Golf Tournament and Reunion Barbecue, 11 a.m. Registration, 12:30 p.m. Tournament, 5:30 p.m. Barbecue, Admiral Baker Golf Course & Clubhouse, 2400 Admiral Baker Road No. 3604 (92120). The newly created Patrick Henry High School Alumni Association invites golf enthusiasts to compete for a chance to win a new car valued at about $30,000. Proceeds benefit Patrick Henry High School. Contact: alumni/class78/2012_golf_tourney.htm. Registration required.

22 -- Classified Employee of the Year Ceremony, 4:30 p.m., Taft Middle School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). Celebrates the best classified, non-teaching support staff members in the San Diego Unified School District. Contact: Anisha Dalal, Human Resources Department, Not open to the public.

22 -- Elementary Math Field Day, Grades 4-5, 4 p.m., Canyon View Elementary School, 9225 Adolphia St. (92129).The Greater San Diego Mathematics Council and the San Diego County Office of Education's annual competition showcases students' prowess in events like Sudoku and mental math. Contact: Brian Lawler, Registration required.

25 -- Doyle Elementary International Festival, 5-7 p.m., Doyle Elementary School, 3950 Berino Ct. (92122). The annual event highlights the wide variety of nationalities and cultures at the University City school, with food and games available. Contact: Kimberly Moore, Principal, 858- 455-6230. Open to the public.

29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to 'Pointers Got Game,' 5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd. (92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School's 50 teams and activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS Pointer Association, Open to the public.

30 -- Fiesta de Mayo Celebration, 5 p.m., Spreckels Elementary School, 6033 Stadium St. (92122). Mark the upcoming end of the year with games, entertainment and food. Contact: Cecillia Fernandez, Principal, 858-453-5377. Open to the public.

31 -- Taft Middle School Garden Dedication, 2 p.m., Taft Middle School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The San Diego Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), in partnership with the Friends of Ruffin Canyon and the ACE Mentor Program, have completed the design and installation of an educational and native garden-The HabiTaft Garden. Contact: Brooke Pietz, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619-294-4477 x151. Not open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School 8th-grade Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Correia Middle School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents and community members will deliver short presentations about their careers to Correia Middle School's eighth-grade students. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m., Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936 Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson, 619-444-5573 or


8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact: Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or invitation only.

# # #

Notes to editors and reporters:
To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The newsletter is posted online at

# # #
Jennifer Cornelius
Communications Specialist
San Diego Unified School District
4100 Normal Street, Room 2145 | San Diego, CA 92103-2682
Cell | 619-847-6029 Office | 619-725-5598 Fax | 619-725-5576
District website:

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- San Diego Unified Trustee Scott Barnett Available at 3 p.m.

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, May 10, 2012


Subdistrict C Board of Education Member Scott Barnett will be available
for interviews at 3 p.m. today in Room 2249, Education Center, 4100 Normal

BACKGROUND: In response to additional state budget cuts and $50 million in
contractual salary and other spending increases for the 2012/2013 school
year, SDUSD is facing an estimated $122 million shortfall in its $1billion
budget. In response, the SDUSD Board of Trustees has issued over 2600
layoff notices, and plans to sell $20 million in surplus property in a
depressed real estate market and further reduce the District's reserves.
The layoffs will result in significant increases to class sizes in all
grades, a major reduction in nurses and counselors, and severe impacts to
all school sites

QUOTE: "It's time for all of us to accept the truth: we are insolvent and
must act," said Barnett.

CONTACT: 619-857-1857

# # #

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MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, May 10, 2012




WHAT: News conference with Board President John Lee Evans, Sub-district A representative


WHEN/WHERE: 11 a.m. Thursday, May 10, 2012, Education Center, 4100 Normal St. (92103)


SUBJECT: Board President John Lee Evans will outline a clear, rational path for balancing the district's budget without the need for insolvency. Insolvency would create unforeseen and damaging consequences for the district and more rational approaches are available. President Evans will discuss these options, and will be available for questions following his statement.


Contact: Chief of Staff Bernie Rhinerson 619-300-7015.




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MEDIA ADVISORY -- CANCEL News Conference Today (May 10) With Trustee Scott Barnett

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, May 10, 2012


Today's news conference has been canceled by Scott Barnett, San Diego Unified School District Subdistrict C trustee. Mr. Barnett will be emailing a statement to the media later today.

CONTACT: Scott Barnett, 619-857-1857

# # # You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Barnett to Announce Plan for Reorganizing District Finances and Restructuring Governance

MEDIA ADVISORY from the San Diego Unified School District, May 9, 2012


WHAT: News conference with Scott Barnett, Subdistrict C representative

WHEN/WHERE: 11 a.m. Thursday, May 10, 2012, Education Center, 4100 Normal
St. (92103)

SUBJECT: In the light of severe budget cuts planned for next school year,
SDUSD Board VP Scott Barnett will discuss a proposed process for
reorganizing SDUSD's finances and restructuring the school district. He
will be announcing a proposed plan and process.

"It's time for all of us to accept the truth: we are insolvent and must
act," said Barnett.

BACKGROUND: In response to additional state budget cuts and $50 million in
contractual salary and other spending increases for the 2012/2013 school
year, SDUSD is facing an estimated $122 million shortfall in its $1billion
budget. In response, the SDUSD Board of Trustees has issued over 2600
layoff notices, and plans to sell $20 million in surplus property in a
depressed real estate market and further reduce the District's reserves.
The layoffs will result in significant increases to class sizes in all
grades, a major reduction in nurses and counselors, and severe impacts to
all school sites.

Trustee Barnett will be announcing tough but realistic proposals to
address this crisis and he will discuss the following issues:

-- Layoffs
-- Insolvency
-- Sale of land assets in a depressed real estate environment
-- Possible restructuring including breaking up SDUSD and significantly
increasing Charter Schools
-- Enlisting the participation of the Mayor of the City of San Diego, the
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, regional education leaders and the
State of California.

Contact: 619-857-1857

Note: Trustee Barnett will not be available for interviews prior to the
press conference.

# # #

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NEWS RELEASE -- State Business Group Honors 45 Schools in San Diego Unified

NEWS RELEASE from the San Diego Unified School District, May 9, 2012


California Business for Education Excellence Looks at Achievement Gap
Reduction, Student Achievement

SAN DIEGO -- A leading California business group has recognized 45 San
Diego Unified schools as being "bright spots of excellence," with
positions on its annual Honor Roll.

California Business for Education Excellence, a group whose members
include the Bank of America, Blue Shield of California, Macy's and Webcor
Builders, designated 21 San Diego Unified schools as Star Schools, which
are high poverty, high performing, achievement gap closing schools.
Another 24 schools were named Scholar Schools, identified as high
performing schools without significant levels of low-income students. Nine
schools on the Honor Roll were named STEM Schools for their high
performance in math and science.

"It's especially gratifying for the students, teachers and staff to be
recognized for reducing the achievement gap and being high-performing
schools," said Superintendent Bill Kowba. "These are key areas that are
the focus of the Board of Education and our staff and it's good to have an
independent organization verify the success in these areas."

The following schools were on the Honor Roll.

-- Star Schools -- high poverty, high performing, achievement gap closing
schools: Angier, Birney, Crown Point, Cubberley, Edison, Ericson,
Florence, Garfield, Green, Hardy, Jones, Kimbrough, Ocean Beach, Pacific
Beach, Sandburg, Sherman, Vista Grande, Wegeforth, Zamorano elementary
schools; Language Academy and Mira Mesa High School.

-- Scholar Schools -- high performing schools without significant levels
of low-income students: Benchley/Weinberger, Bird Rock, Curie, Dailard,
Dingeman, Doyle, Grant, Hearst, Holmes, Jerabek, Kumeyaay, La Jolla,
Marvin, Miramar Ranch, Scripps, Sessions, Silver Gate, Sunset View,
Tierrasanta, Torrey Pines elementary schools; Marshall and Standley middle
schools; La Jolla and Scripps Ranch high schools.

-- STEM Schools -- Honor Roll schools with highest performance for math
and science: Angier, Birney, Ericson, Garfield, Green, Hardy, Pacific
Beach, Sandburg, Vista Grande elementary schools.

³We must change the conversation in public education from being about
failure to one that focuses on replicating the success of schools like
those on the Honor Roll,² said Greg Jones, CBEE Chairman. ³These schools
are not making excuses about their performance and are overcoming
challenges and obstacles to improvement every day. Our goal is to
highlight their results so they can be copied in other places.²

The Honor Roll list grew from 1,315 schools in 2010 to the current 1,614
for 2011. The number of Honor Roll Star (high poverty, high achieving)
schools increased from 478 in 2010 to 527 in 2011. For San Diego Unified,
the 2011 list honored 45 schools, up from 28 in 2010, not including
charter schools. In the program's first year, 2005, just six schools were
on the list. A full list of the Honor Roll schools and the STEM Honor Roll
can be found at:

"These schools are the bright spots of excellence in efforts to raise
student academic achievement and close persistent achievement gaps," said
Jim Lanich, California Business for Education Excellence president. "By
highlighting them, recognizing their achievement and giving them a voice
we hope other schools can learn from them and replicate their proven
practices throughout the state."

The annual Honor Roll award is made possible with support from numerous
businesses and organizations including State Farm, Macy¹s, Edison
International, Wells Fargo, Southern California Auto Club, Enterprise
Rent-A-Car, the California Business Roundtable, and several private
foundations. Chevron Corporation provided specific support in the creation
of the STEM Honor Roll.

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NEWS RELEASE -- Ten San Diego Unified High Schools Make US News 'Best' List

NEWS RELEASE From the San Diego Unified School District, May 8, 2012


Schools Are in Top Eight Percent of 22,000 High Schools Surveyed by

SAN DIEGO -- Ten San Diego Unified high schools and one charter are ranked
on the list of America's best high schools, released today by US News and
World Report Magazine. The schools are all ranked in the top 1,800 of the
22,000 high schools in the nation, according to the magazine.

Charter Preuss School UCSD ranked eighth in California and 44th in the
nation, followed by La Jolla High at number 34 in the state, 167
nationally. Others ranking (state/federal) were University City High,
66/371; Patrick Henry, 68/383; Scripps Ranch, 69/390; Mira Mesa, 123/658;
the School of International Studies at San Diego High, 127/678; Pt. Loma
High, 137/744; Serra High, 146/775; San Diego School of Creative and
Performing Arts, 264/1284; and the School of Science, Connections and
Technology at Kearny High, 365/1765.

Other schools which were recognized nationally included the schools of
Digital Media and Design, and International Business at Kearny High, Mt.
Everest Academy and San Diego Met.

This is the fourth year the magazine has ranked high schools, partnering
with American Institutes for Research to analyze the schools. Rankings
were based on several factors, including performance on state tests and
their students' college readiness.

"Congratulations to our students, teachers and staff members at these and
all of our schools," said Superintendent Bill Kowba. "We thank US News for
this recognition. Having a diploma from an award-winning school can only
help our students as they work to get to college."

Preuss, La Jolla, University City, Patrick Henry and Scripps Ranch all
received Gold rankings from the magazine, which signifies the top 500
schools in the nation. The magazine's study projects that students at
these schools have the highest college readiness. Silver honors went to
Mira Mesa, San Diego High International Studies, Pt. Loma, Serra, SCPA and
Kearny SCT received silver ranking.

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

NOTE TO REPORTERS AND EDITORS: District staff and Board of Education
members will be available to comment on this report at tonight's Board of
Education meeting for the Day of the Teacher. It begins at 4:30 p.m. at
Madison High School, 4833 Dolvia Dr. (92117).

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Post Mtg Notices & Agendas, May 8, 2012


·         Notice and Call of Special Closed Session—Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Meeting Information:

·          Special Closed Session Agenda—Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Room 2249
Open & Closed Session Meeting Information:

·         Notice and Call of Special Meeting—Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Meeting Information:

·         Special Meeting Agenda—Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Madison High School Auditorium
BoardDocs Agenda Link:  

Please forward to staff and as appropriate, print notice(s) and/or agenda(s) and post in a prominent, accessible location at your site.



Josefina Viorato

Confidential Administrative Assistant II

Board Services

4100 Normal Street, Room 2231

San Diego, CA  92103

( (619) 725-5551

7 (619) 297-5624





Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ --Nelson Mandela


NEWS RELEASE -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at (*
Indicates new items added since last week.)

For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.


8 -- Board of Education Day of the Teacher Ceremony, 4:30-6 p.m., Madison
High School Auditorium, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). This celebration will
honor future educator scholars, the latest class of the district¹s
board-certified teachers and more than 130 teachers of the year from
individual schools. Three teachers will be named district teachers of the
year. Contact: Jennifer Cornelius at or 619-725-5598.
Open to the public.

9 -- National School Nurse Day

12 -- Elementary Science Field Day, Grades 4-6, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakeside
Middle School, 11833 Woodside Ave. (92040). Students compete in 15 events
by manipulating materials and data. The day culminates with an award
ceremony. Sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact:
Nancy Taylor, 858-292-3854 or Registration required.

12 -- Middle School Math Field Day, Grades 6-8, 8 a.m., Francis Parker
Middle School, 6501 Linda Vista Road (92111). Students compete in math
activities on topics such as pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. Sponsored
by the Greater San Diego Math Council. Contact: Christi Cole,
858-569-7900, ext. 4207 or Registration required.

*12 -- Holmes Elementary School Cake Decorating Contest, 9:30 a.m., Holmes
Elementary School, 4902 Mt. Ararat Dr. (92111). Parents and kids will be
decorating birthday cakes in honor of the school¹s 50th birthday. Judging
begins at 9:30 a.m. Contact: Jennifer (858) 869-7118 or Open to the public.

12 -- Bay Park Elementary PTA Black and White Gala, 6-11 p.m., Hyatt
Regency La Jolla, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive (92122). Evening includes
music, three food stations, a dessert station, silent auction, classroom
art and raffle drawings. $40 per person. Contact: Allison Rogers or
Kristen Miller, 619-276-1471. Open to the public.

17 -- College, Career and Technical Education Project Competition, 4-6
p.m., Celebration Hall, Market Creek Events & Venues at the Joe & Vi
Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave. (92114). Awards for special projects will
be given as students show off the work they've done during the year,
ranging from robots to radios, hors d'oeuvres to can sculptures. Students
from all high schools compete. The event is also to honor community
partners and to encourage new partners to help educate the next generation
of San Diegans. Contact: Shawn Loescher, Director, College, Career and
Technical Education Program, 858-503-1754. Open to the public.

17 -- Clairemont Community of Schools Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Marston Middle
School, 3799 Clairemont Drive (92117). Parents, students and community
members are invited to attend this meeting, which discusses educational
issues at the high school and its middle and elementary schools. Schools
in the Clairemont cluster are: Alcott, Bay Park, Cadman, Holmes and Toler
elementary schools, Marston Middle and Clairemont High School. Contact:
Julee Jenkins, Open to the public.

18 -- Point Loma High School Presents Rhapsody on the Point, 6:30 p.m.
Reception & Silent Auction, 7:30 p.m. Concert, Humphrey¹s Concerts on the
Bay, 2241 Shelter Island Drive (92106). The fifth-annual event includes
hors d¹oeuvres and a silent auction. Point Loma students and Kristina
Goettler, the principal oboist for the Kansas City Symphony, will perform.
Proceeds benefit the Point Loma High School instrumental music program.
Public contact: or Media contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal,
619-213-3121. Tickets required.

* 18 -- Jazz and Java at University City High School, 6:30 p.m.,
University City High School, 6949 Genesee Ave. (92122). For just $3, enjoy
the smooth sounds of the University City High jazz band while sipping
coffee and enjoying snacks. Proceeds benefit the music program. Contact: Open to the public.

19 -- Loma Portal Elementary Stages Home & Garden Tour, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Loma Portal Elementary School, 3314 Browning St. (92106). At this
fundraising event, participants peek into the homes and gardens of eight
or more Loma Portal residences. The event includes a craft fair and
raffle. Recommended donation: $20. Contact: Glenda Gerde, Principal,
619-223-1683. Open to the public.

21 -- Patrick Henry Alumni Golf Tournament and Reunion Barbecue, 11 a.m.
Registration, 12:30 p.m. Tournament, 5:30 p.m. Barbecue, Admiral Baker
Golf Course & Clubhouse, 2400 Admiral Baker Road No. 3604 (92120). The
newly created Patrick Henry High School Alumni Association invites golf
enthusiasts to compete for a chance to win a new car valued at about
$30,000. Proceeds benefit Patrick Henry High School. Contact: alumni/class78/2012_golf_tourney.htm. Registration

21 -- Classified Employee of the Year Ceremony, 4:30 p.m., Taft Middle
School, 9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). Celebrates the best classified,
non-teaching support staff members in the San Diego Unified School
District. Contact: Anisha Dalal, Human Resources Department, Not open to the public.

22 -- Elementary Math Field Day, Grades 4-5, 4 p.m., Canyon View
Elementary School, 9225 Adolphia St. (92129).The Greater San Diego
Mathematics Council and the San Diego County Office of Education¹s annual
competition showcases students¹ prowess in events like Sudoku and mental
math. Contact: Brian Lawler, Registration required.

* 25 -- Doyle Elementary International Festival, 5-7 p.m., Doyle
Elementary School, 3950 Berino Ct. (92122). The annual event highlights
the wide variety of nationalities and cultures at the University City
school, with food and games available. Contact: Kimberly Moore, Principal,
(858) 455-6230. Open to the public.

29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to ŒPointers Got Game,¹
5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
(92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School¹s 50 teams and
activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation
requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS
Pointer Association, Open to the public.

* 30 -- Fiesta de Mayo Celebration, 5 p.m., Spreckels Elementary School,
6033 Stadium St. (92122). Mark the upcoming end of the year with games,
entertainment and food. Contact: Cecillia Fernandez, Principal, (858)
453-5377. Open to the public.

* 31 -- Taft Middle School Garden Dedication, 2 p.m., Taft Middle School,
9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The San Diego Chapter of the American Society
of Landscape Architects (ASLA), in partnership with the Friends of Ruffin
Canyon and the ACE Mentor Program, have completed the design and
installation of an educational and native garden‹The HabiTaft Garden.
Contact: Brooke Pietz, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619.294.4477 x151. Not open
to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School 8th-grade Career Fair, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
Correia Middle School, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Parents and community
members will deliver short presentations about their careers to Correia
Middle School¹s eighth-grade students. Contact: Beverly Fitzpatrick,
Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.

31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936
Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double
Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council
and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson,
619-444-5573 or


8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen
Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El
Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their
portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges
students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact:
Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or
invitation only.

# # #

Notes to editors and reporters:

To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at

# # #

Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)

You are a subscriber to the news release mailing list for the San Diego Unified School District. To unsubscribe, send a message to "media@lists-sandi-net" with the word "unsubscribe" in the body of the message. For an archive of these releases, go to