MEDIA CALENDAR -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School District
Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at (*
Indicates new items added since last week.)
For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to . Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.
CLASS OF 2012 COMMENCEMENT SCHEDULE: Most schools will be graduating on
Wednesday, June 12. The schedule is online at
* 28 Memorial Day Observed. All schools and offices will be closed.
29 -- Future Point Loma High Students Welcomed to ŒPointers Got Game,¹
5:30-7 p.m., Point Loma High School Main Gym, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
(92106). Representatives from Point Loma High School¹s 50 teams and
activity groups will answer questions about tryouts and participation
requirements. Contact: Eleanor Snyder, the booster director of PLHS
Pointer Association, Open to the public.
* 30-- Morse High School Culinary Arts Facility Dedication Ceremony, 10:30
a.m., 6905 Skyline Drive (92114). Proposition S and College, Career &
Technical Education teams are hosting the dedication and ribbon-cutting of
the new state-of-the-arts culinary arts facility. Contact: Cynthia
Reed-Porter, facilities communications supervisor, at or 619-725-5579. Open to the public.
30 -- Fiesta de Mayo Celebration, 5 p.m., Spreckels Elementary School,
6033 Stadium St. (92122). Mark the upcoming end of the year with games,
entertainment and food. Contact: Cecillia Fernandez, Principal, (858)
453-5377. Open to the public.
31 -- Taft Middle School Garden Dedication, 2 p.m., Taft Middle School,
9191 Gramercy Dr. (92123). The San Diego Chapter of the American Society
of Landscape Architects (ASLA), in partnership with the Friends of Ruffin
Canyon and the ACE Mentor Program, have completed the design and
installation of an educational and native garden‹The HabiTaft Garden.
Contact: Brooke Pietz, ASLA San Diego Chapter, 619.294.4477 x151. Not open
to the public.
31 -- Correia Middle School Welcomes Parents for School Tour, 2:15 p.m.,
Correia Middle School Library, 4302 Valeta St. (92107). Visitors will take
a tour of the school grounds and learn about the instructional program at
Correia Middle School. All families are welcome. Contact: Beverly
Fitzpatrick, Principal, 619-222-0476. Open to the public.
31-- Grand Opening of San Carlos Certified Farmers¹ Market, 4 p.m.,
Pershing Middle School Field, Navajo and Boulder Lake, (92119). The new
Farmers¹ Market will be held every Thursday, from 4-7 p.m., and will have
over 50 booths. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Pershing Middle
School. Contact: Chris Morache, Pershing Middle School Foundation
president, at 619-861-1491. Open to the public.
31 Toler Elementary Distinguished International Night, 6 p.m., Toler
Elementary School, 3350 Baker Street, (92117). Community Academic Night
will celebrate Toler's new designation as a California Distinguished
School. Each grade level will highlight a country through dance, art,
music and activities. Participants will be given a "passport" at the door
that will take them through an evening of activities and fun. Contact:
Principal Peggy Lewis, 858-273-0294 or Open to the
31 -- 24 Challenge Math Competition, Grades 4-6, Marina Village, 1936
Quivira Way (92109). Students compete using the 24 Challenge Single-Double
Digit and Variable cards. Sponsored by the Greater San Diego Math Council
and the San Diego County Office of Education. Contact: Carole Manderson,
619-444-5573 or
* 4 -- Pt. Loma High Music Center Grand Opening and Pops Concert, 4 p.m.,
Pt. Loma High School, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd. (92106). The school's new
Music Center, built with voter-approved Prop. S funds, is celebrated.
Contact: Barbara Samilson, Principal, (619) 223-3121. Open to the public.
8 -- San Diego County Office of Education Presents Project Citizen
Showcase, 9 a.m. to noon, San Diego History Center, Balboa Park, 1649 El
Prado Suite 3 (92101). Students in grades 4-10 will present their
portfolios for the regional Project Citizen competition, which challenges
students to solve social problems by proposing new public policy. Contact:
Janet Mulder, 619-588-5672 or By application or
invitation only.
18-- Military Families Back-2-School and Enrollment Fair, 9 a.m. to 3
p.m., Farb Middle School, 4880 La Cuenta Dr. (92124). Military families
new to San Diego can enroll their child(ren) in school (San Diego Unified
only) at this event and visit community and military-related resource
booths. Complimentary lunch provided. Contact: Laura Dewan at 619-725-8163
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Notes to editors and reporters:
To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at
To receive daily stories from the district's newsfeed, sign up at
# # #
Jack Brandais | Communications Department | San Diego Unified School
District | (619) 725-5570 (Desk) | (619) 607-0477 (Cell)
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