Friday, February 28, 2025

News Release: San Diego Unified Announces Read Across America Activities & Celebrates Student Literacy Success in National Assessment




FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                     Media Contact: 

Marisa Berumen,, 619-847-6029


San Diego Unified Announces Read Across America Activities

& Celebrates Student Literacy Success in National Assessment


SAN DIEGO (FEBRUARY 28, 2025) – San Diego Unified School District’s focus on literacy success is outperforming other big city Districts in reading, and today announced its plans to celebrate Read Across America Week at its schools March 2-6, 2025. 


“We strive to cultivate a love of reading in our students,” said Fabi Bagula, Ph.D., Superintendent (Interim), San Diego Unified School District. “By creating engaging learning environments, and providing access to diverse and high-quality books, we are able to foster a culture amongst our students where reading is celebrated! 

“The results we’re seeing in the classroom and through national assessments are proof that what we’re doing with literacy is making a difference, and activities like Read Across America Week reinforce the culture we’re creating at San Diego Unified.”    

San Diego Unified outperformed California and big cities in reading from 2019-2024 according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Fourth and eighth-grade reading scores remain some of the highest among large urban districts and continue to trend upward.

Across San Diego Unified schools from March 2-6, there will be dozens of exciting Read Across America activities, including guest readers from the community sharing their favorite books, themed reading and spirit days, and book swaps and read-a-thons (see a partial list of events below). Earlier this week, the Board of Education passed a resolution supporting Read Across America Week. 


Kiara Rivera, a fifth grader at Central Elementary School, believes reading is important to her growth. She said, “I am so excited that Central Elementary students get to participate in today’s Read-in event. I love reading because I get to discover new words and use them when I talk and write.”


During today’s press conference at Central Elementary School in City Heights, a Spring Read-In Event hosted in partnership with the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association and Lawyers Club of San Diego was the featured reading activity.  

“San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association is proud to participate in its 25th biannual read-in. We are thankful to Central Elementary, Lawyers Club, and our volunteers who have dedicated thousands of hours for almost three decades to promote literacy, said Marco Garcia, President, San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association.

Lawyers Club of San Diego, President, Mikhak Ghorban said: "For more than 28 years, the Lawyers Club's Read-In program has grown from modest beginnings into a successful partnership with Central Elementary and San Diego La Raza Lawyers. This collaboration has not only opened doors for students to connect with lawyers and judges as role models, but it has also provided an invaluable opportunity for these legal professionals to experience the fulfillment and inspiration that comes from reading to young students. Together, we've helped expand the horizons of our future leaders, fostering a love of learning while breaking down barriers and broadening perspectives."


San Diego Unified’s Literacy Department supports schools in achieving their literacy goals by offering guidance, consultation, and side-by-side support for educators to ensure every school has the tools and strategies needed to empower students as critical thinkers, digitally informed citizens, and advocates for positive change in their communities.


Read Across America Activities at San Diego Unified Schools 

San Diego Unified’s Literacy Goal 

The performance of 3rd - 8th and 11th grade students on California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) ELA portion will increase 18 points from 6.9 points above standard in June 2024 to 24.9 points above standard by June 2030.

To learn more about San Diego Unified School District, visit




Marisa Berumen

Information Services Specialist |

Mobile Phone: 619 847-6029

4100 Normal Street, San Diego, CA 92103