Monday, May 20, 2019

FW: Media Advisory: Scripps Ranch High School to Celebrate New Classroom Hall, and will Dedicate Community Garden for Student Killed in DUI Crash












Media Contact:

Samer Naji, SDUSD



Scripps Ranch High School to Celebrate New Classroom Hall, and will Dedicate Community Garden for Student Killed in DUI Crash


WHAT:           Scripps Ranch High School staff and students will join Superintendent Cindy Marten and Board President Sharon Whitehurst-Payne to celebrate their modernized 15,000-square-foot classroom hall with state-of-the-art technology, and their new community garden named after senior Noelle Marra, who died in a DUI crash in 1995. Then, Principal DeWitt and the SRHS Garden Club President will lead a brief moment of silence in front of “Noelle’s Garden” before cutting the ribbon.


WHEN:           Wednesday May 22, 2019

                             12:30 p.m. –1:00 p.m. speaking program, moment of silence, & ribbon cutting

                             1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. – new classroom building & athletic site tour


WHERE:         Scripps Ranch High School, 10410 Falcon Way, San Diego, CA 92131


     VISUALS:       Community garden with Noelle Mara plaque inscribed with the words “please don’t drink and drive,” moment of silence with students and staff, ribbon-cutting and walk-through of the new two-story building with a beautiful view of the city.




Cindy Marten, Superintendent

Sharon Whitehurst-Payne, San Diego Unified School Board President

Nicole DeWitt, Scripps Ranch High School Principal

Lee Dulgeroff, Chief of Facilities Planning and Construction

Natalie de los Santos, SRHS Garden Club President



The Whole Site Modernization project for Scripps Ranch High School includes construction of a new 12-classroom building at the northwest corner of the campus, and demolition of 12 portable classrooms at the southeast corner of the campus. The main campus is improved with campus wide wireless infrastructure, installation of i21 classroom technology, which includes interactive whiteboards, tablets for teachers and netbooks for students. Site improvements also include installation of air conditioning in educational support spaces, classroom modernization, electrical systems, and fire alarm systems.

Site improvements to the athletic fields include construction of a new facilities building, new gating and ticket booth at the football stadium entrance, and removal/replacement of the existing tennis courts. Relocation of the existing softball field includes new accessible dugouts, bullpens, batting cages, press/announcer's booths, concession stands, and athletic equipment storage areas.


                        San Diego Unified’s capital projects are funded by San Diego Unified School District’s Propositions S and Z, which are local bond measures approved by San Diego voters to repair, renovate and revitalize neighborhood schools. In addition to renovation and replacement, bond projects include classroom technology, facilities to support College, Career and Technical Education, classroom air conditioning, safety and security upgrades, and other facilities improvements at traditional and public charter schools throughout San Diego Unified.


The new community garden along the new building was funded by the Resource Conservation District of San Diego and the California Native Plant Society, which provided a grant to the SRHS garden club. The Village Garden Club of La Jolla also donated jacaranda trees to the garden.



Media can park in the new parking lot, which is located west of the stadium (see the red rectangle). Please note: this area was previously bungalows that were demolished for the new parking lot. From the administration building: go straight past the administration building, past the 800 & 900 buildings, and you will see the remaining bungalows on the right side; there will be signage for media.


