Friday, March 20, 2009

NEWS RELEASE -- Campus Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District

Campus Calendar -- Upcoming Events in the San Diego Unified School
District, March 20, 2009

Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District.

(*) New or revised this week.


All month -- Student Artwork Fair, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Eugene Brucker
Education Center, 4100 Normal Street. The best student artwork from
among the more than 130,000 students in the district decorates the walls
of the system's main office. Open to the public.

21, "Ain't Misbehavin'," Ole Kittleson Little Theatre, San Diego School
of Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA), 2425 Dusk Drive (92139). The
1978 Tony Award for best musical features the music of the great
American jazz giant, Fats Waller. Tickets are $7 for adults, $6 for
students, seniors and military. Performances at 7 p.m. March 21 at 2
p.m. Box office: (619) 475-8556 or at Open to the

* 23 -- Encanto School Benefit Golf Tournament, Coronado Golf Course,
2000 Visalia Row, Coronado (92118). Play a day of golf with celebrity
athletes (scheduled to attend), including current and former NFL players
Earl Campbell, Quintin Jammer, Doug Flutie, Marcus Allen, as well as
Charles Barkley from the NBA. Contact: Adolfo Garza, Parent Academic
Liaison, Encanto Elementary, (619) 264-3191 x 3051. Open to the public.

23 -- Exercise Class for Parents, 6 p.m., Lincoln High School, 4777
Imperial Avenue (92113). This weekly dance and fitness class uses
Lincoln's state of the art dance studio. Contact: Connie
Velazquez-Moore, Parent Coordinator, (619) 266-6561. Open to the public.

23 -- Open House, iHigh Virtual Academy, 1-3 p.m., Mount Everest
Academy, 4350 Mt. Everest Blvd. Contact: Eileen Warrington Franco, (858)
496-8764. Open to the public.

23 - San Diego Unified Council of PTAs General Meeting and Election,
6:30 p.m. Harold J. Ballard Parent Center Auditorium at 2375 Congress
Ave. (92110). All PTA members in San Diego Unified are invited. Panel
discussion on math and science instruction in the District with Kim
Hall, Director of Middle School Instructional Support, and John Spiegel,
Director of High School Instructional Support. Refreshments served.
Information: (619) 297-7821.

23-April 3 -- Discovery Week, San Diego Science Festival, various
locations. Sponsored by the UCSD BioBridge program and others, events
will be at schools and locations all around the county. Information:

24 -- Board of Education meeting, 5 p.m., Eugene Brucker Education
Center, 4100 Normal Street. Public Hearing on Special Education Local
Plan Area to be heard no earlier than 5:30 p.m. Agenda and future
schedules available at Open to the

24 -- Distribution of Computers to Selected Families, 5 p.m., School of
Science, Connections, & Technology at the Kearny Educational Complex,
7651 Wellington St. (92111). In cooperation with the San Diego Futures
Foundation and San Diego Broadband Initiative, Kearny families will be
receiving computers. Contact: Lisa McDonnell, Kearny High, (858)
496-8370. Not open to the public.

* 25 -- Annual Spring Showcase and Staff vs. Seniors Basketball Game
5:30 p.m., Serra High School, 5156 Santo Rd. (92124). The community is
invited to Serra High to see everything we have to offer. Teachers will
be split up into departments in the media center where they will
showcase their department's curriculum and student work. We'll also be
having several student performances throughout the night. Starting at
7pm is our Staff vs. Seniors basketball game in the gym... an
opportunity for the Seniors to beat old people at basketball. Contact:
(858) 496-8342. Open to the public.

* 24 Disc Golf Tournament and BBQ Dinner benefiting McKinley Elementary
School Foundation. Disc golf, 2 p.m.; dinner, 4 p.m., Morley Field Disc
Golf Course, Pershing Drive and Redwood Street, Balboa Park. Have a fun
day on the course, eat some great barbecue and raise money for the North
Park area school. Information: Open
to the public.

25 -- Open House, Curriculum Fair, Fifth Grade Pre-Orientation, 6 p.m.,
Lewis Middle School, 5170 Greenbrier Ave. (92120). Check out the fine
Allied Gardens campus, parents of 5th graders can learn about their
child's year, and all parents can tour the campus. Contact: Brad
Callahan, principal, (619) 583-3233. Open to the public.

26-28: "Play on!,", San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts
(SCPA) Florence Johnson Grand Theatre, 2425 Dusk Drive (92139). Anything
that can go wrong does in this hilarious story of a community theatre
group trying desperately to put on a play in spite of the playwright's
constant revisions. Tickets are $8-$10 adults, $7-$9 for students,
seniors and military. Performances: March 26-27 at 7 p.m. March 28 at 2
p.m. Box Office: (619) 475-8556 or Open to the

26 -- District English Learner Advisory Committee, 6:30 p.m., Harold J.
Ballard Parent Center at Fremont Elementary School, 2375 Congress Ave.
(92110). Committee includes representatives from each school's English
Learner Advisory Committee, a school-based committee required if there
are more than 21 English Learners at that school. Information: Office of
Language Acquisition, (619) 725-7264. Open to the public.

27-29 -- "By Jupiter," 7 p.m. March 27-28 and 2 p.m. March 29, La Jolla
High School, 750 Nautilus St. (92037). The school's Madrigal Choir is
staging the Rogers and Hart musical, the first time it has been
performed in San Diego. Directed by William Kerr and choreographed by
Alexis Dillard. Tickets: $10 adults; $5 students. Contact: (858)
454-3081 or Open to the public.

27 -- Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Mario Molina, 12:30 p.m., Lincoln High
School, 4777 Imperial Avenue (92113). Dr. Molina, co-winner of the 1995
Nobel Prize in chemistry, will speak with students. Part of the San
Diego Science Festival and Ed Talk, the Superintendent's Speakers
Series. Contact: Joan McRobbie, (619) 725-7212. Not open to the public.

28 -- Prom Fair, Serra High School, 5156 Santo Rd. (92124). Students
from Serra are helping organize and plan this fair, a show where more
than 30 vendors will sell everything that's needed for the prom.
Includes two fashion shows. Students are acting as the event managers
and learning how to put on trade shows. Show information:; student information, Joe Schmidt,
(858) 496-8342. Open to the public.

28 -- "Spring into Health," 7:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Lincoln High School,
4777 Imperial Avenue (92113). Open house and information fair at the
school's health center for students and Lincoln families. Topics include
parenting, asthma, healthy lifestyles and violence prevention. Contact:
Kathy Ryan, school nurse, (619) 266-6502. Open to the public.

28 -- Longfellow Elementary Benefit, 6 p.m., Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos
Ave. (92110). Spring fundraiser for the neighborhood school, $10.
Contact: (619) 276-4206. Open to the public.

28 -- Solo and Ensemble Festival, all day, Oak Park Elementary School,
2606 54th St. (92105). Elementary, middle and high school students will
be performing at this free festival. Contact: Karen Childress-Evans,
Director, Visual and Performing Arts Program, (858) 539-5349. Open to
the public.

30 -- Open House, iHigh Virtual Academy, 1-3 p.m., Fremont Center, 2375
Congress St. Contact: Eileen Warrington Franco, (858) 496-8764. Open to
the public.


1 -- "Rhythms of the World, A Passport to Dance," 7 p.m., Valencia Park
Elementary School, 5880 Skyline Dr. (92114). The annual dance show from
the Dance and Drama Magnet School. Tickets: $3 adults, $1 children.
Information: Open to
the public.

* 1 -- Parent Presentation, "La Mujer, the Obstacles Affecting Women in
Our Community," 5-7 p.m., Lincoln High School, 4777 Imperial Avenue
(92113). Part of the school's parent outreach program, the seminar will
discuss issues including Health and sex education, healthy relationships
and the role of women today. Contact: Connie Velazquez-Moore, Parent
Coordinator, (619) 266-6561. Open to the public.

2-4: "The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940," San Diego School of Creative
and Performing Arts (SCPA) Florence Johnson Grand Theatre, 2425 Dusk
Drive (92139). See what happens when you cross an Agatha Christie
murder-mystery, a Neil Simon comedy and a Broadway musical flop! Tickets
are $8-$10 adults, $7-$9 for students, seniors and military.
Performances April 2-3 at 7 p.m. April 4 at 2 p.m. Box Office: (619)
475-8556 or Open to the public.

2 -- Parent Visit Day, Point Loma High School, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd.
(92106). Parents of new and potential Pt. Loma High students can visit
classrooms of their choice. Check in at the office. Contact: (619)
223-3121. Open to the public.

* 4 -- San Diego Science Festival Expo Day, Balboa Park. Culmination of
the month-long Science Festival event, students and teachers from San
Diego Unified will be participating. Information: Open to the public.

6-10 -- Spring Vacation. Schools closed; administrative offices open.

3-6 -- Architectural Ceramic Artist Peter King, San Diego School of
Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA), 2425 Dusk Drive (92139). 25
participants, led by King, will build large gateway installation on SCPA
campus. $150 per person fee. Register with Ms. Dee McMillen at
619/223-4120 or email Open to the public.

13 -- Open House, iHigh Virtual Academy, 1-3 p.m., Mount Everest
Academy, 4350 Mt. Everest Blvd. Contact: Eileen Warrington Franco, (858)
496-8764. Open to the public.

14 -- Board of Education meeting, 5 p.m., Eugene Brucker Education
Center, 4100 Normal Street. Agenda and future schedules available at Open to the public.

14 -- San Diego National College Fair, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., San Diego
Convention Center, 111 W. Harbor Dr. (92101). Representatives from
universities and colleges from around the nation will meet with
prospective students. Contact: 703/836-2222 ext 127. Open to the public.

15 -- District Advisory Council for Compensatory Education Programs,
6:30 p.m., Harold J. Ballard Parent Center at Fremont Elementary School,
2375 Congress Ave. (92110). Parents, staff and community leaders consult
with the Board of Education and district staff on behalf of Title I
compensatory education program participants. Information: Program
Monitoring Department, (858) 496-4048. Open to the public.

16 -- San Diego Unified Surplus Property Auction, 9 a.m. preview,
auction 10:30 a.m., San Diego Unified School District Supply Center
Yard, 2351 Cardinal Lane (92123). Miscellaneous obsolete, no parts
available, and beyond economical repair furniture and equipment will be
for sale. $200 cash deposit required to bid. Contact: Rose Gustafson,
Manager of Materiel Control, (858) 522-5850 or;
auction conducted by Anstead's Auctioneers and Associates, (619)
233-3148. Open to the public.

21-24 -- "Closing the Achievement Gap": Third Annual Title I Parent
(ESEA) Training Conference, Parent/Community Coordinator Training, Bahia
Hotel, 998 West Mission Bay Drive (92109). Sponsored by the California
Advisory on Education Events and the San Diego County Title I Parents
Association, conference topics include parent training and involvement.
Contact: Diane Haney, (619) 822-4382 or Open to
the public.

13 -- Open House, iHigh Virtual Academy, 1-3 p.m., Fremont Center, 2375
Congress St. Contact: Eileen Warrington Franco, (858) 496-8764. Open to
the public.

28 -- Board of Education meeting, 5 p.m., Eugene Brucker Education
Center, 4100 Normal Street. Agenda and future schedules available at Open to the public.


1 -- Education Center Annual Spring Craft Fair, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Eugene
Brucker Education Center, 4100 Normal St., Annex 9, Testing Room
(92103). Talented district artisans will have their art and handicrafts
for sale. Contact: Elaine Lindberg, (619) 725-7104. Shopping is open to
the public.

5 -- Teacher of the Year Celebration, time and location to be announced.
Honoring San Diego Unified's outstanding individual teachers for the
2008-09 school year. Open to the public.

6-8 -- Drama Showcase, 7 p.m., Ole Kittleson Little Theatre, San Diego
School of Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA), 2425 Dusk Drive (92139).
Drama students showcase their individual strong points as performers in
an eclectic array of musical numbers, monologues, and dramatic scenes in
a show for the whole family. Tickets are $7 for adults, $6 for students,
seniors and military. Box office: (619) 475- 8556 or go to Open to the public.

7 -- District English Learner Advisory Committee, 6:30 p.m., Harold J.
Ballard Parent Center at Fremont Elementary School, 2375 Congress Ave.
(92110). Committee includes representatives from each school's English
Learner Advisory Committee, a school-based committee required if there
are more than 21 English Learners at that school. Information: Office of
Language Acquisition, (619) 725-7264. Open to the public.

* 7 -- End-of-Year Community Recognition Event, 4-6 p.m., SeaWorld.
Annual event recognizing district partners in education and volunteers.
Contact: Janet Delaney, community relations director, (619) 725-5593.
Not open to the public.

12 -- Board of Education meeting, 5 p.m., Eugene Brucker Education
Center, 4100 Normal Street. Agenda and future schedules available at Open to the public.

13 -- Junior Recorder Festival, 9:30 a.m. instruction; 11:15 a.m.
concert, De Portola Middle School, 11010 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (92124).
The day begins with period recorder and dance instruction, followed by a
concert with students from throughout the district. Contact: Karen
Childress-Evans, Director, Visual and Performing Arts Program, (858)
539-5349. Open to the public.

13 -- District Advisory Council for Compensatory Education Programs,
6:30 p.m., Harold J. Ballard Parent Center at Fremont Elementary School,
2375 Congress Ave. (92110). Parents, staff and community leaders consult
with the Board of Education and district staff on behalf of Title I
compensatory education program participants. Information: Program
Monitoring Department, (858) 496-4048. Open to the public.

*15 -- Whitman School 50th Anniversary Celebration, 5 p.m., Whitman
Elementary School, 4050 Appleton St. (92117). PTA-sponsored event to
mark a half-century of education excellence. They're looking for old
photos and other material. Contact: Open to
the public.

16 -- Bay Park Western Carnival Extravaganza, 3-7 p.m., Bay Park
Elementary School, 2433 Denver St. (92110). 2433 Denver St. (92110).
PTA-sponsored school fundraiser offers fun for all. Contact: Bay Park
PTA via the school, (619) 276-1471. Open to the public.

19 -- Classified Employee of the Year Celebration, time and location to
be announced. Honoring San Diego Unified's outstanding individual
non-teaching workers for the 2008-09 school year. Open to the public.

19-21 -- Spring Music Concert, 7 p.m., San Diego School of Creative and
Performing Arts (SCPA) Florence Johnson Grand Theatre, 2425 Dusk Drive
(92139). Featured are all levels of choral and instrumental talent, from
"up-and-comers" to award-winning ensembles. Tickets are $8-$10 adults,
$7-$9 for students, senior and military. Box office: (619) 475- 8556 or
go to Open to the public.

21 -- 50th Anniversary Celebration, Cubberley Elementary School, 4:30
p.m., Cubberley Elementary School, 3201 Marathon Dr. (92123). Alumni,
friends and current families will celebrate a half-century at the Serra
Mesa school. Contact: Maria Edwards,, or (619)
517-9358. Open to the public.

25 -- Memorial Day, all schools and offices closed.

27 -- GATE Distinguished Lecture Series with Eric Jensen, 7 p.m.,
Auditorium, Eugene Brucker Education Center, 4100 Normal Street (92103).
Jensen, author of "Parenting the Gifted Brain," is the guest speaker at
this lecture series, sponsored by the Gifted and Talented Education
Department. The series gives the community a chance to hear and meet
experts in the field of gifted education. Contact: GATE Department,
(858) 573-5998. Open to the public.


4-6 -- Spring Dance Concert, 7 p.m., San Diego School of Creative and
Performing Arts (SCPA) Florence Johnson Grand Theatre, 2425 Dusk Drive
(92139). Showcasing SCPA's Dance Ensembles as well as intermediate and
new dancers, and pre-majors in a variety of different styles including
ballet, tap, jazz, modern, and musical theatre. Tickets are $8-$10
adults, $7-$9 for students, senior and military. Box office: (619) 475-
8556 or go to Open to the public.

4 -- District English Learner Advisory Committee, 6:30 p.m., Harold J.
Ballard Parent Center at Fremont Elementary School, 2375 Congress Ave.
(92110). Committee includes representatives from each school's English
Learner Advisory Committee, a school-based committee required if there
are more than 21 English Learners at that school. Information: Office of
Language Acquisition, (619) 725-7264. Open to the public.

10 -- District Advisory Council for Compensatory Education Programs,
6:30 p.m., Harold J. Ballard Parent Center at Fremont Elementary School,
2375 Congress Ave. (92110). Parents, staff and community leaders consult
with the Board of Education and district staff on behalf of Title I
compensatory education program participants. Information: Program
Monitoring Department, (858) 496-4048. Open to the public.

15 -- Traditional Calendar Last Day of School.


3 -- Independence Day Observed, all schools and administrative offices

21 -- Year-Round Calendar Last Day of School.


30-31 -- Crawford High Class of 1959 50th Reunion, Town and Country
Hotel, Mission Valley. Contacts: Sandra Craig Allen, (951) 301-7098;
Alice James McCapes, (951) 306-7706.


Thursday: de Portola Middle School Farmers Market, 3-7 p.m., 11010
Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (92124). Information: (858) 272-7054. Open to the

Saturday: Scripps Ranch Farmers Market and Art Festival, 9 a.m. to 1
p.m., Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School, 11778 Cypress Canyon Rd.
(92131). (92131). Contact: Bev Cassity, (858) 586-7933,, or visit Open to the public.

Sunday: La Jolla Elementary Open Air Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., La Jolla
Elementary School, 1111 Marine St., La Jolla (92037). Proceeds benefit
La Jolla Elementary School. Market hotline, (858) 454-1699. Web site: Open to the public.

Notes to editors and reporters

-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to

-- FAXes: Do you still want faxes of this to your newsroom? Want faxes
but aren't receiving them? Send an e-mail to and let
us know.

-- Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, Superintendent Terry
Grier updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at
To sign up for the Friday Notes e-mail list, go to

-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to
cover, items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to
the public" means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not
something to list in an events calendar.

# # #

Jack Brandais
Media Relations
San Diego Unified School District
(619) 725-5570 (desk)
(619) 607-0477 (cell)

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