Monday, August 10, 2020

San Diego Unified begins distribution of 10, 000 digital thermometers donated by Kinsa


Today San Diego Unified began the distribution of 10,000 digital thermometers that were donated to the district by Kinsa. The thermometers were available at 5 different schools during our daily food distribution. Attached below is a link to a Google Drive folder containing a link to B Roll from the distribution today at Porter Elementary, in addition to an interview with a San Diego Unified school nurse.

Here is a little background information:

* 10,000 Kinsa Thermometers have been donated to us to be distributed to families
* Dates for the distribution are (today) Monday August 10, and Monday August 24
* Thermometers were handed out at 5 school/food distribution locations, including: Ibarra Elementary, Clark Middle, Porter Elementary (location of video/interview), Audubon K-8 and Memorial Middle from 11am-1pm.
* The donation intends to get safety products in to the hands of our families so they can monitor illness in their households during our closure and beyond.

Google Drive link:

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