-- October 7, 2011
Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the
campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check
out the calendar on the front of the district website at www.sandi.net.
For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to
www.sandi.net/meetingcalendar. Those meetings might not be included in
this listing.
8 -- Southeastern X-Fest Showcases Schools, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Charles L.
Lewis III Skate Park, 6610 Potomac St. (92139). The San Diego Police
Department (Southeastern Division¹s Juvenile Service Team) invites the
community to the Southeastern X-Fest. The event will showcase local high
schools dance teams, sports, activities, community resources, and live
music at no cost for admission, and there will be food available from
vendors at the location. The goal is to promote public safety by exposing
the youth to safe, healthy, and legal activities that can be a positive
part of their daily lives. More information: Gerardo Serrano San Diego
Police Department Juvenile Services, Southeastern Division 7222 Skyline
Drive San Diego CA 92114 (619) 527-3518 gserrano@pd.sandiego.gov
8 Stand Up for Your Child, 9:30 a.m. Porter North Elementary School, 445
S. 47th St. (92113). Learn how to be the best advocate for your child,
what important issues are affecting your child's education and what you
can do in the Stand Up for Your Child, Parent Advocacy Training and
Educational Consultation Clinic, Presented by the Parental Readiness and
Empowerment Program, a project of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
Under Law. Contact: (619) 293-4431. Open to the public.
10 -- Zhenjiang University Arts Troupe, 5 p.m., Barnard Elementary School,
2930 Barnard St. (92110). Group will be performing and sharing the rich
cultural heritage of China with students and families. Contact: Eddie
Park, Principal, (619) 224-3306. Open to the public.
* 10 -- Madison Community of Schools meeting, 7:30 p.m., Madison High
School, 4833 Dolvia Dr. (92117). Parents, students, community members and
staff are all invited. Clusters are a pre-Kindergarten through grade 12
community of schools with established feeder patterns. Within these
communities of schools, there are specific needs and interests that are
both common and unique to the cluster. Clusters include staff, parents,
students and community members. Contact: Richard Nash, principal, Madison
High, rnash@sandi.net. Open to the public.
* 11 -- La Jolla Cluster Association meeting, 4:15 p.m., Muirlands Middle
School, 1056 Nautilus St. (92037). Parents, students, community members
and staff are all invited. Clusters are a pre-Kindergarten through grade
12 community of schools with established feeder patterns. Within these
communities of schools, there are specific needs and interests that are
both common and unique to the cluster. Clusters include staff, parents,
students and community members. Contact: John May,
info@lajollacluster.com. Open to the public.
* 12 -- Building Blocks of Reading and Writing from Parent University, 10
a.m., Ballard Parent Center, 2375 Congress St. Class runs Oct 12 to Dec 7
2011. Information: Derri Ironfield, dironfield@sandi.net, 619-293-4431.
Open to the public.
* 12 -- Computer Basics Level 1 from Parent University, 10 a.m., Ballard
Parent Center, 2375 Congress St. Class runs Oct 12 to Dec 7 2011.
Information: Derri Ironfield, dironfield@sandi.net, 619-293-4431. Open to
the public.
* 12 -- Parents Growing Together from Parent University, 10 a.m., Ballard
Parent Center, 2375 Congress St. Class runs Oct 12 to Dec 7 2011.
Information: Derri Ironfield, dironfield@sandi.net, 619-293-4431. Open to
the public.
* 13 -- Project Ujima - Strengthening African American Families, 5:30
p.m., Tubman/Chavez Multicultural Center, 415 N. Euclid Ave. (92114). Join
us every second and fourth Thursdays at the Tubman/Chavez Multicultural
Center for interactive, exciting workshops designed to strengthen African
American parent involvement in their children's education. The workshops
are open to all ethnicities, and are positive and empowering, seeking to
improve the academic, social, and behavioral environment within the family
and community. Workshops are culturally focused, have a complimentary
dinner, free childcare, a homework station, Spanish translation, door
prizes, and are all provided at NO COST TO YOU! Contact: Elnenda Shannon,
eshannon@sandi.net, 619-293-4431. Open to the public.
* 17 -- Morse Cluster Meeting, 6 p.m., Morse High School, 6905 Skyline Dr.
(92114). Parents, students, community members and staff are all invited.
Clusters are a pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 community of schools with
established feeder patterns. Within these communities of schools, there
are specific needs and interests that are both common and unique to the
cluster. Clusters include staff, parents, students and community members.
Contact: Dora Maher, dmaher@sandi.net. Open to the public.
* 19 -- Scripps Ranch High School Cluster Meeting, 4:30 p.m., Scripps
Ranch High School, 10410 Treena St. (92131). Parents, students, community
members and staff are all invited. Clusters are a pre-Kindergarten through
grade 12 community of schools with established feeder patterns. Within
these communities of schools, there are specific needs and interests that
are both common and unique to the cluster. Clusters include staff,
parents, students and community members. Contact: Ann Mena, Principal,
(858) 621-9020. Open to the public.
* 20 -- Great California Shakeout, at schools throughout the district.
Contact Jack Brandais if you are interested in covering; 619-725-5570.
20 -- ³Building Healthy Communities,² 6 p.m., Lincoln High School, 4777
Imperial Ave. (92113). The Community Wellness program presents: James P.
Comer, MD, MPH, a nationally renowned child psychiatrist, will discuss
promoting collaboration among parents, educators and the community to
improve social, emotional and academic outcomes for students. Sponsored by
the Lincoln High School Youth Health Council and UCSD Center for Community
Well-Being. Contact: lincolnhighschoolyhc@gmail.com. Free and open to the
22 -- Miramar Ranch Elementary School Halloween Carnival, noon 5 p.m.,
10770 Red Cedar Drive, (92131). 38th annual Halloween Carnival featuring
Games, Costume Contest (K-5th), Cake Walk, Haunted House, Popular Food
Trucks, Sand Art, Used Book Sale, Music and Dancing. Contact: Robert
Hasson, hassonjr@san.rr.com. Free and open to the public.
24 -- Mira Mesa Cluster School Meeting, 6 p.m., Mira Mesa High School
Library - 10510 Reagan Rd. (92126). Meeting of schools and community: Mira
Mesa High School, Challenger and Wangenheim middle schools, Ericson, Hage,
Hickman, Mason, Sandburg and Walker elementary schools. Contact: Bob
Turner, bturner4@san.rr.com. Open to the public.
24-28 -- Red Ribbon Week marked at schools throughout the district. An
important part of each year¹s drug education programs. Contact Jack
Brandais for coverage, (619) 725-5570.
5 -- Curie Elementary School Craft Fair, 4080 Governor Drive (92122).
Curie¹s 33rd Annual PTA Holiday Craft Fair is famous for its variety of
homemade items. Information: Kristen at kwebbproperties@hotmail.com or
call (619) 723-0304. Open to the public.
* 16 -- 14th Annual Garfield High School Thanksgiving Luncheon,
# # #
Notes to editors and reporters:
To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to
Friday Notes Online: Each Friday afternoon, the superintendent's office
updates district staff and community on a variety of issues. The
newsletter is posted online at www.sandi.net/fridaynotes.
# # #
Jack Brandais
Communications Department
San Diego Unified School District
(619) 725-5570 (Desk)
(619) 607-0477 (Cell)
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