Friday, November 9, 2018

Media Advisory from the San Diego Unified School District

MEDIA ADVISORY: San Diego Unified School District Veterans Day Weekend Enrollment Options Fair

WHAT: Enrollment Options Fair

WHEN: Saturday, Nov.10, 2018, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WHERE: Enrollment Options Center Annex 12 4100 Normal Street, San Diego CA 92103 – The Enrollment Options Center is located on the west side of the Eugene Brucker Education Center along Campus Avenue, next to Birney Elementary School. 

DETAILS: Is your child passionate about the arts, science, math, language? San Diego Unified's specialized education programs might be a good fit for your family! As the final stretch of the "choice window" approaches, the enrollment options center will hold an Enrollment Options Fair on Veterans Day weekend.

This will be the final weekend before the choice window closes, providing an opportunity for families to stop by on a Saturday for personalized assistance. All members of the community are invited to take advantage of the weekend fair and find out what San Diego Unified has to offer. The event will include assistance for military families, bilingual enrollment assistance in Spanish, early-childhood education and Pre-K application assistance, and personalized one-on-one consultations.

Media Contact: Communications Director Maureen Magee 619-381-7930

On-Site Contact: Marceline Marques  619-260-2410
