Student Led Rally for Reproductive Rights
May 10, 2022
The recent revelation that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade has stunned many, including young people who simply do not know what will happen if the landmark ruling for human rights is overturned. People who are school age weren't alive before abortion was legalized. For the duration of their lifetime, reproductive rights have been, at least in theory, basic human rights. Now it's not so clear. Students must know the resources that still remain, particularly the low income and students of color who will be disproportionately impacted. Student engagement needs to be a huge part of this fight for safe and unbiased reproductive care.
WHAT: Students and advocacy groups will come together to rally in support of reproductive rights and inform fellow students of what the district is doing to protect students rights and access to important resources, particularly regarding the resolution that will be voted on during the Board meeting to follow.
WHO: Student equity ambassadors, reproductive rights advocates, and students from schools throughout the city
WHEN: Tuesday, May 10 at 4p.m.
WHERE: Eugene Brucker Education Center - 4100 Normal St., San Diego
Zoë Geller-Alford
(Event Organizer)