Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District, March 3, 2015

MEDIA ADVISORY -- Media Calendar from the San Diego Unified School District, March 3, 2015


Your coverage is invited of any of the following upcoming events on the campuses of the San Diego Unified School District. For more items, check out the calendar on the front of the district website at www.sandi.net.


Please note that if items are listed as "not open to the public," that means accredited members of the media are invited, but the general public is not. These are generally items during the school day.


*Indicates new items added since last week.


For a calendar of noticed public meetings, go to www.sandi.net/meetingcalendar. Those meetings might not be included in this listing.




*4 -- Read Across America Day, 9:45-11:30 a.m., Franklin Elementary STEAM Magnet, 4481 Copeland Avenue (92116). Activities include guest readers, school tour, writing activities, a Dr. Seuss Parade and student picnic. Not Open to the Public. Contact: Principal Magdalena Tavasci at (619) 344-3040 or mtavasci@sandi.net.


*4 -- Skype Interview with Arun Gandhi, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Oak Park Elementary School, 2606 54th St. (92105). Students will conduct the interview with Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mohandas Gandhi. He lived with his grandfather as a young teenager and subsequently spent his lifetime around the pursuit of social justice. Not Open to the Public. Contact: Mick Rabin, teacher, at (619) 985-5608 or mrabin@sandi.net .


4 -- Read Across America Celebration, 12:30 – 2 p.m., Rosa Parks Elementary School, 4510 Landis St., (92105). The City Heights elementary school will host a carnival and a free book giveaway for children. Not open to the public. Contact: Linda Zintz, communications director, at (619) 725-5578 or lzintz@sandi.net.


4 -- Read Across America Family Literacy Night, 5-7:15 p.m., Field Elementary School, The Clairemont neighborhood school will have a professional storyteller presenting to a large group and then break-out small group participation, local public librarian visitor, take-home craft, family reading room, take-home literacy information packet for parents, and a book giveaway for all children. Not Open to the Public. Contact:  Linda Zintz, communications director, at (619) 725-5578 or lzintz@sandi.net.


*4 -- “Indoctrinated” Screening and Panel Discussion, 6-8 p.m., Lincoln High School Performing Arts Center, 4777 Imperial (92113). The film, documentary about sex trafficking in San Diego County, teaches parents and youth what to look for and the tactics used by pimps, predators and gangs. Free. Parental discretion advised due to explicit content. Contact:  Andrea Thrower at athrower@sandi.net or (619) 262-0316.


*5 -- Mission Bay Cluster Meeting, 6-7:30 p.m., Pacific Beach Elementary, 1234 Tourmaline Street (92109). Contact:  Maria Mikus, Cluster President, at missionbaycluster@gmail.com .


*7 -- 2015 Partnership Honor Choir Concert K-12, 7-8:30 p.m., College Avenue Baptist Church, 4747 College Avenue (92115). Concert will feature students from throughout San Diego County. Open to the public. $5 charge at the door. Contact: Kyoko Miura at (858) 256-2703 or kmiura@sandi.net .


*9 -- Madison Cluster Meeting, 5-6:30 p.m., Madison High School, Room 101, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). Contact Principal Richard Nash at rnash@sandi.net .


*9 -- Lincoln Cluster Meeting, 6-7:30 p.m., Porter Elementary North, 445 South 47th St. (92113). Contact: Philip Liburd, Chairperson, at tupride619@yahoo.com


*10 – 10th Annual Deaf & Hard of Hearing College and Career Transition Fair, 6-8 p.m., Madison High School, 4833 Doliva Drive (92117). Fair sponsored by the district's Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program and Buchanan Parsons Trust. Thirty plus college and agency vendors onsite as well as other resource information and materials. Complementary dinner provided. Contact:  Fran Knell at (858) 496-8410, ext. 2230 or fknell@sandi.net.


*11 -- Morse Cluster Meeting, 5:30-7 p.m., Zamorano Fine Arts Academy, 2655 Casey St. (92139). Contact: Joann Fields, Chairperson, at MorseCluster@sandi.net 


*12 -- Kearny Cluster Meeting, 4:30-6 p.m., Kearny High Complex Room 301, 7651 Wellington St. (92111). Contact Joe Frescatore, Co-chair, at jfrescatore@sandi.net .


*13 -- 9th District PTA Reflections Art Reception, 6-8 p.m., San Diego County Office of Education, 6401 Linda Vista Road (92111). Art from students across the county will be performed and on display, including: dance choreography, literature, music composition, photography, film production and visual arts. This year’s theme is “The world would be a better place if…”  Contact: Debbie Vincent at debbie.pta@gmail.com .


*15 -- 2015 Middle School Instrumental Honor Concert, 7-9 p.m., Point Loma Nazarene University, Brown Chapel, 3900 Lomaland Drive (92106). Concert of middle school students from throughout the San Diego Unified School District.  There will be a band and orchestra performance. Free, open to the public.  Contact:  Mark Nicholson at (858) 256-2702 or  mnicholson@sandi.net .

March 30 - April 3 -- Spring Break for all schools on traditional calendar. Classes resume on Monday, April 6, 2015. 


March 30 – April 24 -- Spring Break for all schools on year-round calendar. Classes resume on Monday, April 27.


-- To receive news releases by e-mail from San Diego Unified, go to http://sandi.net/comm/media/signup/ .


-- To separate public events from school functions we'd like you to cover, items open to the public are now labeled as such. "Not open to the public" means that you're welcome to cover it, but it's not something to list in an events calendar or announce to the public.


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