Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Press Release: San Diego International Sister Cities To Host First Annual “Balboa Cup” All Stars Soccer Tournament Between San Diego And Tijuana - Aug. 15, 16

Your coverage is invited at both the Tijuana (Aug. 15) and San Diego (Aug. 16) games. Students from multiple San Diego schools (including Hoover High) will be participating.  







Contact: Tim Stiven

Cell: 760-829-7100




San Diego CA- The San Diego International Sister Cities and the Tijuana, BC, Sister Cities Associations' will host a binational Sister City All Stars Soccer tournament between San Diego and Tijuana.  The San Diego Sister Cities International Association (SanDISCA) will host its first annual international Sister City Soccer Tournament August 15 and 16, 2018 between San Diego, CA, USA and Tijuana, BC, Mexico. This tournament will feature high school boys and girl's teams from San Diego and Tijuana selected by their coaches. All games will be open to the public on both sides of the border.  Also, we are looking forward to welcoming International Major League Soccer and United States national team member, Landon Donovan to help cheer on our teams on August 16. 


"This youth sports event is another way that we can break down barriers between people through sport diplomacy," said Dr Mike McQuary, SanDISCA Board Chair and San Diego School Board member. Councilmember Ivette Casillas, Tijuana City Council added, "Sports is another language for understanding, cultural exchange and strengthening friendship bonds".


The Balboa Cup soccer tournament opening ceremony is scheduled for August 15, 2018 at 9:00 am at the Tijuana-Lazaro Cardenas Federal High School located at Paseo de los Heroes 11161, Urban Zone Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, BC, Mexico and day two will kick off on August 16, 2018, at 9:00 am at the San Diego-Balboa Stadium, San Diego High School 1450 Russ Blvd. San Diego, California.  


The CrossBorder Xpress (CBX), the pedestrian bridge that links San Diego and the Tijuana International Airport, joins the binational celebration by helping the children in need in Tijuana. During the tournament, CBX will present an in-kind donation to Bridge to the Future Foundation, an organization that protects Tijuana's youth from drug and violence through immersive soccer programs.

We are extremely proud to sponsor this tournament and the binational cooperation between Tijuana and San Diego," said Jorge Goytortua, CEO of CBX. "We hope our collaboration with SanDISCA and the Bridge to the Future Foundation delivers lasting change and helps build a better life for kids and their families in local communities. Supporting our communities is part of our commitment as an organization.


For more information about the Balboa Cup please visit www.sdscas.org or for more information about the San Diego Sister cities please visit go to www.SANDISCA.org.


Additional information:

President Eisenhower started Sister Cities International in 1957 to promote peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation through arts, cultural, educational, trade, business, and educational exchanges and other projects - one individual, one community at a time. The City of San Diego has 16 official international Sister City relationships in 15 countries around the globe.